In God We Trust



By Michael Connelly

                        They bill themselves as the Occupy Wall Street movement, and they claim to be a new wave of outraged Americans. Yet, in my view there is nothing new about them. They are camping out in public places in various locations around the country smoking dope, singing protest songs, screaming obscenities at anyone who disagrees with them, and spitting on men and women who proudly wear the uniform of the United States military.

            It is all eerily reminiscent of the late 1960s and early 1970s when you had the hippies, and the antiwar protesters banding together in the streets and on college campuses in order to disrupt the lives of ordinary Americans. In the turbulent 1960s the protesters were demanding an end to the war, the end of capitalism, and a redistribution of wealth. In other words, they wanted to take everything away from Americans who work for a living and give it to those who preferred not to work.

            Now, we have this current band of protesters who are demanding that we end the war on terrorism, that we let the government take complete control of our economy, and that everyone be entitled to a living wage whether they work or not. So, who are these people? Well, in the 1960s they were mostly spoiled rich kids who never had to work in their lives and whose parents were paying for their college educations. There were also the far left college professors and the committed radicals from both the Socialist and Communist parties.

            This 21st century group of protesters is basically a new generation of the same type of people. I can remember attempting in vain to speak to the campus protesters in the 60s in order to find out what they really wanted and what they believed. I quickly learned that it was impossible to carry on a coherent conversation with most of them. They were protesting a war that many of them knew nothing about. In fact they couldn't even find Vietnam on a world map. They were also protesting the economic system when they were clueless about how it worked.

            They spoke mostly in platitudes and clichés, and you could tell they were simply parroting what they were being told by their college professors, leaders of various far left groups, or the liberal news media. It was virtually impossible for them to produce an original thought on their own. I can remember one young woman that I was debating on a local radio show that actually shouted at me to stop confusing her with the facts about the Vietnam War.

            Today, when I watch the protesters being interviewed on television, I'm hearing the same tiresome rhetoric that I heard back then. They sound like good little androids that have been programmed by their masters in universities, in the far left media, and in unions like the NEA and the SEIU to repeat what they are told and under no circumstances engage in independent thought.

            Unfortunately, this new group is being led by well-financed and well-organized individuals and organizations that believe the time has come to destroy the United States. They include Communists, Socialists, and radical Islamists. They are being aided and abetted in their quest by the liberal media, and are being encouraged and applauded by Barrack Obama and Nancy Pelosi.

            It is past time for the American people to wake up and realize that our Constitution and our way of life are being seriously threatened. In fact, in many ways we are already an occupied nation. The President of the United States continues to shred the Constitution and assume dictatorial powers. He openly boasts of the fact that he is bypassing Congress, and enacting laws despite the fact that the Constitution has established a balance of powers in the federal government that was designed to keep that very thing from happening. By using a combination of executive orders and rules and regulations issued by various departments under his control, Obama is killing jobs, destroying the free enterprise economic system, and opening our borders to illegal immigrants, potential terrorists, and drug runners. In addition, he is using his office to dictate new laws and regulations that are robbing the American people of the God-given rights protected by the Bill of Rights in the Constitution.

            He is also looting the U.S. Treasury and using taxpayer money to reward those individuals and companies that support his actions. Of course, that is illegal, but is being covered up by the mainstream news media. In fact, virtually everything that Obama is doing is illegal and unconstitutional and a clear violation of his oath of office. Yet, there seems to be no great outcry from the American people.

            Perhaps, that is because so many people have never read the Constitution, were not really talked about it in school, or just don't understand what it means. That is why, the nonprofit Corporation I formed, the Constitutional Law Alliance, has just released a pocket-sized booklet that sets out the Constitution and has comments after each section and amendment that explain what they each mean. The booklet is available at

            We would like to have this booklet widely distributed prior to the upcoming 2012 election. Please consider buying copies and handing them out to your friends and neighbors or making a donation to help us provide the booklet to students and others at a reduced price. It is important for Americans to understand what we're losing.

Michael Connelly