In God We Trust

Dear Lt. Easterling;

Thank you for your service, and thank you for your patriotic stand for our country and our Constitution. We can survive 4 years of anyone as President, but we cannot survive without our Constitution. Installing an imposter, a usurper, as Commander in Chief, is the 'capstone' grievance and violation of that God-ordained and inspired document, the Supreme Law of our Land, our U.S. Constitution.

Scott, I believe that we have the consummate Catch 22 situation for our faux CINC: if he orders a Courts Martial, then there must be a defense to the charges (whatever they may be), and when our attorney, whom we affectionately call 'Her Lioness', asks the convening authority to subpoena documents for proof of his eligibility to be 'Conquistador In Chief', the documents produced will most assuredly prove him to be the fraud that he is. And if he doesn't bring charges, then your patriotic action, along with hundreds of others of us active and former military officers and enlisted, will serve to prove him to be the fraud that he is. New elections must then be held, with only properly vetted and Constitutionally eligible and qualified candidates running for the office of POTUS and CINC.

Game! Set! Match! And Checkmate!

God Bless and Godspeed;

Neil Turner, Proud Co-Plaintiff with 1st Lt. Scott Easterling
Capt., U.S. Army Aviation (1957-1964)
Carlsbad, CA

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