In God We Trust

Obama at Seven Months

By Maj. General Jerry R. Curry, USA  (ret'd)

Barak Hussein Obama has been President of the United States for over seven months. It is time to take his measure. Most evident is his inability to understand and his ability to underestimate the American people. The majority of the American people don’t -- and probably never will -- believe that pursuing health-care reform helps solve the nation’s financial and unemployment problems. Yet Obama keeps pretending that health care is the nation’s most pressing problem, and that those who don’t agree with his conclusion are enemies of the state who should be attacked, personally demeaned and destroyed, or even hated by Obama loyalists.

Because he knows next to nothing about America and its people, he mistakes presidential leadership for photo ops, community organizing, reading Teleprompters, and holding forth majestically at town-hall meetings before carefully screened audiences. He seems unable to grasp the true significance of America’s history, its values, its remarkable traditions, and its principles.

This is not surprising in light of his unique history. His mother was a left-wing, white woman who lived in Hawaii. His father was a radical, left-wing African Muslim student from Kenya who quickly deserted Barak and his mother and returned to Africa. A few years later she married another Muslim and the family moved to Indonesia – the largest Muslim country in the world. For the next few years, he attended a Muslim school until his mother brought him back to Hawaii where he was enrolled in another private school.

Obama has little in common with America, especially black America. He didn’t grow up in a black American family and learn black values. He didn’t attend a black church. He didn’t live and play with black children in the “hood.” He didn’t attend a historically black college and he isn’t a descendent of free American blacks or black American slaves. Aside from his skin color, what does Obama have in common with traditional or historical black America? Little or nothing.

In truth, he has very little in common with white Americans either, especially those who attended public school. Would our Founders describe him as a, “real, natural born citizen?”. I doubt it.

He makes strong, positive statements and commitments to the public then contradicts them by actions which result in the very opposite of what he has promised. He is a purposeful, focused, calculating Harvard graduate not given to slips of the tongue. Nothing happens in the Obama Administration accidentally. Every step, every action, every word is carefully rehearsed and skillfully choreographed in advance. When he dissembles -- which is often -- it is deliberate and without regret for he is a man who can, through sleight of hand and charming speech, make truth seem a falsehood and illegality seem legal.

His actions are consciously designed to destroy the American people’s faith in themselves and their trust in the private sector’s ability to solve problems and meet the needs of our nation. Instead, our president purposes to shift our trust and loyalty to himself and to the federal government.

President Obama’s top priority should be getting the economy back on track and finding jobs for those who want to work. But his actions show that he is merely using the current financial crisis to ruthlessly advance a left-wing agenda to reengineer the United States, its people, and its economy. Obama’s outrageous trillion dollar spending is financially dangerous for the country and is disgraceful, unsustainable, and immoral.

If Obama were concerned about fixing the economy, he wouldn’t divert the nation’s attention toward health care. Instead he would concentrate all of the Administration’s energy, time, and attention on fixing the economy and growing jobs for the ever increasing number of unemployed. Action on health care and other issues, though important, would be postponed for another year.

Obama sees moral equivalency in all cultures and religions. His actions indicate that his national priorities are: dismantling capitalism; increasing government at the expense of  personal responsibility; avoiding the establishment of a practical, workable national energy policy; a free college education for everyone, including illegal immigrants; mandating government controlled national health care for everyone, also including illegal immigrants; discrediting the actions of previous United States’ administrations in the world’s eyes; exponentially growing the federal government; enlarging the size and power of labor unions; increasing the influence of special interest groups and plaintiff’s attorneys; substantially weakening our national defense establishment; watering down the constitutional concept of states’ rights; weakening relationships with our traditional international friends; strengthening our relationships with Muslim countries; and raising whatever taxes are necessary to advance these extravagances.

The underlying themes of the Obama Administration appear to be hate, fear and retribution. I never believed that I would see the day when a President of the United States would encourage citizens to turn in their friends, neighbors and family members to the White House because of something they heard them say that might seem “fishy” or overly critical of the Administration.

We now have a President who urges attendees at town hall meetings not to listen to their fellow citizens who might dissent or express a point of view different than his. Obama encourages Americans to hate insurance companies, to hate CEOs, to hate the rich; and to hate military veterans who might return from the war in the Middle East and oppose the policies of the Obama Administration. The present administration would probably even have us abandon our historic, Middle Eastern partner, Israel.

Enough time has passed to allow us to rank President Obama as a man, an influential leader, and as President of the United States. His actions earn him a failing grade in all three categories and his administration can be summed up in one word, “deceitful.”

If our President is deceitful, then we as a nation must guard against being deceived. The time has come for us to awaken from our stupor, fine tune our hearing ears, and focus our seeing eyes. Are we aware of the clear and present danger that this president and this administration presents?


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