In God We Trust

Dear Ann Coulter;

Like a rejected lover, I’m afraid that I now must leave you and your previously much-admired writings behind.  You have cut me to the quick with your stupid charges (‘cranks’, I believe you said) against those of us who have thoroughly researched the Constitutional ineligibility of Barry Soetoro (aka Obama) to be POTUS and CiNC, and have found him to be guilty of Fraud (eligibility) and Treason.

Both I and my fellow Grand Jurors have also determined that all those who continue to aid and abet the Usurper-in-Chief in the perpetration of this Treason should be found guilty of the same charges.  As the author of the brilliant New York Times Bestseller, TREASON (Liberal Treachery from the Cold War to the War on Terrorism), you would be well aware that the penalties for Treason are quite severe, and that if we are to uphold, preserve, and protect our Constitution, these blatant violations of its terms and conditions cannot be allowed to stand.

If you were to have just remained silent on the matter, so that you could continue to have a platform from which to espouse America’s fundamental values, we would understand.  But for you to join the ranks of the Matthews, the Maddows, the O’Reillys, and now the Becks!, all we can do is move on and find some really Patriotic Americans to help give us a voice.  And all we need is just one honest and fearless Patriotic judge, in over 3,100 jurisdictions around this Nation, to order DISCOVERY!  Then it will be all over for the Imposter and his minions (and tacit supporters – aka Treason Deniers).

We can survive 4 years of anyone as President, but we cannot survive without our Constitution.

I would like to say much more in this goodbye letter, Ann, but I am too busy ‘serving’ indictments anywhere and everywhere throughout this once great Nation (like the ones I served on Sarah Palin last month, seen here:, so I will just repeat the words of the letter to you from Mr. Nedd Kareiva, which appear below.

Goodbye, dear Ann.  Goodbye.

Neil B. Turner

Carlsbad, CA

P.S.  Even Thomas Paine has joined the ranks of those calling for proof of ‘natural-born’ Citizenship (of the U.S. of A., not Kenya) as can be seen here:

Thomas Payne




Following a meeting held by the INDEPENDENCE Caucus in San Diego, August 1, 2009, Thomas Paine (aka Bob Basso) talks to the people about upholding the Constitution and DEMANDING TO SEE THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE! He talks about his speaking to over 2 million people, the 631 organizations - and 12 cases before the Supreme Court - demanding to see the Birth Certificate, and the 21 Billboards around the country that say "SHOW US YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE!".


Dear Ann Coulter:

I read your piece on World Net Daily yesterday and frankly, I was dismayed by it.  First you call people like me who are genuinely troubled by Barack’s likely constitutional ineligibility to the presidency as “cranks”.  Now you affirm your “crank” comments with this insidious attempt to discredit what is a legitimate legal matter requiring a legal opinion, that being whether Barack is a natural born citizen, according to Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution, a historical document that Resident Obama once called "flawed".. 

You remind me of a WWF wrestling manager in the 80s and 90s named Jimmy “Mouth of the South” Hart.  Now granted, the two of you are probably as opposite as apples and oranges but Hart’s nickname is not so far removed from you.  Perhaps the one change I would modify for you is that your brain has gone south.  Thus a possible name for you could be Ann “Mouth (and maybe brain) Gone South” Coulter.

I used to hold you in high regard.  When you wrote your first book on Bill Clinton’s presidency in the early 90s, High Crimes & Misdemeanors, you were one of the first names I recognized in the political arena outside politicians themselves.  I appreciated someone taking on a president whom everyone was afraid to touch back then and declaring the fact he wanted no one to know (sound familiar today?).  You helped pave the way, along with Judicial Watch which filed numerous suits against him.

Although I wasn't that big of a Coulter reader (I did read you in the Conservative Chronicle before I had access to the Internet), I had heard good things about your books.  My mom bought the aforementioned book a year or so after it came out and told me a lot about it.  I don’t believe she purchased any others of your but in reading excerpts of them online, I thought you were a pretty compelling straight shooting person. I also cherished how you wrote strongly in defense of the right of Terri Schiavo to live and not be euthanized (starved) by her then husband and the courts as she horrifically was 4½ years ago.

I had at one time thought about buying your best seller If Democrats had any Brains, they’d be Republicans, not because I’m a Republican supporter (which I’m not, though there is no comparison between the two parties of today) but because the title appealed to me and I wanted to see how someone else differentiated the two parties.  However, any rumors of me buying any of your books are now “greatly exaggerated”.

I don’t know why Joe Farah, president of WND, gives you a forum on his website given, the way you ridicule those of us who have extensively researched Obama’s ineligibility.  He said he was offended by your remarks and so was I.  If I were him, I would have promptly pulled the plug on you.  Then you could go to PMSNBC and write for them, considering your “fondness” for Chris Matthews.

I would have more respect for you if you had simply just shut up on the issue and taken a neutral stand instead of giving the nutcase Matthews and others of his ilk ammo to attack folks like me.  I wish Rush would talk more about it and he is starting to, given his recent gripes on his show about being audited but Barack getting a pass on his birth certificate.  However, at least doesn’t use obnoxious invectives like you, Debra Saunders, Dave Horowitz, Joe Scarborough and especially Michael Medved (crazy, nutberger, demented, etc.) have.

But Rush is slowly coming out of the shadows on this constitutional issue.  So is Lou Dobbs.  Even some at Fox News are talking because of Obama’s silence.  So are many others as World Net Daily has extensively pointed out, including a Nebraska newspaper that admits defending Obama – article linked at WND – and a writer at the Huffington Post as well as the respected Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy in Media (AIM).  And countless numbers of ordinary Republicans, Democrats and independents are questioning.

 My question for you is this.  If you disagree with WND on the eligibility issue, why strain your credibility writing for them?  As I said, go to PMSNBC or perhaps CNN – they would love to have you prop up their dismal ratings.

The fact is this, AC. You have mocked us and worked to render us irrelevant but you have not cited one bit of evidence proving us so-called “birthers” to be wrong.  You ignore the volumes of proof (more than 200 articles on WND’s website), that compellingly prove Obama is a citizen of Kenya, a naturalized American one at best and thus unauthorized to be president of the United States. 

Bluntly put, you come across as a liberal when on Obama's citizenship, the issue of the century, if not American history..

So answer these questions, if, as Rush would say, “you have the courage to face the truth”:

If there’s nothing to the constitutional eligibility issue (notice I didn’t stress birth certificate), then why do Osama’s lawyers keep forking over big bucks to cover his ass?  He could easily get the documentation needed to prove his citizenship and it would cost a pittance to do so.  He’s provided zilch.  That’s OK with you?

  1. If there’s nothing to this matter, why do lawyers like Berg, Taitz, Kreep, Apuzzo, Donofrio and so many others file the suits they do?  I suppose they have money growing on trees like Obama’s lawyers and the ACLU do, right?  I didn’t know lawyers like Berg, Taitz, Kreep and company have the windows of heaven raining $$ down on them.  I guess they love doing so for what you see as a fruitless cause.
  2. Have you bothered to view this foreign student exchange website which treats Obama’s birth in Kenya as assumed knowledge and not a conspiracy like you do?
  3. Are constitutional lawyers like Herb Titus and Judge Roy Moore making fools of themselves by suspecting that something is awry here. Do you think they’re going to sacrifice their integrity and character by questioning this man’s credentials?
  4. Not one case has yet been heard on its merits.  If there is nothing to it, then let's hear the faux arguments from Berg, Taitz, et al.  Fair enough?   
  5. Even some members of Congress who have thus far been unwilling to address the issue are beginning to question whether there is something.  Recent comments from both of Oklahoma’s U.S. senators on the eligibility issue indicate that it’s not going away and judging by the poll numbers at Politics Daily (consistently at 82%), it seems to be sticking. 

    The poll may not be strictly scientific but given that IP numbers are checked to keep poll takers from voting more than once (what a novel concept), there is a very real likelihood that public is way ahead of you on the curve on this issue. Only the state of Hawaii is under 75% (or 3/4th) in terms of those who want Barack to release a birth certificate.  Most people know the one posted in so many places is bogus, except for Matthews who is in grave need of shock treatment.

 And given Barack’s rapidly declining numbers of support for his Obamacare, more and more people are going to put two and two together and wonder if a foreigner disguised as an American is leading, rather ruining, our great nation and running it into the ground.

Are you chicken to come out against Obama?  You strongly came out against Slick Willy, despite all the agitation and threats you faced.  Why are you not doing the same with regards to this issue?  I can only assume you are afraid to do so, hence your denials.  You need to grow some ….. (well, can’t say the word here, dang!).

 As I said, you have backed your ridicule of us “birthers” with ZERO evidence.  Therefore, I am proud to dub you the title of “Denier”.  Wear it proudly!

I’m 49 years old, a couple years older than you.  Maybe it will take you another two years to get to my logical and constitutional way of thinking since yours appears to be MIA.  Sadly, by then we may not have a country.  And then it will be too late.  And I’ll point my finger at you, Scarborough , Saunders, Horowitz, O’Reilly, and other naivetés who chose to be asleep at the switch on this matter instead of sounding the alarm as Farah and hundreds of thousands of others blaring the same whistle, working to save your hide and mine from political oblivion and destruction.

Yes, I’ll point my fingers at each of you, that is if I haven’t already perished for fighting for the salvation of this country. 

And if God saves this nation from this foreign and his American Communism, it will be done in spite of you.

Thank you, Ann, for burying your head in the sand, like the proverbial ostrich   As a token of my appreciation, I promise to dedicate my next book to you How to Talk to a Denier (If You Must): Accurately Refuting the Coulters & Medveds in "Conservatism".  You'll get the first copy.  Happy reading!

 A Patriotic Pentecostal Christian,

Nedd Kareiva
Northwest Indiana


From: Tim []
Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2009 6:37 PM
Subject: Re: The So-Called "Birthers"

good for you  Neil.............................. Sempers................. Tim Harrington, USMC Ret.

From: Joseph Farah []
Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2009 2:22 PM
Subject: RE: The So-Called "Birthers"

Good letter

Joseph Farah

Editor and Chief Executive Officer


From: David Earl-Graef []
Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2009 5:44 PM
Subject: Re: The So-Called "Birthers"

Bravo !!

Would do me the honor of adding my name to the letter. Either you stand on firm ground and you wrap your arms around our Constitution as you would to protect a child who is threatened by a stronger foe. Or you do as Ann did and tuck your tail, turn your back and run, leaving the child defenseless for the wolves to devour. Ann Coulter and the rest need a long look the mirror if they have the courage for it. The reflection of cowardice is not a pretty thing to look at!

V/R and Your Brother in Arms 

Lt Col David Earl-Graef USAFR MC

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