In God We Trust

I got an indictment against Obama in the Lion’s den, Chicago, Illinois

May 2nd, 2009

Today the 6th State Citizens’ Grand Jury indicted Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Soetoro, on numerous charges that include fraud, elections fraud, mail fraud, wire fraud and other related charges in connection to the suspected fraud committed by him during the 2008 Presidential election campaign. Since so many Illinois citizens wanted to be on this Citizens Grand Jury, we will have two Grand Juries there.

First one met at the Hodgkins suburb of Chicago. The jurors came from all over the state, one of the jurors drove for hours from the Iowa border (bless her heart). This indictment was unanimous and was done through my guidance using Skype, phone and video recorded presentation of the case, that was done by Mr. Neil Turner (thank you Mr. Turner).  The DVD was supplied by the foreman of my first jury in Georgia, Mr. Carl Swensson (thank you Mr. Swenssen).  After I present the case to the second IL Grand Jury, I am planning to fly to Illinois to present those indictments/presentments personally to Attorney General Lisa Madigan, US attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, and other officials.

This coming Tuesday I will fly to Atlanta, Georgia to meet with officials there. Visits to Nashville TN and Austin, TX are being coordinated. If you want to join the group of patriots visiting the officials in GA, call Carl Swenssen (678-438-6138). If you want to join us in IL, call Richard Kiefer, foreman of the IL Grand Jury at 708-354-0479.  If you want to organize a citizen’s grand jury in your state, e-mail me at,

Citizens from around the country are rising up and and stating: “We are asserting our constitutional rights. If the establishment is not listening and not protecting our rights, we the people will protect them (our rights) through Citizen Grand Jury indictments/presentments, through citizen trials and Citizen’s arrests. We have no fear of this corrupt elite and corrupt establishment. They should be in fear that all of them will be indicted and prosecuted by the Citizens, for aiding and abetting fraud, sedition and treason against the Constitution of the United States of America and We the People of the United States of America.”

Orly Taitz, Attorney at Law

Mission Viejo, CA

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