In God We Trust


 By Maj. Gen. Jerry R. Curry (ret'd)

“How can we forget,” writes Aliza Davidovit, “that prior to becoming president, Obama addressed AIPAC in 2008 and said, ‘Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided’ – until he changed his mind the next day. Now that’s commitment … Jews can’t build houses in Jerusalem but Arabs can,” writes Aliza Davidovit.

Double speak seems to be the norm for this White House. According to Obama his healthcare plan will enable citizens to keep their current coverage, but it turns out that the opposite is true. Supposedly it will lower costs, but the Congressional Budget Office says it will cause a steady climb in healthcare costs. Obama says his plan will reduce the deficit. The CBO says it will significantly expand, not shrink, the deficit.

U.S. foreign policy is also rife with double talk. The State Department should have known that when they scheduled the U.S. President for a trip to the Middle East last June  without stopping in Israel, that Israel would take it as a diplomatic snub, and retribution would come.

What better time to publicly jab Israel’s thumb of retribution into America’s eye than during Vice President Joe Biden’s recent mission to the Middle East. While he was in the air Israel announced that it intended to build 1,600 more Jewish settlement homes in east Jerusalem and the West Bank which directly conflicted with the State Department’s belief that the U.S. and Israel had agreed to a cessation of construction of Jewish homes in those areas.

Not to be outdone by the Israelis, Biden made a call to the president’s national security adviser James L. Jones last for an hour and a half while Netanyahu waited and waited and dinner got cold. But it didn’t get as cold as relations between the U.S. and Israel were to become.

As Biden flew home, Israel announced that it planned to build more Jewish settlement homes in East Jerusalem and the West Bank. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas then got into the fight by choosing this time to dedicate a town square to Dalal Mughrabi, a 19 year old girl terrorist who, in 1978, led a terrorist attack that killed 38 Israelis.

Arnaud de Borgrave UPI Editor at Large writes, “Bottom line is that Israel …may have a short shelf life historically speaking … At the end of this road lies the one-state solution – e.g.,  another Lebanon with a Jewish President and a Palestinian Prime Minister .. in 1951, there were 87 million Arabs. Today, there are 320 million. In 2026 … there will be 500 million, presumably possessing nuclear capability in one or two Arab states. So … sitting around and hanging tough is not a viable long-range strategy.”

For two hundred years Americans have spoken with pride of their Judeo-Christian laws, principles, and heritage. Now we have a President who eschews our traditional history and principles and tells us that we should admire things Islamic.

As Davidovit asks, “Shouldn’t we all be terrified when Biden calls the United States bond to Israel ‘unshakable’ on Tuesday and then three days later Secretary of State Hillary Clinton tells Netanyahu that building housing for Jews in East Jerusalem puts Israel’s bilateral relations with the U.S. into question? I have never seen something so unshakable shake so quickly.”

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