In God We Trust

Welcome to Indian Country



By David Yeagley


The Republicans have campaigned not on morality, but on prosperity. It was money over morality. Conservatives agreed.


And so the America you once loved is no longer. The country you believed in, lived for, and loved everything about, has passed into history. Let me be the first to welcome you all to Indian Country!


Indians know what it’s like to live in the past. Now you American patriots will know. You’re on an ideological reservation now, and soon, perhaps, you’ll be on an economic–or even geographic reservation.


If the Republicans erred, it was in their failure to emphasize the basic moral issues of the country. They left the door to moral abandonment wide open when they allowed an alien free access to American political life–even to the White House. No one has pursued the truth, not sufficiently, and a alien, lying anti-American has been given free reign to wreck the country. More than half the people loved him.


The Republicans allowed crime after crime to go unpunished, since the Clintons. Ultimately, a lying murderer occupies the Oval Office.


But, rather than having the courage to call out sin by its name, the Republicans chose to talk about the economy. That was the most important issue. And conservatives apparently agreed. That was safe. That was politically correct. That was non-offensive. That was non-religious. That was about dreams, hopes, prosperity, and other high-minded notions of reality.


The truth is, none part of the American dream can happen when the foundation is lies, crime, and total fraud at the root. This Obama, his administration, and all his supporters. Profound social delusion, it is. But not so mysterious. The false reality evolved through wrong values. “Whatever it takes,” Al Gore used to say.

And so the triumph of sin looms before us, at 10:15 p.m., Central Time. (This piece was begun at 10:06 p.m.) Sin. Wrong doing. Transgression of the express will of God, just like in Eden. The Fall continues. It’s that simple.


A great horror lies ahead for the United States, and for the world. Sin ultimately meets its end, as do all who participate in it.


Benghazi was the nation’s last warning. It was unheeded. The Republican leadership decided to talk about money, about prosperity, rather than call Obama on his cowardly murder of Americans.


This failure to reprove sin has to be the only explanation for why so many people in the country are so blind. Mass of people in New York and New Jersey, in devastated conditions, without the basic necessities of life, still voted for the lying murderer in the White House. Thus, we see the result of failure to name sin.


I don’t normally write this religiously, this fundamentally. But, I have a deep feeling that America is lost now. Oh, the buildings will remain. The roads, the land, even Washington, DC. But, the country is gone, forever. America is passed.


What is the new name of the new social entity? Fraud. The country of Falsehood, where lies rule. But it won’t stand. More storms will come, until the social entity is reduced to total desperation. And then the leaders and people will not know what to do. They have forsaken the truth, and are left to their own delusions. Simple as that. A horrific future, indeed.


Indians never had it this bad. It is a cursed reservation that awaits the patriots. I’m sorry for this. I grieve for this, but, it appears on immediate horizon. Perhaps one day the patriots will rise up again, and recreate America. Until then, I welcome you all to your Indian Country.