the Job Makers
Victor Davis Hanson
A year ago Barack Obama inherited a recession brought on by financial panic
following the collapse of the housing bubble. The market crash was made worse by
Wall Street shenanigans and recklessness at Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. Job
losses followed.
In response, Obama pushed through a stimulus bill that went well beyond the
borrowing done by George W. Bush in his last months in office. In fact, Obama
and the Congress borrowed an additional $787 billion to infuse the economy with
fresh job-creating cash.
The president warned us that without this borrowing, unemployment might reach
double digits. Yet with the stimulus, unemployment has soared from 7.6 percent
to 10 percent. That translates into over 4 million jobs lost in 2009 alone.
In reaction, an embarrassed administration continues to cite hypothetical
jobs saved, rather than the actual number of jobs lost this year. Just this week
senior White House adviser Valerie Jarrett, press secretary Robert Gibbs and
senior White House adviser David Axelrod variously claimed "thousands and
thousands," "1.5 million" and "2 million" jobs saved. If the White House
insiders can't get their theoretical numbers straight, how can anyone else?
Why the continual job losses?
First, the government can create only so many jobs by borrowing and spending.
It is less efficient than private enterprise in reacting to market needs -- new
products, new services and new consumer tastes. Higher federal budgets
eventually translate into more bureaucrats to shackle the private sector with
more regulations that discourage innovation and experimentation.
In contrast, the U.S. Small Business Administration claims that small
businesses employ about half of all working Americans. Yet building contractors,
orthodontists, local real-estate agents and small software companies (to name
just a few types of small businesses) in the last year have not been convinced
that it is time to start buying new equipment and hiring more employees to gear
up for increased consumer demand.
Why the continued depression among employers?
Many may suspect that the administration does not appreciate how hard it is
to be self-employed -- an understandable conjecture when neither the president
nor many in his Cabinet have had careers outside government or academia. Tenure
and near-automatic annual pay raises do not exist in the world of the insurance
agent, farmer or trucker.
Instead, when employers listen to the president's grand ideas for health-care
reform, they must quietly cringe at increased costs per worker. When they hear
soaring rhetoric about cap-and-trade energy policy, they must silently fear
higher power costs.
Worse still has been the promiscuous talk this past year about all sorts of
higher taxes.
During the 2008 campaign and the president's first year, we heard Obama
promise new income taxes that would revert to the higher rates of the Clinton
administration. But that would now come on top of recent new tax hikes by the
states that have often upped their own income and sales taxes by considerable
margins since 2000.
During the health-care debate, there were also promises of a special
surcharge on "Cadillac health plans," as well as making the upper brackets pay a
surcharge to fund the care of others.
And don't forget Obama's inheritance-tax proposals that would have reversed
the scheduled one-year repeal (with what many expected would become permanent)
of the inheritance tax to a 45 percent tax rate on anything that an individual
leaves to his heirs beyond $3.5 million in value -- capital that was already
taxed during its acquisition.
As a result of all this tax-talking frenzy, business owners have no idea what
their new aggregate tax obligations will be or when they will kick in. They can
only sense that the Obama administration wants to go after successful
entrepreneurs to fund more federal entitlement for others -- as if the 5 percent
of Americans who fork over 55 percent of the aggregate income tax revenue don't
pay enough already.
If President Obama really wants to foster job growth, he needs to get
specific. Stop the borrowing and instead tell the business community exactly
what income, payroll and surcharge taxes he proposes, when they will begin --
and how much he appreciates those who will pay them.
When it comes to creating a psychological climate to encourage employers to
start hiring again, a little certainty and a little praise are lot better than
uncertainty and talk of taxing even more those who now already pay the most.
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