In God We Trust

When Obama Met BP’s CEO Tony Hayward:  A Fractured Fairy Tale

By Donald W. Hendon

If a meeting ever takes place, here’s what may happen, especially if both of them read Dr. Donald Hendon’s new book, 365 Powerful Ways to Influence (Pelican Books, 2010).  Each of the 17 tactics they use on each other are from this book.

Obama thinks:  “My poll numbers are in the toilet.  Blaming Bush doesn’t work anymore.  Maybe if I kick the ass of the head guy at BP, I’ll be loved once again by the public.”  (Obama is using Hendon’s defensive tactic 67, Ego Trip / Attention-Getting).   

So Obama summons Tony Hayward to the White House.  Obama thinks, “Tony can’t refuse to meet me.  After all, I’m the President.  (Obama is using Hendon’s assertive tactic 95, Celebrity Power).  And I can win over anybody—it’s a gift.  (Obama is relying on assertive tactic 112, Charismatic Power.)   

When Tony gets the summons, he thinks:  “Obama thinks he can win over anybody by his smile.  But he doesn’t scare me.  I’m a British citizen, not a US citizen.  I’m not going to be a push-over.  I’ll show this guy he can’t bully me.  He’s not going to use me for a photo op.”  (Tony is using assertive tactic 31, Take Advantage of Opponent’s Blind Spots.)

Tony meets Obama in his office.  No photographers around.  Obama is sitting down at a huge, uncluttered desk.  The biggest, cleanest, most polished desk Tony has ever seen.    (Obama is using assertive tactic 114, Symbols, Rituals.)

Obama doesn’t get up until Hayward approaches his desk.  Then he stands up, towering over the shorter Hayward, and gives him a very strong handshake.  (Obama is now using assertive tactic 83, Height Power.)

Before Obama can say anything, Tony says, “I’m glad you invited me today.  CNN says the White House soup of the day is gumbo.  I love gumbo—a good Louisiana soup.”  There is a touch of sarcasm in his voice.  (Tony is using defensive tactic 5, Distract Your Opponent.)   

Obama is equally sarcastic.  He says, “I thought your favorite soup would be leek.”  (Obama is also using Distract Your Opponent.)

Tony counters with, “Where’s Ken Salazar, your Interior Secretary?  If he shows up later, I’m leaving.  I won’t let him put his boot on my neck.”  (Tony is using preparation tactic 8, Let Your Opponent Dislike You.)   

Before Tony sits down, he notices his chair is directly opposite Obama’s, not diagonal.  He knows that directly-opposite is confrontational.  Diagonal isn’t.  Also, Obama’s chair is higher than Tony’s chair.  And there’s a strong afternoon sun in the window behind Obama.  The glare makes it hard for Tony to see.  Tony knows body language and position language and thinks, “Obama is trying to put me at a disadvantage by using dirty tricks.”  (Obama is using 3 of Hendon’s dirty tricks, Face the Sun—31, Lower Chair—32, and Conference Room Power—36.)

Tony moves his chair so the glare of the sun is no longer in his eyes.  He doesn’t ask Obama’s permission.  Then he sits down.  (Tony is using assertive tactic 64, Take First, Talk Later).  Obama is too shocked to say anything.

After some strained small talk, Obama says, “Don’t worry.  I didn’t invite you here to kick your ass.”  (Obama is using cooperative tactic 13, Make Promises—Tempt Your Opponent.)   

Tony pretends to be offended and says, “I saw you make that threat on TV.  You also said if you were head of BP, you would fire me.  Your threats don’t bother me.  What does bother me, though, is this:  When you say publicly you’re going to kick my ass, you’re really saying you’re going to kick the asses of BP’s shareholders.  We have a lot of British pensioners who rely on dividends from their BP stock in order to make ends meet.  I won’t let you kick their ass.  Our prime minister, David Cameron, won’t let you either.  If you want to kick the asses of Americans, that’s up to you.  But don’t mess with British citizens.  And, remember, I’m a British citizen, too.”  Tony is using two tactics:  Phony Hostility (defensive 73) and Phony Sanctimony (dirty trick 24.)

Obama is taken aback.  He doesn’t feel in control anymore.  He doesn’t know whether to act offended or to try and reassure Tony.  Obama lets his testosterone control him.  Automatically using Chicago street language, he says to Tony, “You want to take this outside?  We’ll play basketball.  If I win, you’ll do whatever I say.  If you win, I’ll stop beating up on BP in public.”  (Obama is using assertive tactic 77, Threat of Violence.)   

Tony stands up and bangs his fist on Obama’s desk, “Basketball is a sissy game.  Let’s play a real man’s game—football…what you Yanks call soccer.  Winner take all.  This time, it won’t end in a draw like it did in the World Cup on June 12.  We Brits will kick your ass.”  (Tony is using Hendon’s defensive tactic 90, Counterattack yes, debate no.)

Well, that’s what might happen.  Let’s hope things go smoother than that—if a meeting ever takes place.

In this modern fairy tale, Obama and Hayward used 17 of Dr. Hendon’s 365 persuasion-influence tactics.  To see all of them, go to <>.  Download his blog and chapter 1 from this website.  Hendon is a well-known expert on negotiating-influence-persuasion, with clients all over the world

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Contact information:

Dr. Donald W. Hendon, <>, (702) 346-2705 Pacific time.  P. O. Box 2624, Mesquite, Nevada 89024.  <>.

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