In God We Trust

A Classic Example of No-Class


By Debra Beatty


View From Over The Hill


September 24, Michelle Obama addressed the United Nations. She negated the USA. At first I was enraged. I asked, “How can a person who we call the First Lady do this terrible, low class, unheard of act?” She has no official standing in the government, she has not been elected to any position in the US government yet she insists that women are discriminated against in the United States of America. That is carrying BH Obama’s erroneous message that Republicans treat women as if they are beneath men, second class citizens. He is doing this to get the women to vote for him and his Democratic party. This is reminisce of Michelle Obama trying to dictate how children in America eat while she was acting like Miss Piggy.


The Obama’s will stop at nothing to spread their pack of lies. They do not know what playing fair means. They lack even basic ethics. The Obama’s have proven once again that they are no class parasites.


The Obama’s should be proud of serving the great nation of the United States of America and carry on the tradition set by previous Presidents and First Lady. Rather they enjoy frequent, extravagant, expensive vacations and engage in pampering themselves on the US tax payers money while they mouth how terrible this great nation is.

Michelle added that America has improved under BH Obama. She failed to elaborate on the unemployment rate, the many homeless Americans and the neglected Veterans. She did not tell anyone of the high number of people who survive on food stamps. She has tunnel vision.


I am not proud of the Obama’s. They have belittled America in the eyes of the world. They have demonstrated that they have no manners. They have no self honor.