In God We Trust


By Maj. Gen. Jerry R. Curry (Ret'd)

A plumber installs a hot water heater that continuously leaks and is ruining your basement floor; an electrician installs a flood light that repeatedly shorts out, a carpenter installs a kitchen cabinet that keeps falling off the wall. When questioned about it, all three workers say the same thing, “Only after we started working on the job did we discover what terrible shape these things were in. Believe us when we tell you that no one could have done any better at fixing them up than we have done. If you just give us four more years, you can trust that we will have everything working perfectly for you.”

How many of us would agree to give these workmen four more years in our homes in which to correct the faults they have created? None of us would. Yet, that is exactly what the Obama Administration asks “We the People” to agree to. Having allowed government spending to get totally out of control, having increased the national debt to obscene levels, having destroyed the nation’s economy and its job market, having damaged the nation’s international reputation almost beyond recovery and repair, Obama now asks America’s citizens to reelect him in November, to give him four more years in which to repair the damages that he and his minions have done to our nation.

If he is reelected and our future follows along the same path as his first four years in office, he will continue to increase the number of American citizens unemployed and the number of those who are dependent on government handouts for their life and welfare. At the same time he will mobilize into a quasi-army those who are dependent on government entitlements and use them as a battering ram to beat down, undermine and destroy our organization and structures of government and avenues of legitimate political power.

Left to his own devices Obama will continue to increase the numbers of families eligible for food stamps, health care, and other government handouts. He is already turning them into a permanent and violent under class, which eventually will only be controllable by dictatorial brute force. The nation’s other citizens will be forced to turn to the government for their safety and the maintenance of law and order in their neighborhoods and on their city streets, much as is currently happening in Europe. This will make the presidency all the more powerful. There will no longer be three co-equal branches of government.

Which appears to be exactly where Obama is leading the nation. He is amassing overwhelming power for himself and his Administration. So much so that eventually “We the People” will be unable to resist it. To Obama government policies are unimportant. That is why he skips important meetings and instead goes golfing. The hard work of governing, of running the nation bores him.

And that is why he encourages so much overspending. He knows that continually exceeding the nation’s budget and debt ceiling will eventually destroy the underpinnings of the nation’s economy. So why does he do or allow it to be done? He does it because he intends to bankrupt the United States and to destroy its financial and economic system and footing. That is his goal, his aim.

To the American people our government -- up until Obama -- has always been a friend. It has always looked out for the best interests of its citizens. For the most part it has been clear about what it intends to accomplish; it specifies concrete goals, objectives, plans and time frames. Then it goes to work meeting them and getting the job done, right and on time; doing the nation’s business and taking care of the American people. Underlying its actions have always been spread a carpet of common decency and integrity and a foundation of morality. That is the narrative our nation and its people are accustomed to -- and deserve.

To Obama all this is unimportant and whether the government and the nation have a historical or moral basis for their actions is irrelevant. All that matters is what the results turn out to be. Did the program or policy result in the government amassing more power? If it did, then it was successful even if the public had to be misled and lied to in order to bring it about. Was the final result that the American people are more beholden to the government for entitlement handouts? Yes, then it was a good program or policy even if it was created through ruthless conniving and deception. To Obama a program is a success as long as it advances one of his causes such as debt creation and overspending which leads to the destruction of the American economy.

That is where four more years of Obama as President will take us. Only “We the People” can prevent it – at the ballot box in November. It is not a question of whether we are Democrats or Republicans. It is a question of whether we are Americans.