The Competition Cure
A better idea to make health insurance affordable
"Competition" has become a watchword of Team Obama's push for its health-care
bill. Specifically, the Administration has defended its public insurance option
as a necessary competitive goad to the private health insurance industry.
Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius routinely calls for
more choice and competition in health care. In his weekly address this past
weekend, President Obama raised the issue directly: "The source of a lot of
these fears about government-run health care is confusion over what's called the
public option. This is one idea among many to provide more competition and
choice, especially in the many places around the country where just one insurer
thoroughly dominates the marketplace." We take it this refers to a state in
which one insurer holds most of the business.
It is no secret that this page is all for competition in the marketplace. If
indeed that's the goal, allow us to suggest a path to it that will be a lot
easier than erecting the impossible dream of a public option: Let insurance
companies sell health-care policies across state lines.
This excellent idea has been before Congress since at least 2005, when Rep.
John Shadegg of Arizona proposed it. It came up again recently in an exchange
between Chris Wallace of Fox News Sunday and John Rother, executive vice
president of AARP.
Mr. Wallace: "If you really want competition why not remove the restriction
which now says that if I live in Washington, D.C. I've got to buy a D.C. health
plan, and instead create a national market for health insurance, so that if
there's a cheaper plan in Pennsylvania, I could buy in Pennsylvania?"
Mr. Rother: "There are states and localities where health care is much less
expensive than others, and if we allow people to buy all their insurance from
those places, it will raise the rates there. And it's called risk selection.
It's a real problem, given the fact that health care costs can vary
substantially from one place to another. So I think while the idea sounds
appealing, the consequence would be it would make health care more expensive for
those people who live in those low-cost areas."
How did Mr. Rother arrive at this conclusion?
His claim assumes that what makes insurance expensive in places like New
Jersey—where the annual cost of an individual plan for a 25-year-old male in
2006 was $5,880—is merely the higher cost of medical services in the Garden
State. He sounds an alarm in the rest of the country by suggesting that an
individual living in, say, Kentucky—where an annual plan for a 25-year-old male
cost less than $1,000 in 2006—would be asked to subsidize plan members living in
high-priced states.
That's not how interstate insurance would work. Devon Herrick, a senior
fellow with the National Center for Policy Analysis who has written extensively
on this subject, notes that insurance companies operating nationally would
compete nationally. The reason a Kentucky plan written for an individual from
New Jersey would save the New Jerseyan money is that New Jersey is highly
regulated, with costly mandated benefits and guaranteed access to insurance.
Affordability would improve if consumers could escape states where each
policy is loaded with mandates. "If consumers do not want expensive 'Cadillac'
health plans that pay for acupuncture, fertility treatments or hairpieces, they
could buy from insurers in a state that does not mandate such benefits," Mr.
Herrick has written.
A 2008 publication "Consumer Response to a National Marketplace in Individual
Insurance," (Parente et al., University of Minnesota) estimated that if
individuals in New Jersey could buy health insurance in a national market, 49%
more New Jerseyans in the individual and small-group market would have coverage.
Competition among states would produce a more rational regulatory environment in
all states.
This doesn't mean sick people who have kept up their coverage but are more
difficult to insure would be left out. Congressman Shadegg advocates government
funding for high-risk pools, noting that their numbers are tiny. The big benefit
would come from a market supply of affordable insurance.
Mr. Rother also said "risk selection" is a problem. But the coverage mandates
cause that. As more healthy people opt out of health insurance because it is too
expensive relative to what they consume, the pool transforms into a group of
older, sicker people. Prices go higher still and more healthy people flee.
High-mandate states are in what experts call an "adverse selection death
Interstate competition made the U.S. one of the world's most efficient,
consumer driven markets. But health insurance is a glaring exception. When the
competition caucus in Team Obama has to look for Plan B, this is it.
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