In God We Trust

The Way I See It


By Debra Beatty

America is being craved like a turkey at Thanksgiving. We are being divided by race, religion, social status and gender. Old wounds are being opened, they are pouring blood of civil unrest and war. Irrational accusations are thrown in a careless and reckless manner without regard to the consequences. This is irresponsible behavior. This is insanity. This has to be stopped now.

The United States of America is without responsible leadership. A bully occupies the Oval Office. If he does not get his way, he reigns revenge upon the GOP and inflicts pain upon the US Citizens. Does this not sound like a three year old having a temper fit? It has been said, “Do not make him mad.“ Is this a desired quality of a leader?“ No. Instead of leading, BH Obama is a community disorganizer. He plans on bringing death and destruction to all that are in his pathway. He has failed to act and behave like the President of the United States of America. He prefers the golf course indulging his personal whims. When America was suppose to be in a financial crisis he and Michelle Obama jetted off on an exotic vacation costing unemployed Americans millions of dollars. Is this responsible behavior?

BH Obama has re-introduced racism to America. Any time an individual disagrees with Obama they are called a racist. Monkey See Monkey Do Democrats yell racism daily. The Hollywood crowd is yelling racism. But, are the American citizens the racist? No, they are not. The Democrats are racist. The Cair movement is racist. The majority of the welfare recipients and people on food stamps are racist.

Instead of encouraging motivation and self determination BH Obama negates the greatness of our nation. He does like the US currency that he spends on himself and Michelle Obama. He actively encourages people to apply for food stamps. It is much easier to control people who are dependent upon the government. While promoting dependency and lethargy he and Michelle dine at the banquet tables of luxury.

Giving BH Obama the power to kill Americans on American soil is total lunacy. This is like giving a bottle of whiskey to an alcoholic. Eric Holder obviously does not know the US Constitution and/or does not intend to follow the laws of the land. Eric Holder has no right setting in the DOJ office.

BH Obama has a serious mental problem. He does not tell the truth and has not told the truth since he took over the Oval Office, January, 2009. BH Obama refuses to accept responsibility for his devious acts, his violations of the US Constitution. It is always someone else’s fault. Obama daily blames the GOP party for not co-operating with him although Obama has not made himself available to work with the GOP. He wants to destroy the GOP so he can have total control of Washington, DC, after the 2014 elections; he can finish the destruction of the USA with senile Harry Reids help. His emotional wounds are deep; They were carved on his psychic as a youth. The gapping wounds are now mental abscesses draining pus of hatred and revenge. Obama hates success and independence of the American citizens. He does like the American dollar that he can stuff into his pockets. The green paper makes him feel important. Like most wannabe’s BH Obama does not understand leadership. BH Obama does not understand ethics and integrity; he has none. BH Obama worships at the feet of his demanding mistress, power. Intoxicated with pseudo self-importance he needs his daily fix of worship from the masses. He has a distorted sense of fame. Like so many before him, he will find out, too late, that his mistress is fickle and has betrayed him.