In God We Trust



by Dr. Jack Wheeler  


That's the question and the bet of our day.  Conservatives and TeaPartyers bet yes, Democrats and moonbat moochers bet no.  The Republican Party establishment wants to bet yes but hasn't got the guts to go all in.

Understand this and you understand American politics today.  Who wins the bet determines America's future.

What made Americans Americans was their commitment - unrivaled in human history - to individual liberty.  This commitment was enshrined as the founding principle of America in the Declaration of Independence:

That every human being and specifically every American has a moral right endowed by his Creator, by what is required by his nature to be fully human, to his own personal life, his own personal liberty, and the pursuit of his own personal happiness - and that no government has the moral right or legitimate authority to violate this individual right.

Further, that the very purpose of government, what legitimized a government's very existence, was to secure and protect this individual right - and whenever a government becomes destructive of this right, those governed by it have a moral right to alter and abolish it. 

The Declaration of Independence is the most truly revolutionary document in political history.  It is the most profoundly moral  document as well.  And to confound the long line of philosophers who claim there is an unbridgeable abyss between moral behavior and pragmatic self-interested behavior, it is also the most practically successful document in history.  America's prosperity dwarfs any historical comparison.

The truth of America's founding principles were "self-evident" to the Americans who created our country.  They are no longer to an increasingly large fraction of Americans today.  The stated purpose and clear goal of Democrats is to increase that fraction.  The claimed purpose and alleged goal of Republicans is to reduce it.

For decades upon decades now, Americans on the whole have been slowly and progressively becoming less American, less independent and responsible for their own lives, more dependent on government programs and demanding of others to be responsible for them.

We have now reached the point where between 40 to 50% of people in this country are so unwilling to be responsible for their lives and freedom, so demanding of their supposed right to mooch off taxpayers, that they still maintain a firm support of a president who believes that God should damn America.

We have reached the point with the passage of ObamaCare that we are justified in terming those who continue to support President Zero and the Pelosi-Reid Democrat Party AINOs - Americans In Name Only.

In one sense, we can be glad that ObamaCare passed in the House last Sunday, March 21, and signed into law by President Zero two days later - because it forces the issue.  America must now choose between freedom or fascism, there is no other choice, nothing in-between.

"Give me liberty or give me death," proclaimed Patrick Henry in 1775.  "Live free or die," said Revolutionary War general John Stark, which New Hampshire adopted as its state motto.  That was a real choice at the birth of America.  Now it is again.

The next seven months are going to be the ugliest this country has experienced in our lifetimes.  Any and all opponents of ObamaCare will be branded as terrorists - indeed they are already.  The Democrats will look upon their ObamaCare victory as a template, and attempt to ram through via bribes and corruption passage of amnesty for illegals, a carbon tax, a VAT tax, and every other major item on their Marxist Fascist agenda.

Given the volcanic rage this will engender in so many people, it will be impossible for there not to be outbreaks and incidents of violence perpetrated upon Democrat politicians.  This is exactly what the Democrats want.  Their goal is to goad and provoke their opponents into violence so they can demonize them, so they can sic the FBI upon them.

It is going to take superhuman levels of self-control not to succumb to the temptation to take physical revenge upon the politicians and government personnel determined to destroy our country.  There has got to be an alternative to violence that people can see is effective - much more effective, in fact, than violence.

That alternative for immediate personal action is:  peaceful civil disobedience.  Following TTP's call for a Defund and Disobey movement,
Forbes Magazine is now quoting Ghandi - "civil disobedience becomes a sacred duty when the state has become lawless and corrupt" - and predicting the largest civil disobedience movement since the civil rights era.

There is one group of Americans who can lead this civil disobedience movement better than any other - and it's not the TeaPartyers.  It's doctors.  After all, they are the ones who are enslaved by the State to provide medical care according the State's edicts.  If they refuse to be so enslaved, if they refuse to obey the edicts of ObamaCare, there is no ObamaCare.

In the face of their enslavement, many doctors will "go Galt" - retire or quit practicing medicine. Others will meekly comply, becoming PINOs - Physicians In Name Only - to whom you should never trust your life and health.

But others will fight.  Like the group of
1,600 New Jersey physicians who are suing to overturn ObamaCare.  Like Linda Johnston, MD, who is refusing to submit her patients' records to insurance companies.

I am willing to bet there are tens of thousands of physicians and medical practitioners willing to join this fight.  Thus I propose they form an organization called Doctors Against Medical Fascism or DAMF.  I even bought the website names: and 

If you know any medical doctors or practitioners, please ask them to consider helping to organize DAMF.  If doctors take the lead in refusing to obey ObamaCare, millions will follow.

Millions of others will be bought off by ObamaCare's goodies and subsidies - like forcing insurance companies to insure their kids with pre-existing illness, or getting a Medicare rebate of $250 for prescription drugs - just like Bart Stupak's deciding vote was bought for $800K in handouts to his district.

Back in 2005, I wrote
Infantilizomania.  It argued that liberals possessed a neurotic compulsion to treat adults as children.  It's worth re-reading now.  Infantilizomania is the Democrats' path to power - because so many voters are willing to be infantilized.

This has got to stop, one way or another.  And it will, one way or another, on November 2nd.   Ronald Reagan won the Cold War because he decided his strategy towards the Soviet Union was not appeasement but "We win, they lose."

We have got to decide that on November 2nd, Americans win, AINOs lose.  Here is the full page ad in every newspaper and on every TV channel in the country we should demand to see:


1.  To be free to make your own life?


2.  To have the government take care of your life?

If you answered Yes to #1, you are a Republican
If you answered Yes to #2, you are a Democrat


1.  That you are responsible for your own life?


2.  That other people (taxpayers) are responsible for your life?

If you answered Yes to #1, you are a Republican
If you answered Yes to #2, you are a Democrat

It's That Simple - Vote Accordingly

Paid for by the Republican National Committee * 310 First Street SE
Washington DC 20003 * 202-863-8500 *

On November 2nd, all Americans will be given the opportunity to be Americans - Americans our Founders would recognize as their fellow countrymen.  If that opportunity is lost, America is lost.  Americans will no longer be Americans any longer.  We should thank Providence that we have been given a final choice in our country's destiny.

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