In God We Trust


SMART-Frog-BLOG Archive


Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
The President started out on the wrong foot with regard to the continuing threat of terrorism that faces our nation. He let our guard down when he allowed his Secretary of Homeland Security to ban the word “terrorism” and use in its stead “man caused disasters”. On March 16, 2009, Secretary Napolitano gave an interview to the German publication Spiegel, this is what she was asked and this is how she responded:

“SPIEGEL: Madame Secretary, in your first testimony to the US Congress as Homeland Security Secretary you never mentioned the word "terrorism." Does Islamist terrorism suddenly no longer pose a threat to your country?

Napolitano: Of course it does. I presume there is always a threat from terrorism. In my speech, although I did not use the word "terrorism," I referred to "man-caused" disasters. That is perhaps only a nuance, but it demonstrates that we want to move away from the politics of fear toward a policy of being prepared for all risks that can occur.

SPIEGEL: This sounds quite different from what we heard from the Bush administration. How will the new anti-terror policy differ from the previous one?

Napolitano: Our policies will be guided by authoritative information. We also have assets at our disposal now that we did not have prior to 9/11. For example, we are much better able to keep track of travelers coming into the US than we were before. The third thing is to work with our international partners and allies to make sure that we are getting information and sharing information in an appropriate and real-time fashion.”

Napolitano’s early statements with regard to terrorism and her latest comments with regard to the act of terrorism aboard Northwest flight 253 make it clear she is incompetent and must go.

The President when he took office was convinced that he could unilaterally change the minds of those who seek to harm us by pandering and apologizing and taking out words like “the war on terror” and “terrorism” from our government and public speak.

Well he was wrong. It is not about changing the ‘tone” it is about defending our country. It doesn’t matter to terrorists who our president is. They hate our way of life, what we stand for and our values as a nation.

The fact that the President of the United States would wait 3 days before responding to a foiled terrorist attack on American soil on Christmas day no less, shows me, that this guy just doesn’t get it. He is weak. His staff is weak and his Secretary of Homeland Security doesn’t have a clue.
After the attempted bombing of Northwest Flight 253, Homeland "In-Security" Secretary Janet Napolitano declared that this was NOT connected to a larger terrorist plot.  What planet are these people living on?  Could their political correctness infection have actually taken over their whole being?  This kind of mentality is what led to 9/11 in the first place.  Treating Terrorism as individual criminal acts only serves to embolden our enemies.  To attempt this terror act on Christmas day shows that these Muslim fanatics and their religious beliefs have nothing to do with peace.  It's about domination and eliminating a threat to their existence.  That threat is freedom and liberty.  Two words not associated with their Muslim beliefs.
Unrest in Iran has risen sharply over the weekend after a dissident clerics death.  Eight mourners were gunned down by the Iranian police on Sunday.  People are dying in the streets for their freedom and liberty and we are standing idly by.  The president and congress should make a strong statement of support for those risking their lives for freedom and condemn the terrorist government of Iran for what it is.  Concessions and turning a blind eye to the Islamic evil in Iran has done nothing but kick the can further down the road.  A message of  support will go a long way towards real "change" in the world, before a nuclear threat to the middle east and beyond becomes reality.
A Northwest flight from Amsterdam to Detroit almost turned tragic when a  23 year old Nigerian Muslim attempted to blow up the plane on Christmas day.  This is a reminder that no matter how nice you try to play with these radical Islamist, they still want to kill you, plain and simple.  We're at war with an asymmetric enemy and cannot stop until this evil is eradicated.  We tend to go overboard with the PC disease and fail to see the madness that confronts us.  Radical Muslims in their 20's commit or attempt to commit these terrorist acts while we detain old ladies in wheel chairs.  Our government reaches out with an olive branch while our enemies stab us in the back with our own arrows.  Peace is achieved through victory not through appeasement and exit strategies.
Merry Christmas
Representative Democracy was severely wounded this morning by the Senate's ignoring the "will of the people".  Poll after poll of the American people has shown their disappointment for the way ObamaCare is being crammed down their throats.  They have also stated their opinions against the socialist takeover of our health care.  On a straight party line vote 60-39 all 58 Democrat Senators and two Independents voted to ignore the American people.  They have sold their souls to the tyranny that lies ahead.  As horrible as this bill is, the house Democrats don't think it goes far enough and may caused a problem in conference.  It may be the last opportunity to stop this madness.  With the camel being a "single-payer-system", some have said this bill puts the nose of the camel in the tent.  We believe it's the other end of his body and it rhythms with the Democrat Party mascot (definition: The wild ancestor of the donkey is the African Wild Ass, E. africanus), very appropriate!
ObamaCare is being forced upon us because of the false belief that health care is a "right".  Nowhere in the U.S. Constitution does it enumerate health care as a right.  The Constitution limits the governments powers and reserves those powers not specifically enumerated, for the people.  ObamaCare's provisions of forcing every American citizen to purchase insurance is therefore unconstitutional.  Penalizing individuals who do not purchase insurance is by extension also a violation of the Constitution.   The government cannot force a right upon you.  It can enforce the violation of a given right, but it cannot force you to exercise that right.  This forceful takeover of our health care system is an overreaching power grab by big government bleeding-heart-liberals that will end up destroying, what is today, the best health care system in the world.
It's not surprising that a president whose mentor in his formative years was a member of the American Communist Party, Frank Marshall Davis, would want to socialize our health care system.  Apologizing for the United States and seeking to "fundamentally" change this country are in keeping with his beliefs of the Marxist principles which are engrained in him.  What is surprising is how many senators have sold their soul and country out in the process.  Seems like a Democrat senators word is as worthless as a baseball players used chew.  They both stink and who's going to clean up the mess they leave behind? 
How much does it cost to sell out your country? Your children? Your grandchildren?  Apparently Senator Ben Nelson, Democrat (Neb.) has his price.  Like so many other Democrat colleagues of his, he values his knees over his country.  The knee cappers struck again.  What is the hurry to pass a bill that will not take effect for four years?  The pressure came from an arbitrary deadline, imposed by the The Obama, in order to pass this monstrosity before the people revolt.  The majority of American citizens are against this government takeover of 1/6 the economy and there health care choices.  Innovation and new medicines will be a thing of the past.  This bill is not about covering more people or reducing costs, it's about making the American people dependent on our government.  That's the bottom line, dependence and serfdom is the goal of these socialist.  To hell with freedom and liberty.  We are in the midst of the "change" that The Obama promised.  When those democrat senators make their sellout votes official, they will cement their own unemployment.  Unfortunately they won't all be up for re-election at the same time, but we'll remember!
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
Our President does not get what it means to be “presidential”. He is not the Secretary of State or the head of the EPA, he is the head of state and head of government of one of the worlds greatest powers. He lowers his ability to do great things domestically and internationally when he lowers himself to that of a subordinate. He has failed to lead at home by ceding his leadership to Congress and he fails to lead internationally when he panders, apologizes, and personally participates in failed meetings. He has flip flopped on his role with regard to “global warming”. First he said he would not personally participate in a meeting that did not generate results. Then he said he would participate in the jump start of the new attempts to get an agreement. Then yet again, he changed his mind and said he would appear at the end of the new negotiations regardless of whether there was a deliverable he could agree with at the conclusion of the meeting. This is the second time the President has appeared in Copenhagen only to come home empty handed. President’s need to initiate great opportunities then step back and leave it to others to work out the details and then re-emerge to close the final deal with all the pomp and circumstance that it warrants. How many defeats and embarrassments must our president endure before he gets what it means to be the President of the United States of America?
The "Copenhagen Farce" continues under a blanket of snow.  Four inches of snow fell overnight with temperatures of 25 degrees Fahrenheit.  This is very unusual for a Scandinavian country whose climate is much milder than it's neighbors.  Copenhagen hasn't had a white Christmas for 14 years.  Great location and timing for the global-warming-milk-the-west party.  Reminds us of the UN global warming conference in New York that had to be rescheduled because of an ice storm.  These idiots wouldn't know the truth if it bit them in the "derrière".  Perhaps they should plan their next one in the Sahara!  America and capitalism hating dictators and thugs the likes of Chavez, Ahmadinejad and Mugabe spoke to cheering crowds at the conference.  Bashing the United States is very popular with this crowd.  The Obama is soon to join his friend Chavez, and if history serves us right, will do some more of his apologizing before handing over a check written on the backs of the American people.  It's a disgrace!
The Obama scare machine is back in business.  Seems every time they want to push a socialist solution on the American people they pull out the scare card.  This time they say we will go bankrupt if ObamaCare is not passed.  The truth is completely the opposite.  Socialized government run health care will bankrupt the system.  You don't have to use the EU example just look at Oregon and California where liberal health care solutions are in place.  They are going bankrupt.  Liberals are like a man in a hole, they think the way out is to dig deeper.  Sharing failed policies for the sake of political power is a betrayal of their oath to the American people.  Seems they must want to join their friends in the unemployment lines.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
If I were grading Obama I would have given him a “solid” D. I would demand he get a new set of tutors and ask to speak to his parents. This is a bright fellow who is not living up to his potential. He is easily distracted, has a hard time staying focused and making decisions and does not work well with others. I would also switch him to another class to get him away from the bad influences that are around him every day, like Ms. Jarrett, Mr. Emanuel, Mr. Axelrod, Mr. Summers, Mr. Gibbs, etc.

The retreat of a Medicare public option by Democrats does not necessarily signal that they are abandoning the public option all together. It just means that they need to find another vehicle by which to package and sell it. Desperate people will do desperate things. Between the costs, the public option and abortion, Democrats will have a hard time with their own members passing a Bill this year or any other and still be able to call it “health care reform”.
Let the "knee-capping" commence.  Democrats are having trouble getting the 60 votes they need to stop debate and take over our health care system.  The more radical amongst them don't think the ObamaCare bill goes far enough towards the government run single-payer they prefer and the less radical ones think it goes to far.  Seems the public option morphed "Medicare Buy-In" is too much for them.  Those less radicals understand, like we do, that Medicare is already going broke and adding millions to that system would only make things worse.  Step in the Chicago knee-cappers for a White House session.  Maybe some arm twisting and back room buy-outs will make the difference.  Only time will tell, but hopefully common sense will prevail, and this chapter of Congress and The Obama overstepping their roles against the American peoples wishes can be put to rest soon.
From "Public Option" to "Government option" to "Medicare Buy-In", if it walks like a pig, looks like a pig, it's a pig!  Take a failing government program that costs $400 billion a year today and will grow to $700 billion a year by 2017 and add millions of people to that system and what do you get?  Accelerated government failure, scarcity of doctors willing to accept Medicare patients and bankrupt hospitals.  This is just another prescription for disaster from the socialists which are hell bent on destroying our health care system with ObamaCare.
Watch the actions not the rhetoric!  The Obama and his administration continue to speak of the deficit as if they are concerned about it.  What you need to keep in mind when listening to their propaganda is the very policies that they espouse are the ones that are and will continue to bankrupt our country.  Congress is raising the national debt ceiling by nearly $2,000,000,000,000.00 (that's two TRILLION dollars) to keep our treasury from bankruptcy.  Nationalizing health care and paying developing countries for our contribution to the "global warming" hoax are other ways in which our economy will be brought to it's knees.  One wonders what the intention of this president was to begin with.  Is the "change" he promised a "change" to mediocrity, to failure, to appeasement and to serfdom?  It sure looks and smells that way.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
The circumstance by which President Obama found himself as the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize shows the hypocrisy of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee not of our President by accepting it. There is no doubt in my mind that the Nobel Committee thought they could influence our President by honoring him. They hoped that influence would come by way of decisions the President would make with regard to the wars America is involved with. Had George Bush still been president and made the same decisions Obama made with regard to Iraq and Afghanistan,  he would have been mocked, not feted in Norway. Over all the speech was well delivered and the content straight forward and sobering. The irony is that George W. Bush could have delivered the very same speech. It was a truly an American President’s message to the World. The President rightfully stated that war can be just and in some cases inevitable because of the evil we face. President Obama made the best out of an awkward situation and turned the tables on the Europeans. They got what they had never expected and if they accept his message favorably then it was well worth it. Kudos to President Obama.
The Obama is accusing Republicans of "frightening" the American people over ObamaCare.  If it's "frightening" to alert the American people of the dangers of a government run and controlled health care system, then frighten away.  Wasn't The Obama "frightening" the American people and congress over what would happen if the "Spendulus" bill was not passed right away earlier this year?  He said unemployment would go over 8% if the "Spendulus" bill was not passed overnight.  We'll it did pass and unemployment went to 10.2%.  A majority of the American people are set against losing the best health care system in the world and this administration and it's puppets in congress are turning their backs on them.  After all, high minded liberals know what's best for us plain old citizens.  They're only trying to save us from ourselves.  The audacity of conceit knows no bounds with these airheads.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
Reid's comments are hateful, hurtful, and have no relevance what so ever to the health care debate. If "Mr. Congeniality" thinks this type of rhetoric will get him support for his plan, he is sorely mistaken. Call it what they will, between the public option, abortion funding and the high cost of Reid's health care plan, there is enough not to like to kill health care reform. The death will not come at the hands of Republicans it will be by "Democide".
On the eve of the Copenhagen 'looney tunes' summit the EPA is doing by mandate what they couldn't do by legislation.  Since the Cap-N-Trade bill doesn't look like it's heading anywhere in the Senate, the EPA is taking steps to regulate carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas or pollutant.  False global warming data and truth about global cooling does not deter this administration from taking further steps to destroy our economy and way of life.  Since carbon dioxide is what we exhale we suggest that the deficit could be cut by taxing all the hot air and bull which emanates from our socialist congress.
Once again the "transparent" presidency of  The Obama shows it's anything but.  A closed door "pep talk" to his liberal Democrat allies in congress to continue the pressure for ObamaCare is the latest in a series of in your face hypocrisy.  They speak of bi-partisanship while shutting Republicans out of any discourse.  They attack Republicans with the "party of No" label while not giving their proposals a hearing.  We believe Republicans are the party of No, No to destroying our healthcare system, NO to bankrupting our country  and No to an ever increasing government intrusion into our freedom an liberty.  For this a stand against the loss of the American way and dream which has been the backbone of our society since it's inception.
There are talks in Congress of diverting unspent TARP funds towards a "new" jobs initiative.  This initiative would focus on "green jobs".  Like the blind stampede towards a healthcare destroying government run system, the administration and current congressional leadership ignore history of the very programs and systems they are proposing.  Spain has already gone down the "green jobs" road.  Spain destroys 2.2 jobs for every “Green Job” it generates.  Government subsidized jobs have been proven to be costly and generally go away when that subsidy "subsides".  These people are ignorant to what made this country great and to the capitalist free enterprise engine that has driven us until now.  The Obama and his people aim to kill the Goose and will then blame the goose for not producing any more "Golden Eggs".
Democrats in the Senate won passage of $400 Billion in Medicare cuts.  These cuts are mainly comprised of reduced payments to hospitals and physicians.  The elderly or seasoned citizens amongst us will be hardest hit.  This step was a necessary one on their path to passage of the health care destroying ObamaCare plan.  What started out as $500 Billion savings from Medicare fraud has morphed into $400 Billion of reduced benefits.  The main group representing the elderly, AARP, has betrayed their membership once more.  Most likely due to back door Chicago style deals with knee-capping as an option.  We suggest the group change it's name to the Association Against Retired People.
California Democrat Congressman Henry Waxman, chairman of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce believes the government should help the struggling newspaper industry.  This would lead to another government bailout and control of a private sector enterprise.  Government control of private industry is fascism.  When that industry is a publishing one, it will also lead to propaganda.  This goes against the very principles of the first amendment of the U.S. Constitution.  The newspaper business is in decline because of the many new sources of information brought about by cable and the Internet.  Propping up this business would only lead to government control of information and or a prolonging of the inevitable collapse of the industry itself. 
Last night The Obama once again used our military as props for a political speech.  After dragging his feet for months on making a decision to send more troops to Afghanistan, the affect of which was to embolden our enemies and depress our troops moral, his decision is a poor one.  Approving only 30,000 of the 40,000 troops requested by the commanding general on the ground, he has made the focus of a surge an "exit strategy".  There is not "victory strategy" anywhere in his dialog.  The object of war is to win, not to leave the battlefield.  The Afghan people can't leave when we do and those that stood with us will surely pay dearly.  As Michael Monroney correctly stated in a previous BLOG entry, there is a false comparison between Afghanistan and Vietnam.  In Vietnam our enemies went back to their families and fields after we withdrew, they did not and had no intention of following us here and blowing up buildings, buses and trains.  Our enemy in Afghanistan, Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, are terrorist.  By definition, they will continue to fight us to impose their Radical Fundamentalist Islamic rule on their subjects.  An exit on a timetable just let's them know when to take over and it also grows their ranks.  As Afghans see that we are not committed to the Taliban's defeat, some will hedge their bets and switch sides making victory that much harder to achieve and further decreasing our soldiers security. 
Like a rerun of the Titanic, the Senate continues it's steady drift towards the ObamaCare iceberg.  With 'man-made-global-distractions' all around, the clicking of deals echo through Senate chambers in the still of the night.  Although there's no mention of the "right" to health care in the Constitution, the hijacking of it for political purposes continues on it's deadly path.  Only time an honor stand between us and disaster.  We bet on honor but time is not on our side.
In light of the revelations that The Climatic Research Unit (CRU) falsified and withheld important climate change data, we believe the presidential trip to Copenhagen on December 9th should be scrapped.  This would send the world a clear signal that the United States will not fall for a world governing body that is based on lies.  Lies that will cripple the civilized nations economies and cause the further loss of millions of jobs.  Of course this is only wishful thinking because The Obama and his congress are on board with the lunacy that is man-made global warming.  Their goals and that of our enemies coincide.
Rumors of a second stimulus, the "jobs-stimulus", are abound.  The scare tactic used for the first "spendulus" disaster was the fear of unemployment going beyond 8% if it were not passed.  Now at 10.2% and rising they want to continue their government growth and add more debt to the deficit.  Simple economic theory cannot penetrate the thick sculls of those running the show.  Tax relief across the board is what's needed to help the economy.  Let every American that pays taxes keep more of their paycheck and let every business keep more of their profit and you will see the great engine of the free enterprise system go back to work.  Government does not create jobs or wealth.  Government growth comes at the expense of the private sector, thereby reducing economic activity including job creation.
Email and programming code has been discovered that show The Climatic Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia was "cooking" it's books. The CRU's data was the basis for the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2007 report.  Environmental wackos use this report and their data to "prove" their global warming lunacy.  They never let facts stand in their way.  Even thought global temperatures have been cooling the last ten years they still push their global warming idiocy.  It's part business so they can enrich themselves with their scare tactics and part control so they can grow government and further "change" our behavior and lives.  The Obama is still on this snake-oil band wagon and plans to go to Copenhagen next month for the "global warming summit".  Perhaps he'll bow at the algore alter and kiss his ring!
Thanksgiving Day 2009:
On this blessed day of Thanksgiving let us remember and pray for those who are spending it away from their families defending our freedoms.  They fight to keep us free, and while we are still free, let's fight so that their sacrifice will not be in vain.
May your day be filled with family, love, charity and faith.
The Obama's regulatory czar, Cass Sunstein, criticized Sean Hannity for supposedly spreading "false rumors" about The Obama's associations.  Apparently Sunstein wants libel laws changed to make it easier to sue for libel.  I guess freedom of speech is not that important to these dim bulbs.  The Obama's associations with known terrorist Bill Ayers, America bashing preacher Jeremiah Wright and his communist mentor Frank Marshall Davis are facts.  If they were not, then go ahead and use the existing laws to sue for libel.  Their only defense is to attack the messenger because they can't refute  the facts.  Sunstein is not a rouge operative, he is in a band of Marxists with the likes of Van Jones and Anita Dunn lead by the band master, The Obama himself!
We thought it would be appropriate to define some terms that are being used in the political discourse nowadays:
Public Option - Government control of a socialist national health care system.
Competition - An ant eater competing against an ant (that's the way the government would compete against insurance companies).
Deliberations - Delaying tactics before they implement what they wanted to from the beginning (usually happens under cover of night and behind closed doors).
Obama Statement - A pronouncement that is usually 180 degrees off the facts   (In other words, meant to be repeated by the MSM regardless of the truth).
At every turn this administration blames everything on President Bush.  Like a little kid with his hand caught in the cookie jar, "George made me do it".  Our country is being run by socialist-intellectual-pinheads.  The decision to bring the five 9-11 co-conspirators for a show trial in New York is the latest example of their stupidity.  This weekend a lawyer representing the five terrorist said that his clients will plead not guilty, not to fight the charges but so they can criticize American foreign policy.  In other words, criticize the Bush administration foreign policy.  A clever pinheaded diversion that will further erode our standing in the world.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
The Obama Administration cannot catch a break. At a time when they are desperately pushing for generational changes in health care and reassuring people that government controlled health care will not be rationed care – along comes a  “independent, government funded task force” that “recommends” that women over 40 do not need annual routine mammograms. The task force is made up of 16 “public health specialists” but not one oncologist. The task force in making this controversial recommendation did not even consult an oncologist before making their report. How can this be? Now radiologists and oncologists are accusing the task force of unethical behavior risking women's lives by such advancing such erroneous findings. Folks, this is glimpse of what is in store if the Democrats succeed in instituting a National Health Care Scheme for all Americans. The Government, their agents and “task forces” are going to dictate what medical tests and procedures an American is entitled to and it will not be on a case by case basis, it will be based on a class or pool of patients. This amounts to rationed care plain and simple. If you are a certain gender and a certain age than you get this type of care. The individual will be taken out of the equation. The Democrats health care Bills in the House and the Senate speak to government administrators and panels that will be making policy and recommendations for health care for Americans. They will dictate what tests and procedures the government will and will not cover. All I have to say is, that if you like the manner in which this federally funded and administered task force dealt with mammograms then you will love the Democrats National Health Care System. Stay well my friends.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
The Democrats health care scheme is a “shell game”. The President came up with an the artificial “magic number” of 900 billion. He proclaimed that any health care bill must be below that figure. Well the House Bill passed blew past that by a couple hundred billion, while the Senate proposed Bill is just under it. What is a few hundred billion when you have created trillions in deficit. The Obama Administration made world history this month when our national debt topped 12 trillion dollars. Divide our debt amongst our national population and that amounts to $38,974.34 for every man woman and child. The Democrats are fixated on “fixing” 1/6th of our economy, (health care) when the other 5/6th’s of our economy is what needs the most immediate attention. What good is affordable health care if you do not have a job to pay for it? The Democrats should be on a “holy war” on fixing the economy and creating jobs not nationalizing health care. The Democrats have over reached on health care reform as they did in 1994 and voters will remember it in the midterms. Between the abortion issue, the public option and the cost, the Democrats have created a crisis on health care when America has an honest to goodness crisis on the economy, jobs, foreclosures, bankruptcy’s, taxing, spending and debt that they refuse to confront.
New unemployment claims were just reported at 505,000.  The economy keeps tanking and The Obama keeps apologizing.  Not for the economy but for the greatness of America and our history.  He says we need to reduce deficit spending while at the same time continues to push programs that will bankrupt the nation.  Economic relief through payroll tax cuts is what this economy needs right now.  This would of course not bode well for their re-distribution plans.  Unfortunately this socialist crowd does not trust the American people and does not want to give up control.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
You would think that a President who has had such a tough year and nothing to show for it domestically would have planned a foreign trip that would have at least had some “breakthroughs” or accomplishments to show for it. The President  and his Administration have been bogged down. His economic initiatives are a disaster. The “Stimulus” is a failure. Unemployment and job losses are at record levels. His Administration has been consumed with health care reform at the expense of the greater economy. The President is “dithering” on making a decision with regard to our resolve on Afghanistan. Housing is still sluggish and foreclosures continue at a alarming rate. Consumer debt is choking the average American family. Usually when President’s decide to travel abroad during trying times at home they do so knowing that they can come home with something to crow about. This trip will bring home no concrete deliverables, just controversy and or speculation as to why he went with nothing really to show for it upon his return. In Japan there was the “bow”. In China there was the “rigged” student audience and a Press Conference where the leader of China did not allow questions. I think it is time for the President to trade in his campaign staff for people who understand how to lead and govern effectively.
"Oba-Mao" seems right at home in China.  A communist country which controls speech, limits and monitors the Internet and controls every aspect of Chinese life.  If that "perfect" government system could only be implemented in the United States, "Oba-Mao" and his cronies would be in Marxist heaven.  No more Fox News, Oba-Mao-Care would be the national health system and all the sheeple would live happily ever after.  Perhaps free Lobotomies should be the crown jewel in Oba-Mao-Care, then the "change" would be an easier pill to swallow!
The radical nature of this administration and the president continues to present itself at every turn.  By refusing to call the Fort Hood Terrorist massacre what it is and rather choosing to label it as a lone criminal act by a soldier who "cracked" under pressure, they are refusing to admit the obvious, we're at war with Islamic fundamentalism.  The enemy has infiltrated our ranks!  The president bows before the king of Saudi Arabia and the emperor of Japan.  This bowing shows subservience, it is shameful that the leader of the free world and the lone world superpower continues to act in such a demeaning manner.  Perhaps he would also bow in the presence of Fidel Castro.  Bringing terrorist prisoners to New York, giving them all the rights of a U.S. citizen is an outrage on its face and a capitulation to our enemies.  These terrorist are non-uniformed enemy combatants that under rules of war are not covered by the Geneva Convention.  They can and should be held by the military until our enemy is defeated.  If you release them, they return to the war to murder more civilians and soldiers.  If you bring them to trial in a U.S. court, you make a mockery of our military and send a signal to the world that our military is incapable of providing justice.  Another shameful show by this radical left leadership in the White House.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
With regard to the Obama Administrations decision to try the masterminds of the 9/11 attacks in a U.S. Federal Criminal Court is an outrage not just a terrible lapse of judgment. It is outrageous to give these enemy combatant terrorists the same rights afforded to U.S. Citizens. These men were already being tried by military tribunals as are other detainees. Military Tribunals are legal and are a appropriate forum for these trails. The President made a choice to try these Terrorists as “defendants” in a civilian criminal court. Our President should be held accountable for this disgraceful act. The President touts himself as a “constitutional scholar” yet, he just trampled it. Obama sees the terrorism as a law enforcement problem. We are not sending policemen to Afghanistan and Iraq, we are sending soldiers. Our enemies do not fight in uniforms, they fight as guerrillas. They do not fight pursuant to international law and do not recognize any treaty or convention. America fights with one hand tied behind our backs because we fight pursuant to laws and convention and thus we fight at great disadvantage.  President Obama just tied another hand behind the backs of those who fight an enemy who knows no norms or decency. These trials held in U.S. Federal Criminal Court in the Southern District of New York is just blocks from Ground Zero. It will amount to show trials by these Defendants and will subject our government to the possibility of releasing still classified information that will aid those still sworn to do us harm. As someone who lost a Nephew in the attacks of 9/11 and a lawyer I am beyond outraged by the President’s decision.
This administration, the president and leftists amongst us seem to always mention the "exit strategy" when talking about war.  On Iraq, they constantly hounded the Bush administration about the 'exit strategy" and wanting to set a troop withdrawal date.  The Bush administration was able to secure a troop surge which ultimately changed the coarse of events on the ground and won the war.  The Iraqi military is now firmly in command in Iraq and our military is providing backup and support.  Faced with a similar situation in Afghanistan the same crowd is beating the same "exit strategy" drumbeat.  The difference this time is, The Obama is one of them.  They refuse to learn from history and therefore are bound to repeat the same mistakes.  Indecision on supporting our troops in the field is a decision in itself.  Where is the talk of a "VICTORY strategy"?  That's what our focus should be.  A "VICTORY Strategy" to support our troops, win the battle on the ground and provide stability for the people of Afghanistan so they can take over their own defense.  The end result would be to drain the swamp from which a safe haven for the Islamo-facists could be eliminated.
The Obama has scrapped all Afghanistan plans and asked for news ones to review.  He is unsure of the government of Afghanistan.  What about our troops in harms way?  This is a play for time and an excuse for not making a decision.  The Obama has no problem "jumping" to conclusions and making decisions when they meet his prejudicial political views, such as calling the Cambridge police "stupid" and siding with communists against the democratic government of Honduras.  This is not a decision to go to war, we are at war, and our troops are hanging in the balance.  Priority number one should be providing our troops support to achieve their mission and maintain their safety.  Once again this president has failed miserably at his duties, the primary of which, is that of commander in chief.
In order to fully engage in a battle you have to realize that you're in a battle to begin with.  The Obama and his PC crowd are still operating on a pre-911 political mindset.  To state that the Ft. Hood terrorist massacre was a case of a soldier "cracking" under pressure is refusing to see the evil before you.  Sticking your head in the sand will not make it go away.  Treating a case like this as a "criminal act" is what was done for years prior to 911, this emboldened our enemies to proceed and expand their attacks.  Our veterans and active duty soldiers deserve the full support of their commander in chief and their government.
It is helpful to occasionally take a look at the big picture.  The Obama is consistent is his siding against the United States at every opportunity.  He can travel overseas to pick up his ludicrous Nobel Peace Prize but cannot travel to Germany to celebrate the triumph of freedom and liberty over communism and tyranny.  A triumph in which the United States, led by Ronald Reagan, was the primary factor.  Instead, former Soviet leader Gorbachev was hailed as a hero.  That's the world turned upside down.  In the case of the Fort Hood terrorist massacre, The Obama refuses to call it was it is, a terrorist act by a Muslim fanatic on innocent, unarmed soldiers and civilians.  Political correctness gone amok allowed this tragedy to occur and will lead to others if this nonsense is not reversed.  On the house passed ObamaCare bill, at a time when our economy is in shambles with an all out attack by this congress and administration, this is not the remedy.  Unemployment at 10.2% and facing a health care takeover that will destroy our health care system and destroy jobs in the process.  The only job creation here would be by government panels and bureaucracies that would be created to run your health into the ground.  The big picture, if it's bad for us, this president is for it.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
Newt Gingrich is right on. President Obama is still smarting from Germany denying Candidate Obama’s request to stage a huge campaign rally at the Brandenburg Gate back in July of 2008. Candidate Obama hoped to recreate the images of Ronald Reagan’s historic speech at the Brandenburg Gate when the Berlin Wall was up. Reagan’s visit was in July of 1987, it was during that visit that Reagan challenged Gorbachev to “Tear down this wall”. The Gate was also used as a backdrop for President John F. Kennedy’s famous speech in which he declared, “Ich bin ein Berliner”, (I am a Berliner). The German Government deemed their iconic landmark of freedom and struggle, too sacred to be used as a campaign prop for the Obama Campaign. Many Germans said it was like the Chancellor in an election going to Washington, D.C. and giving a speech on the National Mall. It would be unthinkable.

The Fact that President Obama thought it was important to Campaign at the site where the Berlin Wall fell but as President not important enough to go to Germany to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the fall of the wall is nothing short of outrageous and petty.

The Fall of the Berlin Wall was a important piece of positive World History. It was not just historic for our time it was historic for all time. It is a symbol of a peoples struggle for freedom and democracy over tyranny and oppression. The Berlin Wall went up with great blood being shed but came down with not a shot being fired. It was a great triumph for peaceful revolution yet, this American President whose country was instrumental in bringing the wall down is no where to be seen in Germany to mark the occasion of a milestone anniversary.

This is a great embarrassment to our Nation. The President will find the time to fly to Sweden to pick-up his Nobel Peace Prize but cannot find the time to celebrate the Fall of the Berlin Wall and represent America. He is wrong.
We are at war and the enemy is within us! The horror at Fort Hood was a terrorist act by a Muslim fanatic who failed at his duties at Walter Reed.  Maj. Hasan was then reassigned to Fort Hood.  He not only showed signs of supporting Islamist terrorist, he also wrote about them and was critical of the United States war in our defense against that evil. Political correctness is a disease that is destroying our institutions and traditions.  Looks like the military is not immune to this disease and is a target by Muslim terrorists from within it's ranks.  This is a wake up call, let's not allow another innocent unarmed soldiers needless death at the hands of our cowardly enemy.
The Labor Department has just announced the national unemployment rate has hit 10.2%. This is the highest rate in over 26 years.  Our government should be focused on the economy and not on a health care take over that will only make things worse.  ObamaCare is a double edged sword: It will destroy the health care system that has been the envy of the world and it will strike a lethal blow to our economy. Like power hungry politicians with blinders on, liberals running our ship of state are ignorant to the damage they are and will continue to inflict on the American people.
Loose axel-rods are very dangerous to the proper operation of the vehicle. They can get extremely squeaky and if excessive vibration is present, the can shake a screw loose.  The current axel-rod seems to have a screw loose.  He stated that Republican governor victories in VA and NJ had nothing to do with national politics, even though The Obama campaigned for the loser many times in both states. But, the NY 23 race, in which The Obama never participated was a referendum in support of administrations policies.  You've got to be kidding!  A noisy, squeaky, screw-loose axel-rod is a very entertaining thing.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
Virginia got a lot redder tonight. A state that went for Obama just one year ago and had a Democratic Governor for the past eight years did an about face tonight by overwhelming electing Republicans, Bob McDonnell Governor, Bill Bolling, Lt. Governor and Ken Cuccinelli Attorney General.
Let¹s take a closer look at the Virginia State races:
Governor: The Republican candidate Attorney General Bob McDonnell ran against Democrat State Senator Creigh Deeds. There was no third party candidate. Bob McDonnell ran a textbook campaign. His campaign was on message disciplined and effective. He stuck to the issues of most concern to Virginians and he looked like a Governor. McDonnell concentrated on the economy, creating and keeping jobs in the state, being fiscally responsible and tackling the transportation challenges in congested Northern Virginia.
Creigh Deeds campaign was not focused and all over the map. He was a poor communicator and campaigner and he was hard to pin down as to what exactly he was for and was wishy washy with regard to increasing taxes or cutting spending to grow the economy. President Obama had no coattails for Deeds in spite of the numerous personal appearances and television ads in his behalf.
The Deeds campaign paled against the well-oiled machine that McDonnell was able to build and maintain throughout the entire campaign cycle. If McDonnell is as effective a Governor as he was a campaigner then he is someone to watch on the national stage in the very near future. There was not a single part of the Virginia that did not turn out for McDonnell. He resonated in rural, suburban and urban Virginia.
Lt Governor: Bill Bolling the incumbent Lt. Governor made a very good decision when he decided to run again for Lt. Governor and not primary Bob McDonnell for Governor and in fact agreed to support McDonnell early on.
This allowed McDonnell and Bolling to run as a team. In Virginia the Lt.
Governor and the Governor run independently. The decks are clear now for Bolling to run for Governor in four years. Bolling won handily tonight. His opponent was Democrat Jody Wagner a former member of Governor Kaine¹s Cabinet serving as Finance Secretary from 2006-2008. Ms. Wagner had little name recognition in Virginia prior to entering the race and faced with a weak top of the ticket for Governor really never had a chance against the incumbent.
Attorney General: Republican State Senator Ken Cuccinelli had an easy win over State Delegate Steve Shannon. The issues that made a difference in this race were State¹s Rights, Gun Control, Government Spending, Immigration and Crime. Cuccinelli is a strong Conservative with bright-line positions that are clear and defined. His opponent never got out of attack mode and spent more time attacking Cuccinelli than advancing his own agenda. Cuccinelli like McDonnell enjoyed a lead over Shannon for most of the campaign.
The message delivered by voters tonight in Virginia is pretty clear.
Republicans are alive and well. If Republicans field good candidates, have a clear message and execute a well thought out and comprehensive campaign plan, they will win. It is as simple as that.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
The NY Special Election to fill the vacant seat of Congressman McHugh is a mess. The district 23 seat in upstate New York has been a safe Republican seat for over a 100 years. We would not even be talking about it had Congressman McHugh not resigned to join the Obama Administration as Secretary of the Army. That is water over the dam. The Republican’s in district 23 selected Assemblywoman Scozzafava to be their candidate to fill the vacancy and she had the support of local, state and national Republican Committees. Then along comes Conservative multi-millionaire accountant Doug Hoffman who wanted to be a spoiler and challenge the socially moderate/liberal positions of the Republican nominee. Mr. Hoffman gets the attention of nationally recognized Republicans like Palin, Pawlenty and Thompson who agree to appear with him personally and in campaign ads and as a result he starts to make headway in the polls. High profile Republicans turning on their own coupled with the unlimited financial resources of the rich spoiler spelled the end to the Republican Candidate who just this past weekend dropped out of the race. But they story gets better. Not only does the Republican Scozzafava drops out but she endorses the Democrat in the race Bill Owens. Republicans need to get their act together if they are going to be able to exploit the opportunities that are available in 2010 to take back seats in the House and the Senate. Turing on their own after the primaries and selection processes for candidates has run its course will spell disaster for Republicans. For major national party leaders to come into states to campaign against Republicans should be unacceptable. I do not agree with some Republican candidates and office holders but will support them for the good of the party. You cannot sustain a party organization with a “every man for himself” strategy.
Contrary to our history and traditions, this administration has strong-armed a democratic neighbor into capitulating.  Instead of backing the democratic country of Honduras, The Obama administration, with Hillary as the hit lady, has forced the Honduran government into an agreement to allow ousted "dictator-wannabe" Zelaya's return.  The Honduran congress would still have to approve whether or not he can server the remainder of his 3 month term.  We hope democracy prevails over this attempt at corrupting a democratic beacon in a sea of corruption.  This is a dark day in the history of Latin America as what used to be the worlds protector and defender of freedom has sided with communist dictators and thugs the like of Castro, Chavez and Ortega.
We pointed out in yesterdays BLOG the waste in built in bureaucratic overhead.  We repeat it here for emphasis: The current "first time home buyer" $8,000 credit cost the government $43,000 for each credit.  The Cash-for-Clunkers $4,500 credit cost the government $24,000 for each credit. Now the White House is saying that 640,329 jobs have been created or saved because of the $159 billion in stimulus funds allocated as of Sept. 30.  First off, how can you calculate a "saved" job?  You can't!  It's just more of their liberal propaganda.  But for the sake of playing their game, let's calculate the cost of each supposed new job created or saved.  If you take the $159 Billion spent so far and divide it by the supposed created or saved jobs of 640,329 you get an unbelievable cost of $248,309.00 for each job.  Perhaps their new initiative will be to outlaw calculators.  Stop the wasteful spending.  If you want to put an extra hundred dollars in a citizens pocket, don't take it from him to begin with.  CUT our taxes.  If the government wanted to put $100 in someone's pocket, they would  first confiscate $600, waste $500, give $100 back and claim they have  been generous.  Their is no end to their ignorance and stupidity.  This is what happens when you surround yourself with Marxist and Mao lovers.
With much fanfare, queen Pelosi announced the cut-n-paste house ObamaCare bill.  The monstrosity is over 1,900 pages.  How do you take a 1,300 page bill, simplify it, and come out with a 1,900 page bill.  Only in Washington and only by these power hungry liberals.  Like a runaway train headed down the wrong track, regardless of what the American people want and regardless of what damage it will do to our economy and our health care.  Ignoring simple improvements to our current system, such as cross-state competition and tort reform, they choose to have big government control and manage this overblown bureaucratic nightmare.  Examples of government waste are all around us if you care to notice.  The current "first time home buyer" $8,000 credit cost the government $43,000 for each credit.  The Cash-for-Clunkers $4,500 credit cost the government $24,000 for each credit.  This is typical government waste in full display.  Do you expect ObamaCare to be any different?
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
Question: When will President Obama switch from campaign mode to governing mode?

Answer: When the President fires the campaign staff he has hired as Senior White House Staffers and Czars. The people who got the President to the White House are not necessarily the people to keep him there. The President is stuck in campaign mode. He is constantly blaming others including the former administration for all his woes. His campaign promises have yet to be delivered on and he seems to be unable to make decisions or advance policy beyond the promise. He has yet to deliver on Guantanamo. He is dithering on Afghanistan. He has flip flopped on a public option for health care. He is running the least transparent and open administration in history. He has made big promises on the economy that have not been met, specifically, the promise that the “stimulus” would prevent unemployment from rising above 8.5%. Unemployment nationally is now beyond 10% and in some urban areas in excess of 16%. He refuses to advance his own Bills on major campaign promises and leaves the heavy lifting to Congress. Saturday Night Live was correct in lampooning the President as someone who has done a lot of nothing. He needs to get off the golf course and into the Oval Office and lead. The first sign of a good leader is one who surrounds himself with people competent enough to help him govern. The campaign is over.
With our economy on the verge of worsening, this administration and Congress have no business trying to further saddle us with more debt and taxes.  Government programs have always come in multiple times over their estimated cost.  This has been shown in all government programs.  Programs that when started seem to grow out of control like weeds.  The only way that this take over of our health care system would be budget neutral would be to raise taxes and severely ration care.  This would further burden our struggling economy.  We should be curtailing all spending increases and cutting taxes to allow the private sector to grow and create jobs.  Government doesn't create, it confiscates.  Spreading the wealth and trickle up theories have been shown to be economic disasters in all countries of the world where they have been tried.  We should emulate success not follow this administrations Marxists buddies into the rubble of human history.
The campaigner-in-Chief was at it again yesterday.  It's not unusual for a president to attend fundraisers, what is unusual is that this president has never stopped campaigning.  He was a senator not an executive.  He's a debater not a decider.  When he does make decisions they are usually on the far left end of the spectrum.  Siding with our enemies and pushing policies that hurt our country.  In Afghanistan, the policy that The Obama backed and the general he put in charge are being let down by his indecision.  The cover is a delay due to the Afghanistan redo election.  A redo that was not called for by the losing candidate, it was caused by the US through the UN.  Our troops on the ground are being put in unnecessary danger because of this administrations political wavering.  Generals on he ground need to be given the resources they require to meet their objectives.  Regardless of the government in Afghanistan, this is about our national security and denying a base to those terrorist that are hell bent on our destruction.
The US Constitution states that treaties that we enter into and are approved by Congress take precedence over the Constitution itself.  In December, the nations of the world will gather in Copenhagen, Denmark to vote on the Copenhagen Accord.  This accord would surrender our national sovereignty to a "New World Government".  This government would penalized the west for it's use of carbon fuels and transfer trillions of dollars to the third world.  Our economy and future would be destroyed.  Although the facts show that global temperatures have gone down since 1998 and that the projection is for additional cooling until 2030, the environmental wackos, of which our president is a leader, refuse to see the truth.  Even when proven factually wrong, they keep consuming Gore's pollution.  The White House has stated that The Obama is not planning on attending the Copenhagen Accord talks.  Unfortunately his acceptance of the Nobel "Appeasement" Prize nearby does not give us much room for comfort.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
I believe the medical definition for what the president and his staff are suffering from is “transference”. Regardless of the issue, they continue to blame the prior administration for their current inability to make decisions. The Obama administration yet again, went after the Bush administration on Afghanistan and accused it of ignoring Afghanistan and not having a strategy. They claimed Bush had no policy and that they are now faced with tough choices because of Bush’s inaction. The truth is that the Bush administration did a top to bottom analysis of the situation in Afghanistan prior to leaving office. They gave the incoming administration the courtesy and respect of giving the report to them and telling them of their intention to make the classified report public prior to leaving office. The Obama Transition Team asked the Bush administration not to publicly release the report and they complied. The Bush report on Afghanistan was the basis of President Obama’s  Afghan Policy that he announced in March and was the basis by which he sent thousands of U.S. Troops into Afghanistan just months ago. The Obama administration was hoping that they could get away with yet another Bush bashing because the Bush Report is still classified and they control it. I say release the report to the public and let’s see what’s in it. The reason they won’t is that it is clear that the Bush administration’s report is comprehensive and they did ask all the right questions and took into account the changing circumstances with regard to the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan. The Obama administration is indecisive and therefore seeks to delay their duty by blaming others. It is more of a campaign tactic than a governing style. Sooner or later the president will be forced to make a decision with regard to further American involvement in Afghanistan. This president owns the economy and he will soon own Afghanistan too. There is no one else to blame.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
As a lawyer, I am very concerned with a “government official” interfering with privately made contracts, regardless of the subject matter. The facts are that these executive compensation contracts were made and absent a breach, should be honored. Freedom of contract is fundamental to a free market economy. For those companies that the government still retains a ownership interest, then, it should use all the leverage available to reduce excessive executive compensation pursuant to the contract, by-laws, etc of that corporation. The government should not gain any special rights not available to other stockholders or creditors. For those companies that the government has no ownership interest or is not owed monies, then, it should not meddle into the affairs of private corporations. It is up to the board of directors and the shareholders of corporations to govern and set policy. The federal government should be in the business of setting reasonable regulation and oversight over financial services not ownership and control. While I do not agree at all with the decisions of some corporations to generously compensate their executives, especially in these economically challenged times, I must take the side that honors contracts as written. Unless a breach of contract claim can be maintained by a party with standing to bring such a claim, then, the contract must stand and be allowed to run its course. I do not believe the U.S. Government has the standing to bring such a claim. In any event, the fact that a “Czar” is unilaterally acting with authority over private corporations without any statutory authority to do so, is more troubling to me than the wrong he seeks to right.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
The unprecedented presidential policy and efforts to undermine critics of the president and his administration are dangerous and unsettling. The fact is that we live in a divided country. Just look no further than the last few national elections and you will see how 50/50 our nation is. President Obama did not win in a landslide, over 47% if the country voted against him. The president set the tone early on when he sought to silence any opposition when he said this, “hey, I won the election, not you, we are in charge and we are going to do this, either you are going to jump on board and help us, or you are wasting your time, and ours. The American People have chosen us to lead”. Why with everything on his plate, the president would demean his office and take the time to go after FOX, Rush, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and others as a presidential initiative is beyond rational behavior. His attacks only seek to galvanize support for those he is attacking and further divides an already polarized population. This was suppose to be the Administration that reaches across the aisle and was to be the most transparent in history. The attacks by those opposed to the president’s policies are based mainly on the complaint that this administration has been everything but transparent or inclusive. Bills are not available to the public online as promised before votes are taken. The process of making legislation is made behind closed doors not on C-Span as promised. Republicans are not allowed to participate in the process unless they agree to support it in advance. Legislators are called to vote on major pieces of legislation without the benefit of reading the Bills they are called to vote on. Czars have been selected to oversee important government agencies and policy within the Executive Branch without Senate Confirmation and legal  and financial disclosures or FBI background checks. The White House needs to get out of the bunker and shed the defensive posture towards their opposition. If you are taking significant time to defend then you are not leading. This Administration has it all, they have the Presidency and the House and Senate with historic majorities. They should be able to do what they want, whenever they want, but they can’t. They can’t govern effectively, not because of Republicans, but because of obstructing Democrats. They can’t turn on their own so they need boogiemen. It is a terrible strategy and one that has and will continue to hurt Democrats. In a few weeks Virginia will elect a Republican Governor and New Jersey might as well. This will be a blow that will be a indicator of things to come in the midterm elections to Democrats all across the country. Who will they blame for that?
For the last 8 days I have lived the health care debate with a view of the ceiling in my ICU room.   Heading to the ER with a hundred and three degree fever and an EKG that had ups and downs like a Six Flags roller coaster, I knew I was in the best place on earth to get the care that would save my life.  After coming down with the H1N1 flu, which quickly created a Bi-Lateral Pneumonia, the care I received was excellent, professional and without any emphasis on payment.  Unlike in socialist government run health care systems in other parts of the world, I did not have to wait in line, the ER was not closed and the best medicines were available to me.  The liberals slight of hand to try and cram socialized ObamaCare down our throats has some "fuzzy" math associated with it:
Tax for ten years but only implement the plan after 4 years (the books look better this way).
A 245 Billion dollar doctor payoff (in a separate bill with no funding so it doesn't drag down our "fuzzy" numbers)
Insure the 45 million uninsured Americans (oops, we mean 30 million because illegal aliens were not supposed to be included). 
After implementation of ObamaCare everyone would be covered (except for 15 plus million that would still NOT have coverage)
Ok, let's see if we have this right, in order to insure "all" Americans, we will take over one sixth of our economy, leave 15 million uninsured and destroy the best health care system in the world.  Sounds like a great plan.
Michael Monroney
History will ultimately judge the wisdom of American interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan, but it is nonsense to compare either with Viet Nam. When we left Viet Nam, the Viet Cong simply went back to their paddy fields. They had neither the desire nor the ability to come after us. That is not the case today in the Mid East if we do not subdue Islamic terrorism.
Perhaps the Nobel Peace Prize should be renamed the Nobel "Appeasement" Prize.  Since The Obama took office he has been working to fulfill his campaign promise to "transform America".  He has apologized for the United States at every opportunity possible.  While turning his back on our allies, Honduras, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Israel, he failed to initially condemn the Iranian violence against it's own people and has been friendly with the likes of Chavez.  He seems to be at war with Tea Parties and grass roots Americans who love this country and don't want to see it "transformed".  The peace he should be making is with the American people.
The Obama tactics to pass his socialist policies is to scare the American people into believing that time is of the essence.  If we delay, the sky will fall.  The "Spendulus" bill had to pass or we would see unemployment go over 8% nationally, Obama said.  They rushed it through and unemployment is now 9.9%.  Only 40% of the "Spendulus" money has been spent.  If it was such a time sensitive problem, why hasn't it been spent?  It's not about stimulus, it's about growing government, solidifying liberal rule and union control.  Reducing taxes on business by the amount of the stimulus would have turned our economy around by now.  Liberals don't like that option because it puts power in the hands of the individual and takes it away from them.  Why do decisions that will wreck our economy have to be made overnight, without thorough vetting, but decisions of whether to back our military have to be reviewed Ad nauseam?
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
If one is totally objective, this award was given on the promise of things to come. It could not possibly have been given on accomplishment. The World is a much more dangerous and less “peaceful” place since President Obama took office. North Korea continues to thumb its nose at the international community with regard to nuclear weapons and missile firings. Iran has stepped up their nuclear weapons program and continues to test missiles in a show of defiance. The US is slowing down our military operations is Iraq while escalating our military operations in Afghanistan. If apologies alone, are a criteria by which it gets you a medal then for sure our President deserves the “gold”. Pandering and apologizing may get you a medal but it will not get our country or the World the Peace that the Nobel Prize is suppose to stand for.
The One has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.  Reminds us of another Presidential embarrassment of our time, Jimmy Carter.  Seems being critical of the United States and appeasing our enemies puts one in great stead with the Nobel Committee.  This award is like giving a track sprinter a medal for leaving the starting blocks because you "feel" he looked good doing it.  Failure and consequences of your actions are not considered.  The Obama reminds us of the Fence Post Turtle, "You know he didn't get up there by himself, he doesn't belong up there, and he doesn't know what to do while he's up there, and you just wonder what kind of complete moron put him up there to begin with."
Only in Washington can a new program "estimated" at $829 Billion be seen as a cost saver.  The new CBO estimate also states that with the Baucus-ObamaCare plan by 2019, 94% of Americans would have health insurance.  That leaves 25 million without insurance.  Wasn't that the reason to go down this socialized path to begin with?  To pay for this program, Medicare will be cut, health care will be rationed and taxes will be raised.  Doesn't take a brain surgeon to see through the stupidity of following this path.  Ignore all the examples of socialized health care failures around the world and make the same mistakes, fits this plan to a T.
Wars should be avoided whenever possible but when engaged, they must be fought with all the resources necessary to achieve victory.  When our military commanders on the ground make requests in order to secure victory, it should be the politicians role to provide that support.  Our country would be well served if this administration and congress would allow our military to run their military matters.  American soldiers are putting their lives on the line every day, we owe them nothing less than to give them all the resources to complete their mission.
Lab coat photo-op, what a joke.  Selected doctors where invited to the white house for another Obama sales pitch on ObamaCare.  Doctors where forced to put on white lab coats for the speech and photo-op.  Most doctors in the U.S. are against the government run public option and 1 in 4 doctors say they'll quit their practice if the public option becomes law.  It makes perfect sense that a doctor would not want a bureaucratic panel between him and his patient.   Health care decisions are better left between doctor and patient, this is a personal freedom issue not a political one.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
The President and the Democrats are causing alarm by not letting General McChrystal testify before Congress. It appears that the President is stuck between Iraq and the hard place of Afghanistan. This is major decision that he and the Democrats want to control. For a President who claims to be transparent you can’t see through anything he does. The Democrats recall what happened when General Petreaus testified up on the Hill prior to the Surge. He presented himself as knowledgeable, sincere, capable and credible. They do not want a repeat of that. After Petreaus testified, it made it very difficult to attack him and he became a household name. They do not want the public to know McChrystal or to testify because he would present the same attributes as General Petreaus. It is easier to go against a man no one knows. The Democrats in Congress demanded that General Petreaus testify prior to the Surge. The Bush Administration did not seek to block his testimony because they had faith and trust in him and his abilities. The problem with this White House is they do not want McChrystal to testify precisely because of his presence and abilities. The President is dreading the heady decision he must make on Afghanistan, but, the longer he delays the worse it gets, militarily and politically.
The Obama and congressional lib's are hinting at a possible second "Spendulus" bill to stimulate the economy.  Their solution is always "tax and spend".  The must-have-or-disaster-will-strike "Spendulus One" was supposed to prevent unemployment beyond 8%.  Now it's close to 10% with only 40% of "Spendulus One" having been spent.  It's not about stimulus, it's about power and control.  The economy should be the number one priority right now, not passing a massive health care bill that will further burden our struggling economy.  "Spendulus Two" should not even be a twinkle of a thought and should dissipate as quickly as the morning dew.
With 263,000 more Americans losing their jobs in September and the national unemployment rate close to 10%, why are we even considering the ObamaCare bill?  No matter which way you look at it, this bill would add an extra burden on our economy at a time when we should be reducing the red tape and shackles that hinder small businesses.  These businesses are the backbone of our economy, we should be reducing their tax burden allowing them to grow and create jobs.  It's been proven to work in the past and will work again.  Government trying to stimulate the economy is like taking a bucket of water out of one end of the pool and pouring into the other.  "It's the economy STUPID!"
Arguments could be made that Thug-Land (formally known as Chicago) is the most corrupt city in the nation.  It's not unusual for Chicago politicians to end up in jail.  It's not unusual for Illinois governors to end up in jail.  Teen gang violence is out of control in Chicago as Chicago has now surpassed New York as the murder capital of the U.S.. Shady real estate deals as with The Obama and Resko are common place.  Having the Olympics come to Chicago would only enrich The Obama's cronies and further punish the low income residents trapped in that liberal hell hole.
Although the vast majority of Americans are happy with their current health care, this "big-government" administration and congress is intent on forcing disastrous "change".  Government programs do not stay within budget and always cost many times more than their projected amounts.  The excuse they use is to curtail the cost increases that have always been a part of our health care.  What they don't tell us is that socialist government systems elsewhere in the world, cost increases occur and they occur at a higher rate than in our system.  That's even taking into account their wait times and rationing.  This is primarily due to their bureaucratic overhead.  Power and control is what's on the line here.  Forcing people to buy health insurance is unconstitutional.  It's not the governments role to play nanny and get involvement in every aspect of our lives.  Americans cherish their freedom and this attempt on usurping that freedom is going too far.
Democrats continue their in-fighting on the "public option".  While the far left lib's demand it, the less far left lib's know the public is against it.  We hope that this struggle continues and causes a reassessment of the principles that true reform demands.  Socialized systems in place in other countries, that resemble ObamaCare, are failures.  Costly bureaucratic monstrosities.  These government systems cause needless hardships and ration care.  An alternative of private sector solutions accompanied by Tort reform would do wonders to solve some of the problems we face today.  Baring this approach, not making changes to the current system is preferable to destroying it.
With The Obama's war in Afghanistan spiraling out of control, we ignore the generals on the ground at our peril.  Obama has met with David Letterman more often than with General McChrystal.  The General has just submitted a 65 page report to Defense Secretary Gates in which he requests up to 40,000 more US troops to turn the war around.  Our inaction shows weakness to our enemies.  If we're in this war to win, we must use overwhelming force.  Our enemies are cowards that hide behind women, children and the elderly.  They bomb indiscriminately without any regard for collateral damage.  We cannot continue to fight against this evil with one hand tied behind our backs.  Giving up in Afghanistan is not an option.
When former Honduran president Zelaya turned against the Honduran Constitution and attempted to remain in office past his term limit, he was deported by the military.  His own political party was against what he was doing.  A member of that very same party, Martinelli, became the interim president.  Zelaya has been charged with treason.  The Honduran government continues to follow their constitution and has called for free elections to be held in November.  The United States should be standing firm behind this democratic neighbor, instead we are standing with the likes of Castro, Chavez,  Ortega and Lula da Silva. Brazilian President and Communist sympathizer Lula da Silva approved the smuggling of Zelaya into the Brazilian Embassy in Honduras.  From there, Zelaya is encouraging violent street protest to "illegally" bring him back to power.  Lula has refused to criticize communist Cuba in the past so as not to be seen as "meddling" in the internal affairs of another country.  Yet it's OK for Lula to actively participate in the overthrow of a democratic Honduras by being an accomplice to violent revolution.  The Obama refused to criticize the Iranian crackdown during the demonstrations against that countries rigged election.  The Obama didn't want to be seen as "meddling" in the internal affairs of another country.  Why then does The Obama feel it's OK to meddle in the internal affairs of a democratic neighbor?  Could it be that these communist sympathizing liberal idealogs are two birds of a feather?  You be the judge.  With this administration, the light is dimming on what Reagan termed, "That shining city on a hill".
We're sure The Obama live "chat" with school children, K-6, on September 8th didn't have anything to do with this but the indoctrination song makes you wonder.  With words like:
Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama
He said red, yellow, black and white, all are equal in his sight
Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama
Yeah! Barack Hussein Obama
The communist amongst us are showing their true colors.  Would we have heard such a song being forced upon our children about Bush?  This taken along with California's new rules to push teaching of Islamic Studies to seventh graders should cause us great concern.  In those teachings, Christianity is shown to be an intolerant and violent religion while Islam is portrayed as being for equality and peace.  They teach that women under Shariah law are respected.  What a bunch of bunk. Islamic scholar and author Nonie Darwish, who grew up Muslim in Egypt said, "I am shocked that that is what they teach," she said. "Women had more rights in Arabia before Shariah."  In fact, "wife beating is allowed under Shariah" today, she added. "It allows a woman seen without a headdress to be flogged, punishes rape victims, and calls for beheading for adultery."
Where are the women's rights groups in this debate?  Why aren't they shouting from the roof tops?  Could it be that political power is more important to these bleeding-heart socialist libs than the truth.  GOD help us.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
Are you kidding me? The President used a press conference to announce that Iran is building a second Uranium-Enrichment Plant?  He had a golden opportunity yesterday, as the Chair of the UN Security Council to present the case against Iran. This could have been his “moment”, ala Ambassador Adlai Stevenson, to present the irrefutable evidence that Iran in violation of international law and treaty, has been building a secret uranium-enrichment plant. Why did the President let slip away the perfect forum to bring the Iranians to task before the World Community? Isn’t that what the Security Council is suppose to be for for?  Is the case of nuclear proliferation by rogue regimes not important enough? The President most surely knew all the facts yesterday that he announced today. This should have been debated and Iran should have been called before the Council to defend itself.  The President was intentionally derelict or grossly negligent in this missed opportunity. He had the President of Iran in New York. He had most if not all of the World Leaders who make up the Security Council in New York. All members of the Security Council should have had their feet put to the fire and either condone this illegal activity or condemn it and seek serious measures to correct it. Sadly, President Obama will turn out to be the Neville Chamberlain of our time.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
UN General Assembly Speech: D-. The President of the United States once again came before an international body hat in hand. He once more apologized for America. He said in effect that an era had passed to him in which America acted recklessly and and without regard to the greater World Community and that under his watch that would change. He projected weakness and seemed ashamed our our greatness, power and duty as the leader of a freedom and humanitarian principles for all peace loving people. He refused to make declaratory statements affirming our goal in Afghanistan to wipe out the Taliban. The President’s loudest applause came when he condemned Israel’s actions with regard to West Bank Settlements. Another applause getter, was when our President announced that the United States “no longer condones torture”. We never did condone it. The UN also reacted enthusiastically to the announcement that the US will rejoin the Human Rights Council. A body that is a hodge podge of despots and cooks, that routinely acts in disregard of our Nations most fundamental principles. The President announced a “new era of engagement” that represents for him four goals, 1. Riding the World of Nuclear Weapons. It is a nice goal to have but what about in the here and now preventing rogue nations like North Korea and Iran from getting them first. 2. Preserving the planet. Certainly that is in our best interest. However, we could be the cleanest and most responsible country on the Planet and unless others, like China and India are as responsible as we are it is all for naught. 3. The pursuit of peace. This is always a goal America should strive for. However, a peace at any price policy is no peace at all. The President does not want to rock the boat and seeks to befriend everyone. America must take tough stands and stand with those who deserve our support first and foremost, like Israel and stand against those to seek to harm us and our friends and allies, like North Korea and Iran seek to do. 4. Support a Global Economy that advances opportunity for all. Who can argue with that? The problem lies with the inequity placed by others on the US that they themselves refuse to abide by.

National Security Council Chair: F. This was an historic meeting with an embarrassing result. It was the first time in the UN Security Council’s history that an American President Chaired a meeting. So you would think it to be a meeting that was important and worthy of the history it made. Quite the contrary, it was a grand display of weakness and naiveté. Instead of appearing for the United States at the UN Security Council to strongly condemn and try to halt the nuclear proliferation by two known and unabashed nation states that are actively seeking nuclear weapons, North Korea and Iran, the President and other Security Council Members unanimously passed a Resolution seeking the elimination of all nuclear weapons from the Earth. The resolution is unenforceable and not worth the paper it is written on. This is leadership? No, this is appeasement. It shows an unwillingness to stop those who flaunt international law and treaty and will only seek to embolden them and others to act in defiance. Reagan said it very well, “peace through strength”. If we are weak, peace will never be sustained or sustainable. It should have been a meeting that dealt strongly and directly with the threats posed by North Korea and Iran in meaningful and measurable ways.

In grading President Obama’s UN performance, you need look no further than the endorsements from the UN Podium from the likes of Chavez and Kahdafi that our President received, to know how he is being thought of by the most ruthless dictators on the Planet. They like him very very much.
Three terror plots were prevented this week by human intelligence and information gathering capabilities which this administration is undermining.  You can't wish the "War on Islamic Terror" away.  It's also just come to light that there will be a net decrease of 384 agents on the U.S.-Mexico border in fiscal year 2010.  This decrease was confirmed by Border Patrol Director of Media Relations Lloyd Easterling.  It has also been determined that Iran is building a second uranium enrichment plant.  It's a very dangerous world  we live in and weakness invites attacks.  The president should call off the dogs savaging our intelligence services and increase, not decrease, our border security.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
Why is the the Federal Government seeking to “gag” Humana?

The real question that should be asked is, did Humana break any Laws? If not, it is wholly inappropriate for the government to interfere in the contractual communications between a business and its customer. A business has every right to make their customer aware of possible legislation that will effect their insurances coverage. It is an opinion letter nothing more. The Congress, Administration and the Executive branch may not be reading the draft Bills but, I can assure you the insurance companies are. They are not only reading the Bills, they have teams analyzing every word to determine what effect its provisions will have on their businesses. Are the insurance companies suppose to remain silent? Do they not have a duty to their customers to keep them informed as to possible major changes to their coverage’s? The government spends tens of millions of tax payer dollars a year “communicating” with its constituents, why then, should private companies be prevented from doing the same thing? The Democrats are taking a very heavy handed approach with anyone or any entity that sounds the alarm or tries to educate the American People with regard to the health care they seek to enact. They demonize those who attend town hall meetings or take to the streets in protest and now they seek to silence an industry, the Democrats would like to see disappear. If Government ran health care, which is the Democrats “Holy Grail”, there would be no dissent and no recourse. You get what the Government gives you. America is not prepared for that and it is the duty of insurance companies to prevent their own demise.
Yesterday Glenn Beck covered the Stupid Frogs analogy on his Fox TV show.  It is important for people to understand that what The Obama is doing to citizens of this great country is tantamount to the slow boiling of a frog.  Seemingly benign changes are made to the systems of our economy and government that morph into loss of freedom and personal liberty.  Over time we become slaves and servants of an over intrusive and powerful central state.  This in exchange for security and stability?  There is no security or stability in servitude, only the erosion and demise of the human spirit.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
Beyond spending, what will the President and Congress have accomplished by the end of this year?

Answer: Not much. 1. Cap and Tax will not get signed and will remain a huge energy increase looming for every American. The President himself said that in order for use to be “cleaner” it will cost Americans dearly in the way of higher electric and gas bills. 2. Health Care will remain undone. The Democrats will not be able to carry the day and come up with a compromise resulting in a single Bill they can be for. 3. The President will be unable or unwilling to make the tough decisions on a surge in troops in Afghanistan and will delay making the tough decisions that need to be made. 4. The White House has no trouble appointing Czars but, cannot fill the hundreds of Senate Confirmed Executive Branch appointments that remain unfilled. 5. The Administration will have accomplished little is the oversight and regulation of our financial services sectors. They will not have cleaned house nor will they have instituted the necessary and reasonable measures to insure we do not suffer another financial disaster. 6. The President will have done nothing to make good on his promise to take a “scalpel” to our national budget and we will have seen the largest increase in spending in our Nations history. 7. For all is conciliatory rhetoric about North Korea and Iran, the World is a much more dangerous place. Both North Korea and Iran continue to thumb their noses at International Law and are proceeding to develop nuclear weapons and make statements threatening their neighbors and the World Community. 8. There is the danger that the President desperate to show some international “leadership” will get bogged down in a Middle East “Peace”. The Middle East has always been an area that President’s have gravitated to when things aren’t going their way at home. 9. There has been no leadership on Immigration beyond speeches and a promise that the 12 million illegals’ that are here will not get health care. A promise that is unenforceable. 10. By the close of 2009, America under the Obama Administration would have nationalized more GNP than our Founding Father’s could have dreamed. They will have increased our national spending by trillions and added trillions to our deficit. Their historic spending will only been matched by the reductions in revenue brought into the Treasury. 11. At a time when the economy is the number one issue with Americans across the board, we will have seen an Administration who manufactured a crisis on health care to the detriment of the real crisis and concern, the economy. 2009 has left our Nation weakened, economically, militarily, socially and spiritually.
Expect continued capitulation as The Obama addresses the United Nations.  A forum, though based on American soil and with the U.S. as it's biggest benefactor, continues it's anti-U.S. bias and diatribes.  The capitulation will most likely be accompanied by some unilateral economic and geo-strategic concessions.  Although many Americans turned a blind eye to the "big picture", The Obama did not hide his true intentions.  The following photo from the 2008 Presidential campaign proves it:

(Click on image for larger view)
The Obama's willingness to "take a look" at supporting legislation that would "bail-out" failing newspapers is yet more evidence of big governments overreaching.  Our economic system has been the envy of the world.  It has created unequaled advances in all areas on human endeavors.  It's basis is a capitalist system which works best with minimal regulations and government interventions.  For this system to function, failures must be allowed.  Failures are part of the risk and reward that make up the core.  We're a free people, and with this freedom comes, the freedom to fail.  Through failure we sometimes gain the most.  We teach our children to learn from their mistakes.  What would life be like if we were to not allow any failure at all?  This strategy would in fact cause the biggest failure, the entire system would break down.  Bailing out failed auto companies was a mistake.  Bailing out failed newspapers would only compound the problem.  Having government involved in the newspaper industry would also create a propaganda monster from which the free voices of opposition could be stifled.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
Democrats are decrying the need for “civility” and pleading for “calm” in all public discourse. This is a grand diversion by a failed majority to deflect attention away from themselves and their own ineptness. Where were they, when for eight long years they attacked relentlessly and recklessly all things Bush. aired a commercial morphing President Bush into Adolph Hitler. How many millions of Soros and other left wing radicals dollars went into that? Let us not forget’s full page “General Betrayus” ad. Where was the out cry by the Democrats for civility? When marchers organized by left wing groups fanned out across the country with signs alleging Bush and other senior officials to be Nazis and murderers, where was the Democrats condemnation? Where was the civility and decorum, when a sitting Speaker of the House and Majority Leader of the Senate called a sitting President a liar? Granted those statements were not made on the floor of their respective bodies but, they were made in government buildings and in their official capacities. All of a sudden, when things aren’t going their way and the shoe is on the other foot, the Democrats are asking to be treated differently from what they have dished out and encouraged against their opposition for years. The dissent that has been exhibited towards the President and Congress today, is a lot tamer than what they gave out. There is an old saying, “if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen”. There will be a whole host of new chefs ready to cook up just what America is hungry for in 2010. The Democrats have been handed all branches of government with high majorities and they have failed to lead to date.
The Obama sold out our Eastern European allies, Czechoslovakia and Poland.  By not following through on a previously agreed missile defense system, this administration has rewarded Russia with what history will show to be a geopolitical strategic blunder.  Right away GE will benefit from deals with Russia.  GE owns The Obama propaganda machines of NBC and MSNBC.  Is there a Quid pro quo here?  This kind of "change" we can definitely do without!
Speaker Pelosi warns of "political" violence and says that , "people have a right to say what they think and believe".  She fails to mention that she is one of the main instigators of the current discontent in the country and in congress (listen to her by clicking here).   When she labels Americans from all walks, races and political affiliations as "Astroturf", she is guilty of incitement.  She also speaks of the balance between "freedom" and "safety".  The atrocity in our current government, in which she is one of the main players, reminds of this great Samuel Adams quote:
"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen."
When Sen. Max Baucus (D Mont.) announced his health care bill, the gang of "bi-partisan" senators ran for the hills.  No other senator in the group has signed on.  Baucus labeled his bill as "progressive".  OK, let's do a little math: 
Progressive = Liberal
Progressive Health Care Bill = Liberal Health Care Bill
Public Co-op's = Public Option-Lite
Baucus Health Care Bill = Government Health Care
Government Health Care = ObamaCare
A scam by any other name is still a scam.  There are three simple steps that would lower health care costs:
Tort reform.
Allow health insurance companies to compete across state lines.
Allow doctors and hospitals to deduct the care that is given to people without health care insurance.
President Obama was a lawyer for ACORN, he was an instructor for ACORN and ACORN is scheduled to receive 8 BILLION dollars from the "Spendulus" bill.  The President also told ACORN that their counsel would be a central part of his administration. ACORN has been shown to be a corrupt, outlaw organization involved in voter fraud and voter intimidation.  Now, undercover film has shown ACORN employees in 4 different cities advising strangers of how to break the law and avoid paying taxes.  They also encourage underage prostitution using illegal aliens.  Where is the MSM on this these stories?  They are so invested in The Obama they ignore the communist and other radical Czars he has surrounded himself with and takes advice from.
When The Obama and his liberal friends speak of the "Global War on Terror" they use their politically correct term, "Overseas Contingency Operations".  But when they speak of our intelligence services they say, "Torture" instead of "Enhanced Interrogation Techniques".  It's always blame America first and do whatever possible to be "liked" by our enemies.  That foolishness will be our undoing.  Is "killing" less harmful than "torture"?  The president can sign off on targeting a terrorist for "elimination" but "Torturing" would have been out of the question by his "White House" interrogation squad.  Makes sense to us!
Media hypocrisy can be seen not only by how they word their articles and statements but also what they don't say or cover.  On Saturday after the huge rally in DC against the socialist take over of health care, their online story was 5th on their highlight list and said that "2,000 activist" gathered at the Capitol.  On Sunday the story wasn't even listed on CNN online.  Take a look at the picture shown here.  Does that look like "2,000 activists"?  This administration and their accomplices in the media continue to ignore and put the American people down.  They do this at their own peril.  The reckoning is coming. 
9/11 is not a time for community service.  It's a time to remember the worst attack on our country.  It's a time to remember the innocent victims of that terrorist attack.  It's a time to remember their families and all those brave first responders that lost their lives saving their fellow Americans.  It's a time to remember the brave men and women that have lost their lives or been injured fighting against the evil that was evident on 9/11.  The Obama not only did not go to New York to commemorate the event, he never used the term "terrorist attack".  Adding insult to injury, this administration and their fearless leader want to change 9/11 from a memorial and reminder of the war we're in, to a national day of "community service".  Releasing terrorists, releasing interrogation procedures and investigating the CIA are what this administration believes in.  Give me a break!  America, there's a wolf in the hen house.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
On September 11, 2001, I was the Deputy Assistant to the President for Appointments and Scheduling, essentially the President's Gate Keeper. It was a beautiful September morning in DC. I arrived at my West Wing Office at the usual time, 6:15 am and prepared for the 7:30 am Senior Staff Meeting in the Roosevelt Room. The President and Chief of Staff Card were in Florida and Josh Bolten was the highest ranking staffer at the White House besides the Vice President. After the Senior Staff Meeting, I went back to my office on the first floor of the West Wing and began my normal office routine. As was my habit, I constantly had a news station on my office TV. I always kept volume down even during meetings, so I could immediately respond to news as it was happening. As I was doing my work, I heard reports being broadcast of a commuter plane that struck one of the towers of the World Trade Center. The story immediately grabbed my attention for several obvious and not so obvious reasons, the oddity of the accident, I am from NY and my Brother at the time, was a Commissioner of the Port Authority of NY/NJ which owns the Trade Center Towers. Needless to say, I was glued to the coverage, and I witnessed live the second plane strike the other Trade Center Tower. Like Cesar, I knew immediately at that time, that America was under attack and said so to my assistant. I immediately went into the Situation Room and heard and saw Josh Bolten swing into action. The West Wing Staff met in the White House Mess and were given instructions on evacuation and immediately after the briefing did so. I went to a off site location with about 100 plus staffers and I was the highest ranking staffer at that location. We all went to work. We wanted to know what other President's had done after the Marine Barracks Bombing in Lebanon, the Murrow Building Bombing in Oklahoma, the first World Trade Center Bombing, Etc. We wanted to compile a historical press prospective of how they reported the events and we also wanted to know what former Presidents did for a period of two weeks from the events. When did they address the Nation, who did they meet with, how did their schedules change. During the time I was leading the staff from the off site location, my brother was calling me and my sister, as my nephew Tommy Jurgens a Senior Court Officer and combat trained army medic was reported to have left his court house to respond to the scene and was missing. As it turned out, my nephew lost his life saving others. He disregarded orders from his superiors to leave the building and went back in to rescue others. At approximately 5:30 pm, I released the majority of the staff from my location and just myself a few others returned to the White House to join other Senior Staff for a meeting in the Roosevelt Room. We prepared for the President's return to the White House and his Address from the Oval Office that night. We threw out the President's planned schedule for 2 weeks and scheduled meetings and appearances as events warranted. I got home that night at Midnight and returned to work on 9/12 at 6am. I was never more proud of my Country and those who serve as I was and continue to be during this time. Everyone swung into action and went to work unselfishly with a primary focus to do whatever it takes to be helpful. Two days after 9/11, I told Andy Card that my Nephew was missing and that I may want to return to NY on the weekend. He asked me if I had told the President and I said I did not. He told me to do whatever I needed to do. Within five minutes of telling Secretary Card that my Nephew was missing the President called me on the phone and told me he is praying for the safe return of my nephew and pledged to me that he will find those responsible and bring them to justice. No sooner did I hang up the phone then the President was at my desk and repeated those statements and shook my hand. If anyone watched after 9/11 the response of our government with a critical eye it was me. I know first hand what the President, Vice President and the entire administration did to keep us safe from further attacks and to bring those responsible to justice. I am so proud to have served during this time with patriots so focused in doing the right things for the right reasons. We can second the actions taken by the Bush Administration but one thing is for sure, those who served acted with the best of intentions and were singularly focused in preventing further harm to our citizens. The proof of their efforts is without question, we have not experienced further attacks at home and abroad since 9/11 and it is principally because of the actions taken by the Bush Administration and Congress including but not limited to the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, the Patriot Act, FISA, the reorganization of our intelligence services, the creation of a Intelligence Czar, and yes the legal Interrogation of our enemies.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
One of the reasons why the President and his staff chose a Joint Address to Congress for his last ditch effort to save his plans for government controlled health care was because of the reception he would get from a room controlled by his party. The trouble is he is preaching to the choir. The American People surely will see through the show we saw tonight. The President’s safe harbor has been his cronies in Congress and in union halls.  What the Democrats fail to realize is that the manufactured crisis of health care reform does not trump the real economic crisis we face today. The American People spoke out loud and clear this summer. They said to their legislators that they want jobs, not more government and more debt. They said, what good is “affordable health care”, if they cannot afford it because they do not have a job or have lost their home.
It was the President who set forth for an artificial deadline for health care legislation to be passed prior to the Congressional Summer Recess. He was the one who did not want debate or public input. He was the one who thought he could muscle through health care reform like he did the spending bill. He was the one who would not allow members to read, digest and debate the over 1000 page Bill that was offered in the House.
Now that his own Party has stopped him in his tracks on health care reforms, (out of the fear of growing government, ballooning deficits and most importantly worry over their own re-election), the President thinks style with trump substance by speechifying his way to health care legislation. It won’t work.
Tonight we heard nothing new. The President’s speech was the same old, same old. No news was made, just a desperate attempt to re-package a flawed policy.
If we are to believe the President that there is significant bipartisan agreement for 80% of the reforms he seeks, I say Mr. President, take the deal. Mr. President reform health care by instituting: 1. Tort reform; 2. Allowing portability of coverage; 3. Not allow denial of coverage for pre-existing conditions; 4. Allow insurance companies to compete in all 50 states;  and 5. Get health care costs under control by eliminating fraud, mismanagement and abuse.
The American People spoke loud and clear this summer. They do not want a “public option”, nor do they want the door opened to the creation of a single payer government health care system.
If the President wanted a game changer tonight he would have offered his own Bill. He would have said that he would fight for it and that he would succeed. Instead, he said he is open and available for consultation and that it was Congress’ job to get him a health care bill he could sign. The President’s failure to lead will ultimately mark the death nil of Democratic health care reforms.

There's a huge disconnect between The Obama's words and his actions.  He has a gift for speaking (when the teleprompter is working), but his words fall flat on a sea of  misinformation.  Make no mistake about this latest incarnation of ObamaCare, the goal is government control of our health care system.  This translates into rationing, death panels and reduced innovation.  The proof is in the history of these changes in other countries where they have been tried.  The real changes that are needed, reduced government regulations to allow insurance companies to compete fairly across state lines and tort reform are no where to be found in ObamaCare. 
Green Jobs Czar, Van Jones, was forced to resign when his past statements and speeches came to light.  Jones is a self declared Communist. Both the president and first lady wanted him as part of the White House team.  Now, all of a sudden, he's a persona-non-grata.  Jones hasn't changed his opinions but so much light was shed on his speeches and comments that The Obama threw him under the bus. Just like he threw Wright, Ayers and Rezko under other buses.  Seems like there's a trail of busses following this president around.  If a person with a questionable past happens to make it into an administration, it would be reasonable to expect the resignation of such an individual.  The issue with this president is he is in bed with these radicals.  They are one of the same, believe in the same radical ideologies and blame the United States at every opportunity. 
Son-of-ObamaCare is in the pipeline.  As The Obama tries to resurrect what's left of socialist health care reform, the White House is labeling the new incarnation a product of The Obama himself.  To say this is to deny that they agreed with the bills that passed the house and were being considered in the senate.  Cuts in Medicare, "death panels" and the public option are principles that this administration, and specifically, The Obama agree with as they have stated in the past.  Even though Son-of-ObamaCare may be a watered down version it will still be a vehicle to take us down the same road, socialized medicine and bankruptcy.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
Democrats should be very concerned about the President’s awful poll numbers, as they should be with Reid’s and Pelosi’s as well. The Democrats in 2009 came into power with an air of invincibility. The Democrats thought could do whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted, because they attained the “super majorities” in the House and Senate and they had a charismatic President that the People would blindly follow. Well, they could not have been more wrong. The American People are smart and did not take too kindly to the arrogance of power and incompetence of governing that the President and Congress have displayed to date. The American People are scared to death about the expansion of the federal government the ballooning budget and deficit. They are fearful of the their future, of their children’s futures and that of the Country. This is definitely not the “change” they had hoped for.

On another note: The President needs to fire Van Johnson now. His Green Czar is yet another example as to why “czars” are bad. They do not go through a  confirmation process, they report only to the President and the White House and their powers are not defined. Had Van Johnson gone through the normal vetting procedures, he would have been exposed as a person that was unfit for high government service. The man is unstable, irrational and a disgrace to the President and the Nation. The fact that the President thought it was a good idea to have him serve his Administration is troubling at best and shows yet another critical lapse in judgment on his part.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
President Obama has made more nationally televised and hyped up addresses to the Nation than any other President in modern history, at this point in his tenure as President of the United States. When he got into office he and his staff were banking on his “star power” to woo the Country into following his every directive. Well his star is fading fast and he is in danger of becoming a super nova instead of a super star. There is a saturation point to being too visible even for a President. This is the third or fourth time he has tried to sell or repackage his health care reforms. If you look back at when Presidents have chosen to address a Joint Session of Congress it it usually reserved for monumental events in our history, (FDR’s Address after the attack on Pearl Harbor or GWB’s Address after 9/11), not for restarting a failed sales job for a policy that a majority of Americans do not want.
"It's not over until the fat lady sings", well the fat lady is singing encores and the stubborn liberals/socialist, and The One, just don't get it.  Plainly speaking, the public doesn't want the public option!  Democrats have the numbers to pass ObamaCare without a single Republican vote but it seems some of them are listening to their constituents and not simply labeling them "domestic terrorists".  It's the same grass roots American spirit that saved us from the immigration amnesty travesty.  The general public made a mistake last November, they are now trying to limit the damage.
The Obama will give a propaganda speech to elementary kids on September 8, 2009. This PreK-6 brainwashing attempt is unprecedented.  Could this be a planting of the socialist seed?  These school years should be for reading, writing and arithmetic, not for political indoctrination.  That is the procedure that Communist regimes around the world have used to bring up the next generation of loyal subjects.  This attempt at subjugating our nations youth needs to be fought with all our abilities.  Parents with children in PreK-6 should either keep their kids home in protest that day or go to school with them to monitor and counter this threat.
By keeping some distance from the particulars in ObamaCare, The Obama has the luxury of plausible deniability.  He can claim he doesn't know a particle section or page in the "phone book" sized health overhaul legislation, but do not be fooled by this slight of hand.  The basic premises in the legislation, especially the public option, is exactly what he wants and has categorically endorsed in the past.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
Hats off to Dick Cheney for not sitting on the sidelines and allowing the current Administration, Congress and the Media to use him and the Bush Administration as their punching bag and scapegoats. Cheney stayed silent and allowed the Obama Administration to get their “sea legs”. He was respectful and did not plan on opining on any of the new Administrations actions. It was only after the Obama Administration, Congress and the Media went after Cheney and the former Administration that the gloves came off. Why on earth should the former Vice President stay silent and allow others to attack and distort? He has every right and an obligation to fight back for the truth. There is no better person to push back than Cheney. He was privy to information that few others were. The attackers were hopeful that they could get away with their disinformation and that Cheney and others would remain silent. They bet wrong. I hope that Cheney and others will continue to fight back when the Obama Administration, Congress and the Media seek to destroy their legacy. If the Democrats were smart, they would realize that America does not blame the Bush Administration for keeping us safe, they applaud it. If there is another attack on America on their watch, it will likely occur because of our perceived weakness created by their actions and the affirmative steps they took to retard our abilities to stay one step ahead of those who seek to do us harm.
Regardless of public discontent with and criticism of ObamaCare, the liberal leadership in congress will attempt to ram the socialist takeover of our health care through.  Using obscure procedures called, reconciliation, they can pass this bill without Republican participation.  It's shameful that they attempt to use Senator Kennedy's passing to do this in his name.  Then again, this crowd has NO shame!
Rep. Diane Watson, California Democrat, recently touted Cuba's health care system and Fidel Castro as, "One of the brightest leaders I have ever met".  She also says that Rush and people that think like him want The Obama to fail because he is black.  When they loose the argument the seem to automatically pull out the race card.  She believes that wanting this is wanting the United States to fail.  It is dim bulbs like this which praise totalitarian socialist slavery like that of Cuba, and condemn our health care system, that are at the heart of the current debate.  We want The Obama's socialist-big-government policies to fail because it's in these policies that America's own failure and destruction would come.  We don't want to emulate the failed policies of socialism and communism.  They have been proven to be destructive to the liberty and freedoms that are enshrined in our founding documents.  Fools like Watson remind us of Albert Einstein's quote, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
With Senator Kennedy's passing, the dem's will attempt to manipulate and take advantage of a perceived "sympathy" vote.  Calling ObamaCare, KennedyCare, will only serve to further enrage it's critics.  A rose by any other name is still a rose, in this case though, it's not a rose but a pile of dong!  There are private alternatives that would improve our health care system but big-government liberals are blinded by their power and zeal for government control.  They simply do not trust the American people to make their own choices and they do not trust the private sector to provide the best options.  Enabling doctors and hospitals to deduct care provided to the uninsured as well as tort reform would solve most of the current health care issues.  The problem with this solution is that liberals wouldn't be in control of it and therefore could not claim credit for it.  Their goal is not to fix anything, it is the outright quest for political power.
The art of misdirection.  If you are loosing the argument, change the subject.  This administration is losing the health care debate because people had enough time to actually find out what was in it.  They saw through the smoke screen and envisioned their health care choices being trampled.  To change the subject, The Obama administration resurrected their attack on our intelligence services by going after those who have kept us safe since 9/11.  This "politically correct" crowd releases terrorist to rejoin the war and target Americans, while at the same time, investigate Americans who defend our country.  While we focus on this atrocity, their minions in congress work on a way to split the ObamaCare bill and ram it through.
We have communists in our mists!  No more, "It could never happen here"!  It is happening here.  Most of us grew up in Christian/Judeo households which taught us right from wrong, good from bad and "you are who you associate with".  Look at The Obama's associates, there's no question that he is surrounded by and advised by the very radicals our parents warned us about.  Don't listen to his well spoken lies, look at his actions and those of his associates.  At every turn this administration seeks to undermine the American way of life and weaken the defenses against our enemies. They use the tactics of information control and personal attacks to discredit their critics.  Soon they will attempt to confiscate our defensive personal arms with their convoluted so called "gun control".  In our opinion, "gun control is hitting what you aim at!  After guns, they will attempt to silence opposing voices on the airwaves with local regulations and government restrictions that will cripple our first amendment rights.  Left unchecked, this incursion into our liberty may mark the end of the great experiment that is, The United States of America.  Every freedom loving American will rise to her defense as the forces of evil are flattened by the free will and heart of the American spirit!
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
The “death panel” has taken on a life of its own, and, the Democrats are to blame. Had they had a manageable Bill instead of a phone book, over 1,000 pages, that was streamlined and uncomplicated, this would not have occurred. No Member of the House could have possibly absorbed or understood H.R. 3200. The shear volume and technical language has lent itself to interpretation and speculation. The only remedy now is to kill the Bill. A vast majority of Americans do not want health care reform. They want the economy fixed, they want a job, they want the deficit reduced, and they want our national spending contained. If the Democrats were to fix the government health care they now provide, Medicare and Medicaid, and drastically reduce and eliminate the fraud mismanagement and abuse in those systems they would have done a lot. RIP H.R. 3200.
According to The Obama administration, this is the worst economy since the great depression.  We're also fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan with Afghanistan getting more convoluted day by day.  The Obama is now on vacation, where is the outrage that the drive-by media showed when President Bush went to Crawford?  With the socialist takeover of our health care system in the balance, the president takes a walk on the beach.  Even with the administrations main-stream-media-propaganda-machine in full attack mode, they still can't cram the destruction of our health care system down our throats.  Freedom loving Americans are winning the battle.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
Obama’s “Yes we can” has been tempered by “no you won’t”. The American People are suffering economically. They are strapped. A majority believes that we cannot continue to spend and spend and spend passing on debt to future generations of Americans to solve today’s problems. When the American People voted in the Democrats they hoped that they would lead but, they are finding out that although Democrats control the Presidency and Congress there is no leadership. The Democrats are so divided among themselves, between the Blue Dogs and their most liberal members, that they themselves cannot agree on what should be done on any major issue. Their focus on health care reform at a time of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression shows how out of touch they are. What good is “affordable health care” if you can’t afford it because you have no job? They manufactured a crisis when we already have a real crisis they refuse to solve. Unemployment is at 10% nationally and upwards of 16% in many urban areas. Home foreclosures, personal and business bankruptcy’s, and bank failures continue at alarming rates. Personal credit card debt consumes the average household. Uncertainty of the future has Americans worried. Inflation is looming. Gas Prices are rising. Our national debt and federal budget has exploded in the past 6 months. Yes we can solve our problems, if we put our minds to to problems that need solving first. It is not the 1/3rd of our economy that should require our most immediate attention, it is the 2/3rds. The Democrats should forget about health care and concentrate on the greater economy.
The Obama is trying to rally his minions by reminding them that he's been down before, as in Iowa, and came back to win.  To the "anointed" one, it's always about him.  This is one of the reasons he habitually apologizes for the United States, he wasn't personally responsible and cannot see the forest for the trees.  ObamaCare is not a personal competition, it's about right and wrong.  It's about freedom, liberty and personal responsibility.  So next time The Obama finds himself staring at his Narcissistic reflection in the White House fountain, he would do us all a big favor by seeing through his shallow idealism!
With a filibuster proof majority in the Senate, the Democrats can pass ObamaCare without a single Republican vote.  Why don't they?  Demonizing Republicans, insurance companies and citizens is their excuse for their own failure.  Thomas Sowell correctly points out, "Why does it take more than 1,000 pages of legislation to insure people who lack medical insurance?"  It's not about the un-insured, it's about a socialist take over of our entire health care system.  A system, that with its' faults, is still the best and most innovative in the world.  The liberals new strategy is shaping up to be splitting the ObamaCare bill into two pieces and ramming it through a reconciliation process that would only require 51 votes.  One way or another, they'll find a way to grow government and ruin our health care system in the process.
The Obama mystique is wearing thin.  You can't apologize for the United States at every opportunity, take over private businesses and banks, and attempt to socialize our health care without people catching on to the madness.  Every day more and more Americans are realizing the mistake that was made last November.  We need to hang on, stop any further erosion of our liberties and government takeovers.  Together we can save our constitution and take our country back from the brink of destruction by the out of control socialist in charge today.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:

The “public option” is dead, but birth has been given to the “co-op” by Senator Kent Conrad, (D-ND). Under the co-op scheme, consumer owned and controlled not for profit corporations would compete with insurance companies in selling health insurance. The US government would provide billions of dollars in start up monies and the co-ops would operate under a federal parent system with state partners, yet independent from government. Sounds awfully complicated. It remains to be seen how a co-op will best the “public option”. The Democrats are desperate to pass any form of health care because they put all their chips down on it and cannot walk away like Clinton did in his first term. The other dirty secret the Democrats are hiding is that any health care that passes will be implemented after the Presidential Election of 2012. The reason for this is so Obama can claim a generational accomplishment on health care reform without any record of accomplishment. It is not until his second term starts that health care reform begins. For Democrats their actions to their peril is that come hell or high water the American People are getting some form of ObamaCare whether they like it or not. We shall see about that.
Don't be fooled by The Obama's statement over the weekend that the public option is "just a sliver" of the overall plan.  ObamaCare is not ObamaCare without the public option.  The reason for this slight of hand is to mislead and fool people into letting their guard down.  Let's not snatch defeat from the jaws of victory!  ObamaCare needs to be buried, just like the libs would do with our seasoned citizens.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:

David Axelrod, the Senior Advisor to the President of the United States of America has now been reduced to the Spam Czar. A friend of mine forwarded to me the following unsolicited and unwanted spam email from Axelrod with regard to health care and town hall meetings:

                                                     THE WHITE HOUSE

“Dear Friend,
This is probably one of the longest emails I’ve ever sent, but it could be the most important.
Across the country we are seeing vigorous debate about health insurance reform. Unfortunately, some of the old tactics we know so well are back — even the viral emails that fly unchecked and under the radar, spreading all sorts of lies and distortions.
As President Obama said at the town hall in New Hampshire, “where we do disagree, let's disagree over things that are real, not these wild misrepresentations that bear no resemblance to anything that's actually been proposed.”
So let’s start a chain email of our own. At the end of my email, you’ll find a lot of information about health insurance reform, distilled into 8 ways reform provides security and stability to those with or without coverage, 8 common myths about reform and 8 reasons we need health insurance reform now.
Right now, someone you know probably has a question about reform that could be answered by what’s below. So what are you waiting for? Forward this email.
David Axelrod
Senior Adviser to the President
P.S. We launched  this week to knock down the rumors and lies that are floating around the internet. You can find the information below, and much more, there. For example, we've just added a video of Nancy-Ann DeParle from our Health Reform Office tackling a viral email head on”.
Had Karl Rove, (who was the Senior Advisor to President George W. Bush), sent out blast emails to millions of Americans complaining about the publics reaction to the President’s policies and encouraged citizens to chain mail his email, he would be strung up by the Democrats. There would have been calls for investigations and for his removal.
The White House has a lot of explaining to do. How did Axelrod get the email addresses of the persons he sent this email to? How many emails were sent out? Who made the decision to do this? What is the White House doing with the email lists and the information that was gathered? What information do they have on Americans they sent emails to beyond just their email addresses. Did they pay for lists? If so, whom did they pay and how much was spent?
I find it very troubling that the most senior and trusted advisor to the President would be reduced to the Billy Mays pitchman for the White House. What’s next? Will they be selling “Orange Glo” and “Oxy-Clean” on the White House Website?
The ObamaCare-Fantasy-Tour continues with the liar-in-chief at the helm. Take away the teleprompter and you have foot in mouth disease.  His goal is a single payer system, even if you have to make it there in increments.  He has stated that in the past and yet, now he denies ever saying it.  There is video of this, you can't hide from that.  The Obama blatantly lies about his position and the monstrous health bill and continues to expect people to fall in line.  The Obama's past statements on the "Spendulus" bill proved to be gross exaggerations and lies.  Why should people trust him now?
The Obama hand picked town hall meeting went much differently then other town hall meetings, what a surprise.  With teleprompter in hand, all went as planned.  There was an interesting gem in this event that we would like to bring up.  The Obama said the U.S. Postal service constantly loses money while FedEx and UPS make a profit.  The difference of course is that the FedEx and UPS are private companies, run efficiently and for profit.  The postal service is run by the government.  Do you want the government running health care when they can't successfully deliver packages?
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
The Democrats will cause the President more grief, haven’t we seen that already? The Republicans are innocent bystanders, They do not have the votes to pass anything themselves, they do not control committees and are really a super minority. The Democrats should be careful as to what they wish for. They control all three branches of government with high majorities in the House and Senate. How can they blame the Republicans, when if they had solidarity within their party they could pass whatever they wanted whenever they wanted. As we can see from the health care fiasco, the Democrats are behaving like the Hatfields and McCoys, taking shots at each other. When Obama ran for President he gave lofty speeches about what he was going to do and how he was going to lead. The main problem is that the President abdicated his role as leader to Congress. These are not his Bills, they are someone else’s or in the case of health care many other’s. There are at least 5 healthcare bills floating out there by Democrats. They have not come together behind a single comprehensive piece of legislation and that is part of their problem. With regard to Afghanistan, the President is finding that it is much easier to campaign than to govern. The Republicans now need only point out the deficiencies and incompetence of the Democrats rule. There will come a time, as we get closer to the 2010 elections for Republicans to offer alternatives in the way of candidates and policies to the public. Let’s be real, the Republicans could have the best solutions for what ails us and there is no hope of getting any such policies passed by Democrats who control everything.
A lonely flame of Liberty is being smothered in Central America.  The democratic country of Honduras is struggling to maintain their democracy and constitution against overwhelming odds.  They are being pounded by communists like Chavez, Ortega and communist-in-training Obama.  The formerly strongest defender of Liberty and Freedom in the world, the United States, should be standing firmly on the side of the Honduran government in their fight against tyranny.  Instead we are siding with the geopolitical onslaught of the socialist machine.
Socialist intimidation, it's the way tyrants control dissent.  This administration can't handle a debate on the facts so they attack the citizens which disagree with them.  The strong arm tactics of pre-loading town hall meetings with SEIU union thugs shows their true colors.  Shouting down dissenters for the audacity of asking a question is another show of of their hypocrisy.  Couple these actions with the recently discovered National Guard search for "Internment" soldiers and you have a terrifying scenario.  Those so called rumors about rounding up American citizens and placing them in detainment camps may not be as far fetched as once thought.  "It could never happen here" is the false sentiment that people feel before loosing their liberty!
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
Congress loses whatever credibility they have with the public when they espouse their “do as I say not as I do” rhetoric. On healthcare, they claim they want to create a system of universal healthcare that is as good as every member of Congress is afforded, yet, they will not subject themselves to the system they create for the rest of us. They rant and rave about corporate executives use of corporate aircraft, yet, just this past week Congress approved the purchase of 500 million dollars in Gulfstream V and Boeing 737 private jets for “VIP” travel by Congress. Is that what they consider themselves now? VIP’s?

Well, since they run an ever growing government and control America’s largest businesses, I can see where they may start to think that way. The Democrats are drunk with power and the People are starting to get fet up with it. The increasing public dissent we are seeing at Town Halls this Summer  reminds me of the Tea Parties that occurred all over the country this past Spring. The public does not like hypocritical governance. They want to be told the truth. They want a methodical and sensible approach to fixing our economy. They do not support generational change in healthcare, when the current system of government controlled healthcare, (Medicaid & Medicare), is rife with mismanagement, fraud and abuse. Over-reaching and incompetent governing will be the opportunity for the Republicans to gain a more fair and balanced legislature. That is if they are able to capitalize on the opportunity.
The Obama administration and their socialist friends consider old ladies, scared citizens and veterans in wheel chairs to be "MOBS".  This coming from the same Saul Alinsky disciples that use strong arm tactics to coerce banks and private businesses.  Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" is The Obama's playbook.  The problem for these socialists is they can't handle what they dish out.  They collect a blacklist of the opposition, intimidate the opposition,  silence the opposition.  These are tactics tyrants use!
The White House asking Americans to inform on their neighbors and friends, the FCC working on "Behavioral Rules" for broadcasters, judges looking to the World Court for judicial guidance and government takeover of private businesses.  This administration and their socialist allies are trashing our constitution.
A new illness has been discovered spreading throughout the congress, THFS.  This dreaded Town Hall Fear Syndrome is accompanied by chills and an endless need to blame American citizens and insurance companies.  Pro ObamaCare reps and senators need to fear the Chicago knee-cappers less than they do the citizens at those town halls.  They work for those citizens, the same ones that have seen the light and are turning against the socialized health care nightmare that would be ObamaCare.
The Obama White House is asking Americans to spy on Americans.  Today they're looking for people, groups and web sites that are opposed to ObamaCare.  What will they be looking for tomorrow?  This is not done by accident nor is it a slip by an out of control staffer.  The "Cash for Clunkers" government site has a disclaimer warning that you are forced to accept, when you do so, you allow the government to access "all" the information on your PC or Laptop.  That access stays in force for as long as the government chooses to have it.  This is a slippery path towards a totalitarian state.
Happy Birthday to President Obama.  Born on August 4, 1961 at ___________ Hospital in ______________.  We assume the hospital will be celebrating the birth of a president of the United States, the question is which hospital and in which country?

"We either uphold our entire constitution or it will crumble under the weight of its enemies"
Like the politically correct attack on Christmas, ObamaCare will attack your health care.  Christmas Trees and Nativity scenes are removed from schools and other public places because a few complain, regardless of the majority.  The Obama wanted  to ram ObamaCare through congress like he did the "Spendulus" bill.  Rush it through before the congress had a chance to read the bills and before the American people could realize what was happening.  Fortunately the process has been slowed down by Republicans, Blue Dogs and concerned citizens.  The majority of Americans are now opposed to ObamaCare.  Let's not ruin the best health care system in world by copying failed one's in Canada, England and Europe.
The Government's "Cash for Clunkers" program was supposed to be funded through the Fall.  They had allocated $1,000,000,000 (that's 1 billion) for it.  In just the first stage of the program, the "free" government handout was broke.  Now congress has allocated another $2,000,000,000 (that's 2 billion) for the program!  People falling for a "free" government program, no way.  How can we trust the government's figures on the their own "public" health option when they can't even run a simple car rebate?  Do you really trust them to run your health care?
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
I find it ironic that President Obama can travel the globe apologizing to countries on behalf of the American People for what he believed were past insults and mistreatment yet, he was not man enough to apologize to a fellow American for insulting him and impugning his integrity. The President disgraced his high office and Professor Gates brought great shame to himself and Harvard. Sgt. Crowley and Lucia Whalen were the only ones in this whole sorted affair that acted properly and professionally.
So much for the "Smear Summit", oops, we mean the "Beer Summit".  Just a moral equivalence of an unruly homeowner and a police officer who was sent there to protect his home.  Let's feed the police officer some beers then send him to a AFL-CIO sponsored press conference with a pre "Beer Summit" prepared statement.  He did an excellent job answering questions but our question is, why didn't Professor Gates have to face the media after drinking a few beers?  What a pile of "barf-lee" and hops!
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
President Obama is losing the battle with the American People on healthcare because it is not healthcare that requires immediate attention it is the economy. We are experiencing the worst economy since the Great Depression. I did not say those words the President did. Why then is he not focusing the majority of his attention and spending his political capital on accomplishing success on the economy? If the “stimulus” would have worked as promised and unemployment did not rise past 8.5% and the monies approved had been spent as intended, the President could have gotten his healthcare plan approved. The American People are loosing their trust in the President’s ability to focus, prioritize and deliver on the issue of most importance. It’s all about the economy. Americans do not see healthcare as a crisis, they do see the economy as one. When Members return home to their districts, I believe their constituents are going to give them an earful on the economy. They are not going to be concerned at this moment on healthcare. Healthcare will have to wait unless and until their is significant improvement with our economy. It is sheer “stupidity” for the President and his Administration to be so out of touch . I suggest the President have some beers with average Americans and maybe he will be enlightened as to what most concerns them.
The talk yesterday afternoon was that "Blue Dogs" had struck a deal on the ObamaCare plan.  The truth was that 4 of the 7 "Blue Dogs" on the committees caved.  After being taken behind the woodshed by the Chicago Knee-Cappers, they are now the "Black and Blue Dogs".  The vast majority of the others are holding firm, for now.  Some of these "Blue Dogs" where elected in the 2006 Democrat takeover of the house.  Remember 2006, that's when the Democrats hid Pelosi and Reid away during the elections in order to fool the voters into falling for not-as-liberal Democrat candidates.  The Obama administration keeps blaming Bush for eight years of economic collapse.  The fact is that the first six years were an economic boom, not withstanding 9/11, two wars and Katrina.  You can draw a parallel line on the economic downturn to the Democrats taking control of the purse strings in 2006.
The Obama administration continues to side with communists in Central America.  Castro, Chavez, Ortega and Obama all agree that the ousted Honduran president Zalaya should be returned to power.  Zelaya attempted to thwart the Honduran constitution and extend in perpetuity his socialist administration and the destruction of Honduran democracy.  Zelaya was removed from office by the rule of law and constitutional democratic procedures.  Yesterday the The Obama administration revoked the visas of four current Honduran government officials, including the Honduran Supreme Court magistrate that ordered Zelaya's removal from office as well as the president of the Honduran Congress.  What signal does this send to our friends in Central America who are struggling for democracy?  Once again The Obama is on the wrong side of freedom and liberty, the backbone of our own democracy.
Like the fox guarding the hen house, AARP sponsored a "town hall" ObamaGanda meeting today.  The bulk of health care rationing under ObamaCare will directly affect the very people that the AARP pretends to represent.  It's ironic and would be laughable if it weren't so serious.  Our seniors will have their health care choices determined by government boards.  If you are a certain age and the government determines that the investment in a needed procedure would not be cost effective, then you're on your own.  We need the funds for younger subjects.  The fact is that only 10 million people do not have health care for a given 12 month period.  Not the near 50 million that The Obama and drive-bys keep ramming down our throats.  Some of those 10 million are self insured or choose not to have insurance.  So to forcibly cover the so-called uninsured would destroy the best health care system in the world, while breaking the bank in the process.  Sounds like a great socialist plan.
When an unruly citizen insults a police officer who is doing his job trying to protect the citizens property, there's no race involved.  Why are the very people that scream "racist" the ones who make race an issue?  It's the same mindset that apologizes for the United States at every opportunity rather show pride in our exceptionalism.  Perhaps it's because they don't believe or recognize that exceptionalism to begin with.  It's also the same crowd that sees the American people as to dumb to handle our own money and choices, requiring the government to continue its uncontrolled growth and power grab to make those choices for us.  This approach to governing is the antithesis of Liberty.
Government run GM and Chrysler's sales are down 22%.  Even with a plan that gives new car buyers $9,000 (public funds) for trading in their old clunkers.  Ford doesn't have that giveaway because they did not fall for the government bailout scheme.  Ford sales are up! Could it be that the American people are voting with their economic power by turning down the government car option?  The more government involvement in the private sector that takes place the worse our economy will be.  Look out oil companies, sooner or later they'll come after you!
Democrats from Boxer to Obama are showing their true colors.  Although they pretend to be the party of minorities, they're the ones that constantly play the race card and divide us into racial groups.  While at a congressional hearing on Cap-and-Trade, Sen. Boxer demeans the witness, Harry Alford by reading an opinion form another black leader on Cap-and-Trade.  Harry Alford is the CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce.  He was there to testify on his professional opinion on Cap-and-Trade, an economic issue not a racial one.  During the ObamaGanda news conference, The Obama admitted he didn't know all the facts on the arrest of his friend, Professor Gates, then insults the Cambridge police of acting "Stupidly".  Gates is black and the arresting officer is white.  Regardless of the facts in the Gates case, for a president to personally involve himself and therefore this office into such an issue goes to the heart of the hypocrisy in the Democrats message.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
The President is selling a product that no one wants. He is desperate and refuses to pull the plug on healthcare legislation that even Democrats concede is DOA. It is not the Republicans that are holding up Obamacare it is Democrats. After the Chairman of the CBO, (a Democrat appointment), came out and publicly contradicted the White House, that gave Democrats the “cover” to jump ship. The Congressional Budget Office stated that Obamacare would add significantly to our national budget and to our ever growing national deficit. The American People are getting uncomfortable with the President and his policies and it is showing in recent polls. Polls show that a majority of Americans believe America is on the wrong track. They are not confident with the President’s handling of the economy or healthcare. He is the salesman in chief yet, the American People are starting to look elsewhere. The President has put all his chips on healthcare when he should be placing them on the economy. The bet has been made and he will have to fold his hand because he can’t win. The August recess will come without a deal. Members will go back to their districts and get an earful from their constituents on the economy. When Members return to Washington, it will not be healthcare that they want to focus on, it will be the economy and jobs.
We infiltrated the ObamaGanda Press Conference last night with our crack investigative reporter, Frederick Von Nicklebrain.  The event began like all The Obama events do, with a teleprompter directed speech in which he said, "BLAH-BLAH-BLAH" (nothing new).  Then came the softballs, to which he responded with, "LIE-LIE-Mini-Speech-LIE".  He continued to answer the remaining questions with his prepared Mini-Speeches.  After saying the Cambridge police acted "Stupidly" in arresting an Obama friend, he concluded with his trademark, "BLAH-BLAH-BLAH"
Wheels are starting to come off The Obama socialist gravy train.  The more light that shines on the administrations socialist health care plan, the more cockroaches run for the hills.  The American people are starting to fight back against this latest encroachment on their liberty.  It's not the governments business to force you to buy health insurance or to penalize you if you choose not to.  The numbers they use to justify their intrusion into our privacy is bogus.  They claim close to 50 million people are un-insured.  The fact is that people who are un-insured for just part of the year are counted in this group.  The true number is much lower, around 18 million.  How many of those are self insured because it's their choice?  Should it be the governments job to force them into a system they choose not to participate in?  Enough with this socialist juggernaut, the destruction of our liberty is not set in stone.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
Obama and the polls. Should he worry? Fasten your seat belt Mr. President, you are going to start experiencing turbulence for the foreseeable future. There comes a time in every new Administration when it’s time to buckle up. It is that time for this Administration. The honeymoon is over and the People will now look to you to pilot the ship of state. The reality is that this President will be handed his first major “defeat” when Congress adjourns for the summer without passing his healthcare plan. Members will go home and get an earful from their constituents about the economy and government spending. When Congress returns in September, it will be back to the drawing board and the President will have to re-start healthcare or move on to fight another day. Generational change requires a great deal of spade work. The Obama Administration wanted to reap a bumper crop without first sowing the seeds and counted on Obama’s personal popularity to carry the day. Well, his popularity is waning and it will take a lot of hard work to get anything close to what he or the far left wants. Hopefully, the Blue Dog Democrats will prevent much more taxing and spending from here on out. As I have said all along, it is not the Republicans who will be the bane of this President it will be his own party.
Where are the supposed women's rights groups (NOW) when a conservative woman is being attacked?  Silent.  Where is the largest seniors group (AARP) when our seniors (seasoned citizens) future health care is threatened? Silent.  Politics to these groups far outweigh the their concern for their constituents.  When President Bush and  Republicans in congress wanted to "fix" the social security system, AARP went on an all-fronts attack to keep the failing status quo.  The Obama's supposed health care reform will destroy our health care system and will ration care, specially to our seniors.  When their care is rationed and the government rationalizes that they've lived long enough and it wouldn't be "cost effective" to provide the procedure or medication they require, so be it.  By then it will be to late, to late for us and specially, to late for our loved ones.
It's Deja Vu all over again!  The Obama scared the pants out of Americans over the economy in order to pass his "Spendulus" bill.  A bill that was rushed through the liberal congress without giving members time to read it.  They told us that if not passed, unemployment would go over 8%.  It passed without a single Republican vote in the house and unemployment is now over 9.5% and rising.  Every day brings a new excuse from this administration.  Now they're on a scare campaign to cram their socialized national health care down our throats.  This president and his cronies are intent on emulating failure.  The government runs Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, programs that are wrought with waste, fraud and on the brink of bankruptcy.  Republicans don't have the votes to stop this runaway train, but maybe some Democrats will see the light before it's to late.
While The Obama administration and their liberal allies in congress are busy socializing America and destroying our health care system, that pesky little war is still going on.  Another "Man-Caused-Disaster", this time in Jakarta, Indonesia, reminds us the war on terror, or as our politically correct leaders call it, "Overseas-Contingency-Operations" is still a concern.  While the liberals line up for their latest attack on our intelligence community for trying to come up with a plan to kill our enemy, we can picture a sinking boat.  A sinking boat where the CIA is trying to bail while the DEMs are drilling holes in the hull.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
Health Care: The House Dems healthcare bill is terminally ill, it gets an F. The government has failed miserably in the delivery of quality government controlled health care. Both Medicaid and Medicare are broken and rife with fraud, mismanagement and abuse. They Democrats are boasting that by “cleaning up” the fraud and mismanagement of Medicaid and Medicare, they will be able to take those billions “saved” and apply it to their new “universal health care program”. Where have they been all these years they controlled health care spending for our government? Should they have not focused on “cleaning up” the government health care they provide, before attempting to expand that incompetence to every single American? The Dems are hell bent on creating bigger more invasive and inefficient government. Their attempts to create a socialized medicine program failed under Bill Clinton and it will fail under Obama. Even in the best of economic times the program they seek to create would be a tough sell. If the Dems were serious about providing quality health care they would start with “cleaning up” what they already provide. Over haul Medicare and Medicaid now and you will get bipartisan support.

CIA: The President should rein in his government. He is letting the inmates, (Congress), run the asylum. When President Obama took office he vowed to look forward and not behind. It is a slippery slope when a new administration investigates the former and questions actions taken that are contrary to their own political beliefs. Since any investigation would likely still involve matters of “top secret” or “compartmentalized” programs, such an investigation would be held behind closed doors. That means leaks would rule the process. The President needs to take charge here. No good will come to the country being dragged through a manufactured tit for tat political game of gotcha. There is plenty of blame to go around and if the Dems think they will come out unscathed they would be sorely mistaken.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
Judge Sotomayor seems to have the judicial temperament of an anointed one. I remember many judges who have told audiences that they will never forget the day when they were practicing attorneys. Then they don those black robes and it erases all their memory of when they came before the bench. She strikes me as one of those. She has struggled to make it, and now that she has, she is power. Yesterday’s hearing looked like she had been sent to the principal’s office. As humbling as it might have been to be on the other side of the fence, sitting there getting a little taste of what she has done to others for years and years, it will all be forgotten once she is confirmed. She is on good behavior for a few days. It will be up to her peers on the Supreme Court to keep her in check as best that they can both in temperament and in argument. The Judiciary Committee so far as comported themselves with restraint, respect and repetitiveness. How many times does each senator have to ask the same question over and over again. If they can’t use their 20 minutes constructively, they should yield their time. There comes a time when enough is enough. It is that time.
In last nights all star game pre-game The Obama said, let’s strive to make America a place all the world looks up to.  The Obama fails to recognize that America has been the place others look up to and the country that has helped and continues to help the rest of the world more than any other.  Why is the United Nations based in the United States?  Why do we pay over 60% of their operating revenues?  Why is the OAS in the United States?  Why do we pay the overwhelming majority of their funds?  Who is the largest donor nation in the world for anti-poverty programs?  Who has saved millions of people in the world with medicines that were developed in a FREE and capitalistic enterprise system that has been the envy of the world?  Let’s stop the pussy footing around and recognize what is happening to our way of life for what it is.  We are being defeated from within, like a cancer in a patient who refuses treatment!
The Obama justice department is looking into prosecuting Bush era officials.  Their concern is for a secret CIA plan that was never implemented and thereby the congress was not informed.  The plan, which was developed after 9/11, would have gone after Al-Qaeda leadership at close range.  We believe a plan to kill Al-Qaeda leadership after 9/11 would have been a great way to help eliminate the threat of a terrorist group that wants to kill Americans and destroy our way of life.  Information of this came to light recently after being leaked by the congress.  Maybe that was the reason the congress was not informed in the first place.  Congress leaks like a sieve!
Lady Justice is blindfolded for a reason.  Defendants should be judged on their guilt in any particular action not by the color of their skin, sex, sexual orientation, religious belief, wealth or nationality.  The Obama and Sotomayor believe that a judge must "empathize" with the defendant.  They believe that empathizing levels the playing field.  The truth is that empathizing turns the playing field upside down and goes against the very nature of judging and the oath that every judge must take.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
The Republicans need to rise up and challenge the legality of the Czars appointed by President Obama. The President has subverted the Constitutional requirement for advice and consent of the Senate for principal officers. The President appointed dozens of Czars, (Drug, Energy & Environment, Health, Urban Affairs, Economic, Regulatory, Technology, Government Reform, Border, WMD, Cars, Intelligence, Compensation, Great Lakes, Cyber, .......), all without Senate Confirmation and all with concurrent or arguably, superior authority over Cabinet Secretaries and agencies by power and authority of the White House. The President has a Cabinet in place. Does he not have confidence in those he chose? The Czars are duplicative, expensive and totally unnecessary. They have avoided the necessity of disclosure, security clearances and scrutiny by the Senate or the Press. Where is the outrage? The Republicans should challenge this unprecedented abuse of Executive Authority and take it to the Supreme Court. The Democrats talked a good game when they claimed abuse of Executive Authority by President George W. Bush. Obama’s abuses pale in comparison to any allegations lodged by the Democrats at President Bush. From the appointment of Czars, to the firing of private sector business executives, to the meddling in setting executive compensation and bonus’, to determining winners and losers in the financial services sector, President Obama has acted more like a dictator than a President. If Republicans are serious about challenging Obama, this is the perfect opportunity. The disregard of the Constitution is not the “change” America wanted or needs.
The Obama gave The Pope an "audience" today.  If was nice of The Obama to take time out of his busy day to meet him.  What would we give to be a fly on the wall during that meeting, take that back, Obama kills flies.  What do you think the Pope feels about The Obama's financial support for worldwide abortion? What about taking care of the "down trodden" amongst us? As Abraham Lincoln said, "You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich."  As far as the climate change give-away, maybe someone should tell the bleeding heart environmental whacko's that the climate has cooled in the last 10 years.  Why should we sacrifice our prosperity and that of our children to appease a false belief.  In the 60's we were heading to a new ice age, in the 70's acid rain was going to destroy the forests and lakes, now the same hysteria is feeding the global warming lemmings.  It seems liberal and socialist never learn from history, they just look forward to repeating the same idiocy because it makes them feel good!
Mini-Bama (Biden) says, "We under estimated the economy", The Obama says, "We didn't have all the information", we say, "Hold on to your wallets!"  The Obama and Mini-Bama campaigned on the "worst economy since the great depression", now, oops, what a surprise, our economy is in bad shape.  Could it be that their "Spendulus Bill" wasn't a stimulus at all?  If the "Spendulus" money was not intended to get distributed right away but was a socialist expansion of government, then why are they surprised that the economy has gotten worse.  They complained that Republicans didn't want to do anything.  We think that doing nothing would have been preferable to massive deficit spending that will only cripple our economy and recovery.  The truth is Republicans wanted to do something, cut taxes.  That doesn't put money back in your pocket, it doesn't take it out to begin with! Money spent by the people earning it, creates jobs, money spent by the government, re-distributes it.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
The Vice President had another, “say it ain’t so Joe”, moment. How bad did he think the economy was? Did he not hear the President state over and over and over again that this is the worst economy since the Great Depression? You didn’t need to be a rocket scientist to predict double digit unemployment, I predicted that would occur 3 months ago. Unemployment in our urban centers is about 14% today, while our national average is 9.5%, if you believe the White House. I believe we are passed 10% already, if you take into account those who have stopped looking for full time work, those who were full time workers that are now part timers and those working seasonal jobs who used to be full time workers. The “stimulus bill” that the Obama Administration and the Democrats in Congress railroaded through without a single Member who voted on it having read it, is a disaster. The majority of it, some 80% of over 700 billion dollars remains unspent. Show me the money and show me the jobs. There is nothing to show for any of it. Now if you can believe it, the Democrats are talking about the need for a second stimulus. It is clear that they have no clue as to what to do or how to stimulate our economy. All they know how to do is spend. Watch out, taxing is next as inflation rears its ugly head come Fall.
Here comes the CZAR?  The Obama is sidestepping the constitution by appointing unconfirmed "emperors" that control executive functions and answer only to the president.  It's an extension of presidential powers beyond anything that we've had in the past and beyond what is called for in our constitution.  The latest rumblings is a "health" czar.  We need a health czar like we need a hole in the head!  We're already up to 30 czars that have no accountability and no oversight.  The Russians could learn something from The Obama...
Headline: The Obama "trusts" Medvedev.  They agreed on cutting nuclear stockpiles by 30%.  They will continue "talking" about pulling the rug out from under our Eastern European allies.  The Russian's are threatened by "defensive" missiles in Eastern Europe.  These are defensive missiles that were agreed upon between the United States and our allies.  Mr. Obama, don't sell out our allies like you're selling out our Democratic friends in Honduras!
Happy Birthday America
On this great July 4th Independence Day Holiday, in between your celebration with family and friends, take some time to honor.  Honor those who sacrificed all they had for our independence.  They were men of means, set in life and comfortable with their success.  But they lacked one thing, Liberty.  They gave it all, for the that Liberty.  Along with those who have sacrificed through the years to maintain our freedom and liberty, we salute and honor them all.  No apologies, just honor!
The Obama's political philosophy can clearly be understood by his statements and concerns on two recent international events, Iran and Honduras:
Iran - The Theocratic dictatorship backs the fraudulent "re-election" of their current puppet; Ahmadinejad.  Riots break out in support of Democracy and freedom.  Innocent people are gun down in the streets.
The Obama's reaction - The United States should not be seen as "meddling" in Iran's internal affairs.  He says the "Supreme Leader" is basically on top of things.
Honduras - The president attempts to circumvent the constitution of Honduras by illegally trying to implement a public vote to extend his presidency.  Assisted by Venezuela's Chavez and thereby a socialist-Marxist attack on a central American democracy.
The Obama's reaction - The United States condemns the removal from office of the Honduran president and stands side-by-side with Chavez, the Castro's and Ortega in calling for his immediate reinstatement. 
The old saying that you can tell about a person by the company he keeps sure rings true with The Obama.  The American people should have paid more attention to the company he kept before the elections: Davis, Wright and Ayers.  No surprises here...
Republicans have lost another senator, the democrats have gained another clown.  Loosing on election night to Senator Coleman by a couple of hundred votes, Franken refused to concede.  After repeated recounts and mysterious ballots being discovered in an election official's car, the supreme court of Minnesota has declared Franken the winner.  Giving the democrats and Obama's socialist juggernaut a super majority in the senate.  Only voter pressure on those in power will save us from an economic and social disaster. 
Honduras has upheld its constitution and democracy by stopping a would be tyrant with the rule of law.  The former Honduran president, aided by Venezuela's Chavez, was about to do an end around their constitution to illegally extend his presidency.  The Honduran Supreme court upheld their constitution and backed the military action to remove him from office.  Our socialist administration and state department are siding with Chavez and condemning the move.  Once again this administration is on the wrong side of history and freedom.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
On the Ricci decision: Now that the Supreme Court has ruled on the Ricci case, Judge Sotomayor is free to fully be questioned at her Senate Confirmation about it. That fact that she was reversed will certainly add fodder for those on the fence and those who oppose her. Some of the more germane questions that should be asked are: 1. Why at the time did you feel that the Ricci Case should have been dismissed on its face and not heard by your Court?, Your decision in the Ricci case was a terse one page decision, yet, the Supreme Court decision was more than 90+ pages going through in depth the Appellant¹s Equal Protection and other Constitutional claims, why did you not take up the Appellants Constitutional arguments?
The facts are that the U.S. Supreme Court has had seven of Sotomayor¹s decisions before them, and the Court has agreed with her reasoning only once. She needs to explain her thought process by which she weighs the facts and applies the law in the Ricci case and every other case that has come before her. Judge Sotomayor certainly did not give the Appellants in the Ricci case, their ³day in court² to allow their Constitutional arguments to be fully appreciated or considered by the Appellate Court. Judge Sotomayor¹s peer on the court in the Ricci case, Judge Jose Cabranes, was so concerned that she disregarded the Constitutional arguments of the Appellants that he wrote a blistering dissent, taking Sotomayor to task. At the end of the day, will this latest reversal, (by what could be her new peers), derail her confirmation? I doubt it. What it will do is add at least another long day of questioning. The Democrats appear to have enough votes to get her out of Committee and to the full Senate for a vote. I predict the Republicans will be a lot fairer to Judge Sotomayor than the Democrats were to Judge Alito and Roberts in their hearings.
On Maddoff: U.S. District Court Denny Chin did the right thing moments ago, by sentencing Bernie Maddoff to a maximum of 150 years behind bars. This sentence sends a clear message that the law will be applied equally to those who take someone’s life by murder or by theft. The sentence fits the crimes. Maddoff masterminded the biggest fraud in U.S. History. He took the financial lives away from the big, the small and everyone in between. It did not matter if you were a individual, a corporation or a charity. There was no limit to his greed and evil.
The Senate should let the Cap-N-Trade climate bill die on the vine, like a rotten piece of fruit.  If put into law, this liberal feel-good legislation would only serve to cripple our recovering economy and put a huge financial burden on all Americans.  The decline in our economic capabilities as a result would continue our socialist path towards self-destruction.  Our political enemies overseas are relishing in in our continued demise.  They need only to wait until we're but a mere reflection of that shining city on the hill.
The Cap-N-Tax bill passed the house by a 219 to 212 vote.  Eight foolish Republicans joined the vast majority of Democrats to pass this outrageous "tax" increase on our citizens.  The 95% of American's that were going to get a tax cut from The Obama's "spreading-the-wealth" just got the rug pulled out from under them.  If you pay for energy, you're going to pay more.  If you put gas in your car, you're going to pay more.  If you ride the bus, train, plane, you're going to pay more.  If you buy any product, food or spend any money at all, you're going to pay more.  The only thing you'll have left is the "change" in your pocket.  I don't think that was the "change" the American people voted for!
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
The American Clean Energy and Security Act is a disaster for jobs and the economy. The Brookings Institution says “Cap-And-Trade” will cause job losses. The National Black Chamber of Commerce said that the National Energy Tax will cause job losses and wage reductions. The President said we should be more like Spain with regard to their “Green Economy”. The only problem is that Spain generates almost 30 percent of their power from the wind. Under the Obama bill we will generate less than 1 percent. Spain destroys 2.2 jobs for every “Green Job” it generates. The President admits that “Cap-And-Trade” will mean “electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket”, because by capping green house gasses, coal plants will have to retrofit thus, the increased costs of operation must be passed along to consumers. We could be the cleanest most energy efficient nation on the face of the planet and it will not mean a thing globally, if other nations like China, India and Russia aren’t as “responsible” as we are. The problem is this bill will not make a meaningful global difference and will spend us further into the poor house. Why? To make us feel good? To make us feel responsible? All this at great cost to jobs and our already weak economy. This is nuts.
The Obama promised to cut taxes for 95% of Americans, in reality he will be raising taxes on 150% of Americans!  The reason: Massive "hidden-taxes" that Cap-N-Trade will bring as well as huge deficits that future generations will be saddled with.  Forget the rhetoric, the tele-promted speeches, it's the actions under cover of night  that will destroy our economy and our way of life. 
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
The Government decades ago got into the healthcare business when they created Medicare and Medicaid. Has it worked? Does it serve the People as intended? The answer to both questions is no. Medicare and Medicaid is rife with fraud, mismanagement and abuse. That is a fact. So now the government wants to expand that incompetence and expand their control of health care to all Americans. Why not fix that which is broken and has been broken for years before attempting to reward failure with more failure. The President is wrong. A public option will create bigger and more inefficient government, waste, abuse and fraud. If you like going to the Department of Motor Vehicles, then you are going to love the public health care option. Americans will wait in large caverness waiting rooms to see doctors they don’t know and then be told they can’t be treated because of their age, wait time for treatment, cost, etc. Under Obama Socialized Health Care everyone will be “covered” but no one will be properly treated.
The Obama news conference today had some strong statements on the tyrannical behavior of the Iranian Theocracy against it's own people.  The Obama is playing catch up to the rest of the free world at a time when our president should be leading the way.  Conspicuously missing from the 55 minute press conference was any mention of the surge in Afghanistan, success in Iraq or the "War on Terror", or as this administration calls it, " Overseas Contingency Operations".  While we take our eyes off the ball, Al-Qaeda is working on capturing Pakistani nuclear weapons and promises to use those weapons against Americans.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
The President of the United States should call for an emergency meeting with the UN Security Council and have the Secretary of State represent the US and ask that our allies send their equivalents. The President must be seen as a leader and not a follower of his legislative bodies. The President must speak to the principles of freedom, justice and non-violence towards a nations own population. America must join a coalition of nations outraged at the actions of the government of Iran. Together we should focus attention on the plight of the Iranian People and support them as much as possible. Only by joining with other nations, can America effectively exert her power and influence in a credible and beneficial way to help the people of Iran. The civilized nations of the World must act now.
Happy Fathers Day
The U.S. Senate yesterday passed a resolution calling for our government to provide an official apology for slavery.  A practice that ended 140 years ago.  No one alive today participated in slavery, either as a slave owner or a slave.  This action only serves to please the "blame-America-first" crowd and our enemies overseas.  It would also lay the ground work for further "spreading-of-the-wealth" by The Obama administration.  The last thing we need now is more government deficit spending.  Hold on to your wallets!
It's been said before and we would like to repeat it here, don't listen to what The Obama and his administration says, look at what they do.  Behind the scenes, everyday, they are working overtime to undermine and destroy our free enterprise system.  They are giving the FED more oversight with power to "intervene" in "financial institutions" that could pose a threat to the "public good".  This means that successful private businesses like Wal-Mart could be taken over because they have "financial instruments" (credit cards), that if they fail (according to the FED's) could affect the "public good".  The greatest economic system the world has ever experienced, our free enterprise system, is the Golden Goose that The Obama administration is trying to cook.  The "golden egg" has already been served and once the goose is gone and fed to Acorn and the UAW, look out, you're next...
How long will it take for the Obama Lemmings to see the light?  He campaigned on countering the Bush deficits then more than tripled them.  One day he wags his finger at his congressional lackeys and tells them to hold the line on spending by abiding by pay-as-you-go, the next day he proposes massive health care spending.  He says that the government system would just be an alternative to the current health insurance system, really!  Let's say you're faced with a choice between the co-pay with your employer provided private health insurance plan or "free" government health care?  How long do you think the private health insurance provider will last?  This would mean the end to the best health care system in the world.  The United States is where people form countries with nationalized government provided health care come to when their systems fail them.  The incentive to create new technologies to save lives, improve health and find cures for diseases will have been struck a death blow.  Everywhere that a government provided national health care system has been tried, it has failed miserably.  Do you want to try it again?
It's ironic that 30 years ago in 1979 the Iranian Islamic revolution "changed" the world.  Since then, Iran has been at the epicenter of Islamic fundamentalist sponsored terrorism.  Carter allowed the Islamic fundamentalist to take over Iran by not backing the Shah.  The Obama is now refusing to support a true "change" in Iran that would fundamentally alter the world's geopolitical makeup.  The president of the United States used to be the leader of the free world, now our president takes a bench warming position on the world stage so as to not upset Muslim's.  When he has an opportunity to really make a difference by backing the brave freedom seeking Iranian people, The Obama shrivels up like the meek socialist appeaser he is!
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
The President’s most significant obstacle to “universal health care”, (socialized medicine), is that the public doesn’t want it. The facts are that Medicare and Medicaid, both government controlled health care that has existed for many years, is rife with fraud, mismanagement and waste. Social Security run entirely by the government is broken and on the verge of total and complete collapse without a fix. Now the government, in light of its incompetence in dealing with the health care they control, seeks to expand that incompetence with a Trillion Dollar, (over 10 years),  socialized medicine program that is destined for the same ultimate fate of Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. Why don’t we fix first what is broken? If government can’t efficiently manage what they now control what makes us think they can do better when they control all aspects of health care?
The Obama today continued his game plan of trying to bring about a crisis in order to pass his programs.  His plan, if followed, would indeed cause a 'crisis'.  If GM had not been "bailed out" and allowed to declare bankruptcy, the taxpayer would have been spared over 70 Billion Dollars and GM would be run by the private sector today.  GM ended up declaring bankruptcy after the bailout and is now being run by The Obama Administration.  The American tax paying citizen lost and the auto workers union won!  Basically we have government controlled automobile production, bureaucratic-political-servitude.  After the "Spendulus bill", a 4 Trillion Dollar "necessary" budget, false claims of Pay-Go, all the whilst wagging his finger (reminds us of some other finger wagger), he now is back to creating 'crisis' if we don't act on health care.  The Obama's socialist-nationalized health care program is like HillaryCare on steroids.  Afraid of needles, don't worry, bend over, you'll just feel a little prick!
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
Mr. President its been almost 5 months since you took office. Where is Bin Laden? You were relentless in your criticism, in the campaign, of President Bush with regard to his inability to capture or kill him.
Let me take you back to June of last year. The Associated Press reported, that as you stood before17 American flags, in front of a sign that said, 'Judgment to Lead' and surrounded by 'national security experts' you said the following, "Osama Bin Laden and his top leadership - the people who murdered 3,000 Americans - have a safe-haven in northwest Pakistan, where they operate with such freedom of action that they can still put out hate-filled audiotapes to the outside world. that is the result of the Bush-McCain approach to the war on terrorism".
Well Mr. President, although you now bar any reference to a 'war on terrorism', Osama Bin Laden and his top leadership continue to put out video and audio tapes from their 'safe-havens' spewing the same hate and threats of future terrorist attacks. The hate that was once directed at Bush is now directed towards you and our country.
You know where he is, why then can¹t you bring him to justice? Use your charm and popularity to woo the Pakistani¹s into handing him over.
You are finding out with every passing day that governing is a whole lot different than campaigning, but now it is your watch. America will hold you as accountable, as you did the former Commander in Chief.
Bin Laden is poking you in the eye. He laughs at your apologies, he muses at your change in terminology and gets great comfort from your demoralizing of our intelligence services and your policies on interrogations.
Weakness breeds vulnerability. I suspect your rhetoric and actions will change 180 degrees when we are attacked again either at home or abroad.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
The NY Times is dead. The reason for their demise is evidenced by the trash that is published by the likes of Dowd and Krugman, et al. When the right does something they hate, they condemn, when the left does the very same thing, they are lauded. There is no fair and balanced reporting there. Krugman talks about the “right wing extremist media”? Give me a break. The left is beside themselves. They see their ratings on cable tank. Their attempt to best conservative talk radio failed. The only thing they have left are the newspapers which are dying on the vine. They do control the blogosphere, but all that is is preaching to the rabid. The left is so obsessed that they are losing their grip on the media, that they want to bring back the fairness doctrine to force their views upon the airwaves. Entertainers and pundits do not move people to act out. They entertain folks and give them a safe harbor. The right has outrageous personalities and the left does as well, (Maddow, Olberman, Stewart, Mahr, Shultz, etc.).. In a 24 hour news cycle the most outrageous seem to always make the news. The people that ultimately matter most are party leaders and elected officials. More focus on them, please.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
The further intrusion by the Administration in subverting the authority and responsibility of boards of directors is very troubling. The President has appointed some 17 “Czars” to watch over areas of what was once the private sector. These “Czars” are accountable to no one, except the executive branch, and wield tremendous power. They were not confirmed by the Senate, there is no legislation by which these positions were created, and there is no precedent for a President to make such appointments in mass. You talk about “big brother”, this is about as Orwellian as it gets. We now have more Czars ruling in America than ever ruled Russia. Republicans and Democrats and everyone in between should reject this intrusion into the manipulation of the private sector by government, It is wrong and I am sure unconstitutional and should be tested.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:

A word please on the shooting at the United States Holocaust Museum. Today,
museum security officer Stephen Tyrone Johns was killed in the line of duty
and the White supremacist shooter was injured, the staff and visitors were
terrorized and calm was restored. I had the honor of serving for 6 years as
a member of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council which, is charged
with the governance of the museum. My thoughts and prayers are with the
family of our hero security officer. In the early days of the planning for
the museum many questioned the relevance of it here in America. Well today’s
incident is a clear reminder that hate is not about a singular event in
history, it is about teaching Americans that we must learn from history or
be condemned to repeat it. Tens of millions have visited the United States
Holocaust Museum since it opened in 1993. Everyday people from all over,
from every race, and from every socio-economic background choose to visit
the Holocaust Museum. The lessons learned from that time are as important
today as it will be a thousand years from now. Intolerance and hate be it
state sponsored or not is a scourge that must never be tolerated. If we do
not stay vigilant, terrible incidents of history can happen again. Today’s
tragic incident was about a lone hater who acted out. He did so I am sure
out of frustration that he has no chance to see his twisted view of how the
World should be will never ever become reality again, thanks to places like the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

On the Economy:
The Republicans are serious about the amount of spending and the creation of unprecedented debt but, there is not much we can do about it. The Democrats control everything with high majorities, they run the House, the Senate and now the Courts. The Democrats since taking office have been spending like drunken sailors. They have doubled the national debt in five years and tripled it in 10. Now that the American People are voicing their concern over this biblical debt, the President announced a policy that from here on out it will be “pay as we go” with regard to spending. This is like a bank robber complaining that the cops are being too lax on bank robbers. Where was the President’s famous “scalpel”, (he talked about in the campaign), that he was going to take to the budget before spending? He picked up the rubber stamp instead of the scalpel and approved a stimulus package of over 700 Billion that no one who voted in it read. He gave billions to the banks, and the auto industry and then he passed his record breaking 4 trillion dollar budget. To now claim you are a fiscal conservative when there is no money left to spend is absurd. The Republicans need to give the Democrats enough rope. We are powerless to stop the “change” the American People are getting. We can live to fight another day when the American People in 2010 voice their disgust at the out of control spending and nationalization on American Industries and Health Care and the intrusion on bigger government into their daily lives. I think we are up to 17 “Czars” now. We have people watching and controlling every aspect of what used to be the “private sector”. We have more Czars now in America than they every had ruling Russia and with the same results.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
The restructuring of our national health care system should not be fast tracked. The Obama Administration is on a mission to get as much of their "change" accomplished as possible as soon as possible while they enjoy the publics goodwill. The more they can get done the harder it will be for Republicans to undo should they make gains in 2010 or 2012. I say let's take a sober, informed and deliberate approach to a generational change to our national health care. That is just what the Doctor ordered.
Conservatives have overwhelmingly won elections in the European Union this weekend.  Across the the board from England, to Spain, France, Germany and beyond.  Citizens have revolted against uncontrolled government spending, bailouts and socialist policies.  The same policies which The Obama and his congressional-socialist-allies are trying to cram down our throats.  There probably won't be much play on this in the mainstream drive-by-media but we are optimistic that the average American will begin to see the light.  Some voters in our last election voted for "change" without knowing that "change" meant destroying our way of life.  There is hope that those Americans will joins us in stopping the Socialist steamroller!
The Obama Cairo Islamic worship speech spoke of bogus contributions of Islam.  He mentioned "arches", what about the Romans?  He mentioned "Algebra", what about the Greeks?  He didn't mention "suicide bombers".  He also didn't mention how many times the United States has come to the aid of Muslims and shed precious American treasure in the process.  Soldiers that will never see another birthday, another Christmas or their own children grow up.  Nothing on the great contributions that Americans have made to the world in medicine, technology and liberty.  I guess it was to much to expect that our president be proud of his country beyond all others.  Is Islam a country?
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
This weekend Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure takes place in Washington, DC.
In fact Vice President and Dr. Biden have graciously agreed to take a major role in this weekends activities. Ambassador Nancy Brinker founded the Komen foundation over 25 years ago in honor of her sister Susan G. Komen, who died after a bout with breast cancer. Nancy herself a breast cancer survivor, was determined to take up the cause of finding a cure in honor and in memory of Susan. With a enormous challenge and a modest budget, Nancy grew the Komen Foundation into a world wide organization dedicated to the prevention, treatment and cure of breast cancer. Through the efforts of Ambassador Brinker, and literally millions of volunteers, professionals and donors, the Komen Foundation has raised awareness, prevented illness, and saved lives.
Even in these tough economic times, we should take the time to realize the goodness of America and her citizens. We are the most caring and charitable nation on earth. We have amazing people, who on their own take up causes greater than themselves. Komen may have started in America, but it did not stop there. Countries all over the world benefit from what Komen started in America and what they now do routinely around the globe. The pink ribbon has become the symbol that needs no interpretation. It is immediately identifiable of an organization that has been in the forefront in finding a cure for one of the Worlds greatest scourges.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
The President’s Cairo speech overall was a very good one. I give it a A-. The President hit all the major points of the conflict between the Muslim world and the West. He set forth the areas of tensions, he stated America’s beliefs and intentions, he held out hope for progress, and challenged the parties to leave the past behind and work toward attainable and sustainable goals of peaceful co-existence. While I disagree with his “apology’s” for how we got into Iraq, President’s characterization that America has ended the “torture” of prisoners, the mentioning the closing of Guantanamo, the re-stating the timetables for withdrawal from Iraq without condition, and the willingness to sit down without preconditions with Iran, I understand why he said it and who the speech was directed to. The President basically said what needed to be said, interweaving history with reality. The President has come to realize that governing is a lot harder than campaigning and that giving serious, hopeful and lofty speeches is a lot easier than meaningful negotiation with parties who have fought for thousands of years. Our cards were laid on the table for all to see with regard to how this Administration views the Middle East and Islam. Let’s see if any of the interested parties will take a seat at the table and deal in good faith.
During the European Apology Tour, The Obama said the United States is not a Christian Nation.  Today in an interview on his Middle East Muslim-Kiss-A__-Tour, he said, "The number of Muslims in the U.S. would make America one of the largest Muslim countries in the world."  During the presidential campaign last year you couldn't even mention his middle name, Hussein.  You couldn't mention that his father was a Muslim and that he went to Muslim schools as a child.  I guess now that he's managed to hood wink the American people, it's OK to embrace his Muslim heritage.  If this wasn't so serious it would be laughable.
On Cuba: Today in Honduras the member states of the Organization of American States (OAS) voted to allow Cuba re-entry into that assembly. The Cuban government was expelled in 1962 because it declared itself to be a Communist Government.  The Cuban State was never expelled and has remained a part of the OAS throughout the years.  Allowing the Communist Cuban Government back in goes contrary to the charter of the OAS.  This makes the OAS as useless as the UN who has allowed Cuba to participate in it's Human Rights Commission while being one of the worst violators of human rights in the world.  This is just another Obama administration rollover to their communist comrades south of the border!
Never run a so much as a lemonade stand but now he's running what used to be the largest automobile company in the world.  Never had corporate experience but now controls car companies and banks.  We are being taken to the bank and robbed!  Why aren't there more people concerned about this.  "It could never happen here", they say, but with an accomplice mainstream media, it is happening.  Wake up America, before it's to late!
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
I believe the U.S. Taxpayer should never own a private company. The Government should have allowed GM to go through bankruptcy proceedings and emerge from it either able to carry on or not. We poured billions and billions into GM and what did we get for it? A company that filed for bankruptcy anyway and left the American People as owners of a weak and struggling company, whose future in uncertain. What is the intent of the government with regard to operation and control of GM going forward? I would like to know what the end game is. The government should never be in a position to pick and choose the industries it will own and control. This sets a terrible precedent for a free market economy. I believe our  laws should be for everyone, the big, the small, and everything in between. The U.S. Government should not be in the “business” of owning any American business regardless of the excuse. Even in good times, the government is de facto owners of U. S. businesses through taxation. The good news is they are silent partners who take only in relation to income and have no say in a companies operation. That is the way it should be.
It takes blind faith for the politically and historically ignorant to continue to support The Obama.  In one breath he says we're out of money and in another he says we need to have nationalized, government provided health care.  Where in our constitution does it mandate the "right" to healthcare? With other government programs going bankrupt does it make sense to create a new one that is bankrupt before it's begun?  The Spendulus funds have not yet been spent, nor do they need to be, they will only increase the power of the socialist at the controls now.  The Obama was an attractive candidate, he speaks well (with teleprompter), but he's an empty vessel.  As empty as the Grand Canyon.  It's power that The Obama administration craves and the worse our economy is the more power they have.  The inflation that is coming should be directly tied to The Obama policies.  Let's see how the drive-by media tries to smooth that over!
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
I would hope Judge Sotomayor if confirmed as Justice Sotomayor to the United States Supreme Court would turn out to be a “wise” jurist who happens to be a “Latina woman”. Life experiences mean a lot no matter the job or position in life. Every person is unique. I believe it is fair for the Senate Judiciary Committee to question Judge Sotomayor on the speech she gave while on the Federal Bench which is seen are controversial in light of her current appointment. What was her intent? Does she still believe that to be the case? What bearing does her statement have on the new role she is about to take? Making decisions weighted by your own experiences and not on the law, I hope all will agree is unacceptable. Making decisions on how you would like the law to be instead of what it should be is likewise unacceptable. I would like the next Justice of the Supreme Court to be a person who will follow the Constitution as the framers intended and not legislate from their position or life experiences. After all this standard is the same as we demand from Jurors everyday. One day a citizen in America could be making donuts and the next deciding the fate of some ones life, liberty or property.
Once again the liberal intelligentsia is up it arms about conservative attacks on Sotomayor.  "The Republicans are done for if they keep these attacks up", they say, "It's discrimination", they say.  The criticism has nothing to do with her race, background or appearance.  It has to do with her opinions and philosophy.  The same "living constitution" philosophy that legislates from the bench.  There's a reason why "lady justice" is blind folded. The blind fold stands for equal treatment under the law, according to THE law and not the plaintiff's color, ethnicity or planet of origin!
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
Judge Sotomayor, You proclaimed publicly that it was the responsibility of a Federal Appeals Judge to "make policy". Where specifically do you derive such power? Is it enumerated in the Constitution? Federal Law? If you cannot site such authority, do you believe such powers are inherent?
Enough already with the liberal media and non-Republicans (RINO'S) trying to tell us how we can "fix" the Republican party and the conservative movement.  The only reason the "drive-by" media is talking about this that they want to dictate what we should do so they can defeat us again.  Fool us once, shame on you, fool us twice, shame on us!  Forget Powel and his ilk, after all, didn't he vote for The Obama?  Conservatives need to stick to the principles that made this country great and have been the foundation of all our success, including the success of those bleeding-heart-guilty-liberals that wouldn't know their derrière (a little French lingo there) from a hole in the ground.  Liberals, Socialists, Marxists say they stand for the "little guy", the "minority", but in fact they enslave the little guy, the minority.  The smallest minority of course is the individual!  We conservatives stand for the individual before all groups, we stand for individual freedom, individual liberty and individual responsibility.  The Magna Carta, one of the greatest documents ever written expressed the rights of the "people" Vis-à-vis the state or government.  The United States Constitution was based on the Magna Carta but added the individual Vis-à-vis the government and the "Duties of Man" or responsibility of the individual to those freedoms.  It is time for the smallest minority in our country, the individual who cares for his freedom and that of this fellow country men and his family to step up and speak out.  Let's get back to basic individual responsibility for our actions, for our well being and for our fellow citizens.
Memorial Day 2009: Courtesy of our fallen heroes. Thank you!
The Nation's Cemetery
No land in America is more sacred than the square mile of Arlington National Cemetery.
On this Memorial Day take time to thank those great heroes of our armed services that gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom and liberty and those of others as well.  In return for those sacrifices overseas, the United States asked and received land on which to bury our dead. Those cemeteries are solemn and Holy places.  While on his European apology tour, the president should have taken a timeout from apologizing to pay his respects by visiting one of the many cemeteries scattered there.
You can't continue to criticize past record deficits when your budget would more than triple that record.  You can't continue to blame the "need" for "drastic measures" on the past.  The Obama administration couldn't let the opportunity that the economic "storm" provided pass without implementing their Socialist policies.  If we continue down their path we will be a third rate economy and power in the near future.  Printing money to make ends meet will only make our inflationary future more like the Zimbabwe model, nothing we should be trying emulate.  Thank GOD that people are starting to see the light.  Even from the "left" coast, Californians are revolting against this runaway government.  Let's hope that continues...
The Obama administrations decision to close Gitmo before knowing what to do with the Terrorist prisoners there is very telling.  They hold the same pre-911 mentality that lead to 911 in the first place.  We ARE at WAR with an enemy that wants to destroy us, not make peace with us, but DESTROY us. You cannot deal with them on an individual case-by-case basis as if they are mere criminals in a U.S. court.  The success of the Bush administration defense of our country and the excellent way that our armed forces are executing the war is 180 degrees off from what this administration wants to do.  As they peel away one layer of security at a time, they take us one step closer to allowing our enemies to strike again.  Mr. Obama, stop apologizing for our great great nation and minimizing our accomplishments.  Stand behind our armed forces and security forces or get out of the way!
May 20, 1902 Cuba gained it's independence from Spain and became a Republic. In 1959 Cuba lost it's liberties and freedom and became a Communist prison state.  It's been 50 long years under the Communist dictatorship of the Castro brothers.  In the 1980's President Reagan lead us to the triumph over the Soviet Union and won the "Cold War".  We all thought at that time that Communism had been defeated and other Communist regimes would surely fall.  Unfortunately The Obama socialist are leading us down the path of destruction which could  possibly culminate in a Communist future for this great land, man's last hope on Earth.  It's not to late to change the course of history but we need to be hasty before the building blocks of Democracy crumble down around us.  We need to let our elected officials know that they need to stop this madness or face their unemployment at the next possible election.  They will be held accountable. We pray we can make it, without permanent damage to our institutions, to those elections...
How can the Israelis negotiate in good faith with the Palestinian people if their Hamas leadership has the destruction of Israel in their charter?  Why is the world always focused on the Israeli treatment of the Palestinians but never on the plight of the Palestinians in refugee camps in Arab states like Jordan and Egypt?  We must stand firm on the side of the only fully Democratic state in the middle east, Israel, and back her completely when she is threatened. 
Notre Dame, like other universities, had a standing invitation for the President of the United States to give the commencement address.  Regardless of who is holding the office of president, it is an honor for any university to have a sitting president give their commencement address.  Unfortunately for Notre Dame they chose to also bestow an honorary doctorate to the current president who is radically pro-abortion.  So much so that even if a child is "born" from a botched abortion, he opposes giving that child the the necessary medical care that would save his life.  For a Catholic University to bestow an honorary doctorate to someone whose beliefs as so contrary to Catholic teachings in deplorable.
The Obama's RADICAL policies are all intended to help minorities, the disadvantaged, the poor.  This will be done by increasing the already huge tax burden on the so called "rich".  By increasing the corporate tax burden (already the highest of industrialized nations).  By increasing taxes on anyone making over $250,000 (now it's $235,000).  Unfortunately like all other guilt driven liberal feel good solutions, they end up hurting the very people they proclaim to help!  If only the socialist liberal inteligencia around us would realize that the smallest minority that we need to help is the INDIVIDUAL.  Individual liberties are in the process of being eroded by The Obama's policies.  The individual will end up paying for his mistakes.  So much for "caring" and "feeling" for minorities!
Ms. Pelosi took an oath of office to "protect and defend", that oath may have kept her from complaining about the interrogation techniques that she was briefed on.  The problem for her arises from the fact that her "Ultra Liberal" views and allies are at odds with that complacency.  So, the story goes, she "lied" about her knowledge of the briefings thinking that they were top secret and wouldn't come out.  She is now caught up in liberal quick-sand and web of deceit from which she may never emerge.  Leaders like her would bring about our destruction, our enemies would merely have to wait it out.  Good riddance Blinky!
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
Dick Cheney is the truth squad for the Republican Party. Speaker Pelosi in my opinion is either a liar or an incompetent and it could be both. She was relying on the “top secret” nature of the briefing she attended and the numerous others her staff attended in her behalf, to shield her from the truth emerging as to what she knew, when she knew it and what she did with the information she was briefed on. Who better that Dick Cheney to rebut these issues? He was privy to all the necessary facts that few others were. He knows what enhanced interrogation was being done, how it was approved, who was briefed, and when, where, and who these methods were being used on etc. The facts in my mind are clear with regard to enhanced interrogation methods used under the Bush Administration: 1. They sought legal opinions for methods used; 2. They used such methods sparingly and out of necessity; 3. The methods used were effective; 4. The Leadership of both Parties were briefed on methods being used and those contemplated. Speaker Pelosi and others silence at the time was their approval of methods being used and those that could be used. If they did not agree with the Bush Administrations enhanced interrogation methods at the time, there was a whole host of things they could have done  about it, including but not limited to, their own legal opinions, classified hearings, meetings with CIA Officials, sponsoring legislation, etc.
With regard to the breaking news that President Obama has changed his mind and will now not release alleged “torture photos” that depict U.S. Troops: If this had been May, 2008 instead of May2009, Candidate Obama would have without a doubt in my mind called for the unconditional release of these photos. There would not have been a “concern for the troops”. The Obama Campaign motives were to win at all costs and blame Bush for everything. Now that Obama is the President, he changes the rules to best fit his agenda. Policemen in America everyday abuse prisoners who are citizens, it is not right and it is not condoned. Likewise, there are members of our military who do the very same things . In both instances we have systems in place to deal with such abuses and bring those responsible to justice. Our enemy on the other hand fights without rules and recognizes no internationally accepted laws of engagement. They routinely torture, maim and behead their captives. They answer to no one for their lawless acts. Because, we operate under rules of law, we fight under great disadvantage. But we follow the law none the less. The vast majority of our troops are doing their jobs to the letter of the law. For those who don’t, we take appropriate actions against them. The President’s current decision not to release the photos in question is the right one. Let us see how long he sticks to his guns.
Government run Social Security is going bankrupt! Government run Medicare is going bankrupt! Do you think they can do any better with a nationalized health care system?  If people in countries with nationalized health care systems come here when they have to have health care, where are we going to go?  It reminds us of a great quote from Albert Einstein, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."  How dumb-ed down is our education system that we have fallen for the stupidity we are witnessing today?
Union boss puppeteers pulling the strings of the PinocchiObama and other puppets in Congress are now holding California hostage.  Either cave or we'll have fed Spendulus funds withheld, remember, we now own over 50% of Chrysler.  We got the POWER.  Unions serve a purpose, but when their power is uncontrolled greed it diminishes the ability of a company or state to function effectively, the resulting train wreck is inevitable.  Only the socialist administration came save the day.  Unfortunately at our expense and at the expense of our free enterprise system.  Another crack in the national levy, the flood is coming...
It's beyond comprehension how The Obama administration and the "liar-in-chief" can say they are cutting the budget while at the same time "quadrupling" the largest deficit in our history! Their accomplices in the "drive-by-media" should all be water-boarded.  It's time to wake up from this nightmare and save our way of life before it's to late.  Where is the conscience of the elected officials that are supposed to represent us.  We can't believe that all Democrats want to see the destruction on their country and party, or do they?
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:

The President’s desire to extend unemployment benefits for an additional 26 weeks for persons seeking to “re-train” tells us  how bad the economy actually is. I predicted some time ago that unemployment would reach double digits by summer. We are almost there now. In fact, there are some who believe we are already there, if you take into account those who have stopped looking for work,  and those who now are working part-time, who were full-time employees. The President is warehousing people instead of creating the opportunity for employment. Providing an additional 26 weeks of government support provides no incentive, (during the total of 52 weeks of benefits), to get back to work. Paying people to be unproductive never works. Of course there are some who need to be retrained and should be, but, an across the board policy of extending benefits will not help get us back on our feet. The Obama Administration’s policies take away personal responsibility and accountability. If you got in over your head in a mortgage, don’t worry, the government will help you stay in a home you should never have been in, in the first place. Oh, you don’t pay taxes too? No problem, the government will send you a check. You say you cannot find a job within the 26 weeks of unemployment insurance? We can help there as well.  Just agree to “hide out” in school for an additional 26 weeks and we will pay you to do that too. I say enough is enough. We are only digging a deeper hole of debt that we may never get out of for generations. Stop the spending. Start the real savings by cutting back on government spending and incentivize the private sector to start hiring and producing. Just this week the President proudly announced that he and his staff found 17 Billion dollars in annual savings. Sounds impressive, until you put that up against a 4 Trillion dollar budget. It’s like finding 5 dollars on the sidewalk. Its nice to have happen but it isn’t going to change your life.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
The stress tests were placebos not the real medicine needed to fix our banking problem. This was an exercise in futility. What should have been done was audits by independent entities. The Obama Administration did not want to go that route because time and control was not on their side. I have zero confidence in what is being done because the government has abandoned free market practices for public relations stunts that mask or skew the true conditions of our financial services. The government should focus more on oversight and less on control. With all the money we pumped in the auto industry they still are pursuing bankruptcy protection. Our laws should be for everyone, no matter their size. Let the marketplace rule, with necessary government rules and oversight.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
When a President says something, everything he says is scrutinized because, the choice of a particular word has meaning within the context of how it is used. From my experience of working within White Houses, I can attest at the great pains caused by the choice of words in speeches, radio addresses, state of the unions, proclamations, etc. Every word is parsed for its obvious and not so obvious meanings. It is clear by the sheer number of commentators who have spoken on this issue, that the word “empathy” when used in the context of a Supreme Court Nomination has a meaning to some that transcends the ordinary Webster definition. Some have called it a “code word” others a “signal” that what the President means to say is that he is looking for a person who won’t be afraid to be an activist on the Court. Now we can debate what activist means. The word will mean different things to different constituencies. The left and the right relish a good Supreme Court confirmation. Both sides will spin the nominee and the process to fit their own ideology. Nobody expects President Obama to appoint a Justice that Bush would have appointed, so , we are going to get a Liberal Justice. The only question remains is how Liberal? How big will the fight get? Will there be enough to fight over? The first battle in what could be a long and drawn out confirmation has already taken place over what the type of person the President is seeking and the qualifications he admires. Let the games begin!
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
The President should deliver a strong message to Pakistan and Afghanistan. To both, he should give them a timetable to push back on the Taliban and go on an all out offensive. He should demand a plan from both for poppy destruction and push the Taliban back into the stone age. We need to make sure Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal is secure and we should have inspector’s there now to monitor their safety. President Obama should offer both countries incentives to meet benchmarks. These incentives should be in the way of civilian aid. We will help rebuild critical infrastructure, schools, hospitals, power plants, water treatment and waste facilities, etc. Finally President Obama skewered President Bush throughout the Campaign for not capturing Osama Bin Laden. He should demand from the Pakistani’s and Afghani’s that they turn him over now. President Obama will find out how difficult it is to be President after the conclusion of these meetings, and how you cannot “will” results. Results take a lot of hard work and investment and making decisions that may not be popular at the time, but must be made nonetheless.
Our economy is starting to show signs of recovery.  Perhaps if the government would have stayed out of the private sector the recovery would have started sooner.  The greatest economy in the history of the planet is very resilient and has proven time and again that corrections happen and the sky won't fall.  Unfortunately the socialist's in power now have taken advantage of the "perfect storm".  Soon their policies will cripple our recovery.  Their refusal to allow more drilling offshore and in our own oil deposits will surely cause the prices to increase, further hampering our recovery.  This is not rocket science, it's logic.  Unfortunately the socialist would rather protect their environmental wacko lemmings then the American family.  Soon they'll be protecting the tick because his head is size challenged!
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
Is it time, as Gov. Mitch Daniels says, for the GOP to  stop whining about the "Democrats not being bipartisan" and start working "on alternative ideas?" 
The reality of governing in 2009-2010 is that Republicans are powerless to stop the Administration or the Democrats. Republicans do not have the votes or the rules on their side in either the House or the Senate. As far as the Senate is concerned the Democrats were able to get by defection, what they could not have attained by an election at this point in time. They will soon have a filibuster proof, closure assured majority in that body. Governor Daniels is right, now is not the time for hand-wringing and whining. Now is the time to use this time to rebuild the party from the ground up. We need to attract candidates and look for election opportunities. We need to identify leaders and better coordinate our message. The basic tenets of the GOP are sound and are as important today as they were when Kemp led the charge in the early 80’s. There is a fundamental difference between the way Republicans govern and Democrats. The distinctions have never been clearer than they are today. We need to give the Democrats enough rope and then we can capitalize on their missteps and overreaching. Republicans should not shy away from the basics, lower taxes, less government, more power to the local and state governments in education, market based health care, a strong military and national defense, a robust and principled foreign policy based on strength and free market trade, etc. We should always offer alternatives to what the Democrats propose but, in reality we could have the best ideas to offer and the Democrats would never take us up on it. They believe it is their time to lead and I believe it is our time to rebuild to fight another day. The next battle is 2010 and we have a lot of work to do.
The Obama anti-business socialist-gravy-train continues down the track unabated.  The class-warfare attacks on business to help the "little guy", the downtrodden amongst us, only serves to hurt the ones they pretend to help.  Removing legitimate tax exemptions for multinational firms and expanding the IRS enforcement division by 800 will only cost more jobs to be lost from those businesses.  Once again the growth is in government at the expense of the private sector. And so, the socialist-gravy-train continues to chug down the line, with a clueless conductor at the controls...
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
Jack Kemp’s passing is the death of an American Conservative Icon. Most noted for his strong fiscal conservative values, he believed in low taxes, small government and supply side economics. We remember with great admiration and respect his crafting of the Economic Recovery Act of 1981, where under the Administration of Ronald Reagan, he helped pass sweeping economic reforms that led to the great prosperity we experienced during that time and helped fuel the “Reagan Revolution”.  It was too bad he wasn’t 20 years younger, because if ever we needed Jack Kemp it is now. The very opposite of what he believed and advocated his entire professional life has now come to be with this new administration, higher taxes, bigger government, socialized medicine, weaker defense, etc. Jack Kemp although very set in his economic ways was less so on social issues like immigration.

Jack Kemp lived the American Dream. He was a college football star, a professional football star, he served in he Army reserves, he was an entrepreneur,  a journalist, a Congressman, a Cabinet Secretary, a Presidential Candidate, a Vice Presidential running mate, an author, a lecturer,  a man of faith, a family man, and a patriot who loved his country.

He will be missed by all Americans who believe in the American Spirit and believe that anything is possible, if you put your mind and heart to it. God Speed, Jack Kemp.
Justice Souter's betrayal: Nominated by President George H. W. Bush, he has consistently voted on the liberal side of supreme court decisions.  When anyone retires he must consider many things, when a supreme court justice retires does he also consider who will be nominating his successor?  If so, why didn't Justice Souter retire last year, or 2 years ago? This would have shown respect for President Bush, but maybe to much to ask from a liberal justice. Now the most liberal president in our history will be nominating the next justice.  The Obama believes that a justice needs to take into account "feelings", he needs to "understand" minorities, the poor and disadvantaged.  What bunk!  Cases before the supreme court should only be judged on our constitution and case law.  To judge cases on a liberally perceived "living constitution" would surely bring about it's death.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
Justice Souter could retire as early as June of this year. That would mean President Obama could have his first Supreme Court Justice appointed and confirmed by the Senate by the end of 2009. Depending on how controversial the nominee is, will determine how united the Republicans, Independents and Conservative Democrats will be in opposition and outrage. There is nothing more polarizing than a Supreme Court nomination. It creates great fodder. A fresh Supreme Court battle could be just what the doctor ordered for Republicans hopes for gains in 2010 midterm elections.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
Kudos to the President for starting off his Press Conference with a very strong and confident statement with regard to the Swine Flu threat to our nation and what the government is doing to monitor and prepare. Now with regard to the rest.

The President said we can no longer tolerate a economy built on sand however, I believe we clearly cannot build a economy built on debt, high taxes and irresponsibility. The solutions to our economic woes does not lie in nationalization it should rest with the People. The Democrats believe that in these perilous times when the private sector ails, it is up to the government to make up for that difference.

The American People in the short term do not have an option but to trust the President and Congress, because for the moment their is no credible opposition to what he and the Democrats are enacting. With a Republican Party that does not have the votes necessary to stop the Democratic Steamroller and without an Administration or Congress interested in bipartisanship there is not much anyone can do.

The People will come to realize that the change they have gotten is not the change they bargained for. I believe they do not want socialized medicine, nationalized education, bigger government, a national energy strategy that is not comprehensive or equitable, a weaker national defense and foreign policy, an immigration policy that rewards illegal aliens and punishes employers and does not secure the borders first, taxes and spends too much and nationalizes our once greatest industries. When the American People come to realize that the "change" they voted for is not the change they expected, the Republicans will rise again and be given another chance to lead.

With regard to torture, the President has a disagreement with the prior administration with regard to methods. The fact that he believes water-boarding to be torture does not make it so. The fact that he chooses to stop this or other practices under his watch is a decision he will have to live with. He or anyone else is not wise in second guessing a former administration that kept us safe from further attack after 9/11 when they used their best efforts under the law as they saw it in doing so.

On Iraq the President realizes that there is a lot of work yet to be done but, at least now he is listening to the Generals on the ground. The President today, is a lot more informed and rationally based on what is possible on Iraq than he was as a candidate.

The President claims that his outreach to Republicans has been genuine. However, in the next breath he says the American People voted for me and the Democrats, so, therefore the Republicans cannot expect to get anything substantive they want. That's like inviting someone to dinner but not allowing them to eat. It is clear this President and Congress believe it is their time.

The New York Times Reporters question was the most soft ball question I have ever witnessed at a Presidential News Conference and was so weird that it drew laughs from the President and the reporters present. Their love shows no bounds.

The President failed to specifically state his differences with the Bush Administration's policy and use of the State Secrets Doctrine, (which protects State Secrets form disclosure in judicial proceedings), other than to say it is "overly broad". The Obama Administration is on a kick, across the board to establish a mantra that if Bush did it, we won't or we don't. That is not a reason to change policies that worked in the past and will work on their watch as well.

Overall, the President's performance continues to be scripted from his opening statement, to the reporters he called on, to the answers he gave.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
The Dems were able to get by defection something they may have never have gotten at the Ballot Box, a closure needed, debated ending 60 votes. The Dems will come to regret taking Arlen in. He knows how important his votes are to them. If you think dealing with Somalia Pirates is bad, try working with Blackbeard Spector. There is not much the GOP can do if the Dems have 60 votes. They need to stay united in opposition and work like hell for mid-term gains. Obama will put the pedal to the metal and steam roll as much legislation through as is possible while he enjoys his "dictatorship".
Breaking News: Arlen Specter to run as Democrat
Arlen Specter is a selfish not a selfless politician, who like Sen. Byrd has over stayed his welcome. Specter knew that if he remained a Republican he was likely to get knocked off in a bloody primary fight, so, opportunistically he knew that the chances for him to be re-elected is best as a Democrat. He did not switch parties over ideology he switched for his own self interest. Service should be an opportunity not a career and whether you are a Republican or a Democrat there comes a time when its time to move on. The Republican Senate Caucus should kick Specter out today. He made his bed and now he must lie with the Democrats. Good riddance.

Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
A word on the buzzing of NYC and "Ground Zero" by the Presidential Aircraft and military fighter jets : The President should fire the head of the White House Military Office for approving a publicity photo flight of NYC by the Presidential 747 escorted by military fighters. New Yorkers were scared out of their minds to see a 747 flying so low around the city being "chased" by military fighter jets. The White House needs to release the Manifest for the 747 and detail the cost if this boondoggle. I suspect the cost will be close to half a million dollars to stage publicity photos that could have been accomplished on a computer. This was a serious lapse in judgment and a waste of Tax Payer money in very perilous economic times.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
A note on the World-Wide outbreak of Swine Flu: Hats off to the Bush Administration and Former HHS Secretary Leavitt and the professionals at HHS, CDC, FDA, the Surgeon General and others, for sounding the alarm and coordinating a nationwide strategy to prepare our professionals and population for the next Pandemic. The question is not whether our nation will suffer another Pandemic, the question is when and how severe it will be. A few years back HHS set forth a national Pandemic Review and Preparedness Strategy borne out of the Bird Flu cases seen in Asia. The Bush Administration recognized the need to plan for the next Pandemic and did a great job in putting forth a workable common sense plan. The Obama Administration will be in good stead to deal with the current Swine Flu scare by working off the game plan provided by HHS. HHS Secretary Leavitt went to all 50 States and set up conferences with Federal, State, and Local Governments, Hospitals and First Responders to coordinate a response and maintenance protocol in isolating and treatment of a Pandemic no matter its size and scope. The key to getting a hand on a Pandemic is recognizing it and trying to isolate, quarantine and treat those effected as early as possible.
Why is The Obama government refusing to take back TARP "loans"? Wasn't this supposed to be a temporary fix to keep financial institutions and companies solvent? To get out from under the management by a socialist administration, some banks and companies are trying to pay the "loans" back.  Unfortunately The Obama administration does not want to lose control so they chose to make this process difficult.  As a hedge on their control they wish to use the "stress test" to determine if a company or bank is in danger of going under, if The Obama administration concludes that they are, then the stranglehold continues. This is nothing more than nationalizing American industry and financial institutions, in other words SOCIALISM! When government took over the Mustang Ranch in Nevada, they ran it into the ground.  If they couldn't make money running a whore house and selling whisky, do you want them running everything else?
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
On September 11, 2001, I was the Deputy Assistant to the President for Appointments and Scheduling, essentially the President's Gate Keeper. It was a beautiful September morning in DC. I arrived at my West Wing Office at the usual time, 6:15 am and prepared for the 7:30 am Senior Staff Meeting in the Roosevelt Room. The President and Chief of Staff Card were in Florida and Josh Bolten was the highest ranking staffer at the White House besides the Vice President. After the Senior Staff Meeting, I went back to my office on the first floor of the West Wing and began my normal office routine. As was my habit, I constantly had a news station on my office TV. I always kept volume down even during meetings, so I could immediately respond to news as it was happening. As I was doing my work, I heard reports being broadcast of a commuter plane that struck one of the towers of the World Trade Center. The story immediately grabbed my attention for several obvious and not so obvious reasons, the oddity of the accident, I am from NY and my Brother at the time, was a Commissioner of the Port Authority of NY/NJ which owns the Trade Center Towers. Needless to say, I was glued to the coverage, and I witnessed live the second plane strike the other Trade Center Tower. Like Cesar, I knew immediately at that time, that America was under attack and said so to my assistant. I immediately went into the Situation Room and heard and saw Josh Bolten swing into action. The West Wing Staff met in the White House Mess and were given instructions on evacuation and immediately after the briefing did so. I went to a off site location with about 100 plus staffers and I was the highest ranking staffer at that location. We all went to work. We wanted to know what other President's had done after the Marine Barracks Bombing in Lebanon, the Murrow Building Bombing in Oklahoma, the first World Trade Center Bombing, Etc. We wanted to compile a historical press prospective of how they reported the events and we also wanted to know what former Presidents did for a period of two weeks from the events. When did they address the Nation, who did they meet with, how did their schedules change. During the time I was leading the staff from the off site location, my brother was calling me and my sister, as my nephew Tommy Jurgens a Senior Court Officer and combat trained army medic was reported to have left his court house to respond to the scene and was missing. As it turned out, my nephew lost his life saving others. He disregarded orders from his superiors to leave the building and went back in to rescue others. At approximately 5:30 pm, I released the majority of the staff from my location and just myself a few others returned to the White House to join other Senior Staff for a meeting in the Roosevelt Room. We prepared for the President's return to the White House and his Address from the Oval Office that night. We threw out the President's planned schedule for 2 weeks and scheduled meetings and appearances as events warranted. I got home that night at Midnight and returned to work on 9/12 at 6am. I was never more proud of my Country and those who serve as I was and continue to be during this time. Everyone swung into action and went to work unselfishly with a primary focus to do whatever it takes to be helpful. Two days after 9/11, I told Andy Card that my Nephew was missing and that I may want to return to NY on the weekend. He asked me if I had told the President and I said I did not. He told me to do whatever I needed to do. Within five minutes of telling Secretary Card that my Nephew was missing the President called me on the phone and told me he is praying for the safe return of my nephew and pledged to me that he will find those responsible and bring them to justice. No sooner did I hang up the phone then the President was at my desk and repeated those statements and shook my hand. If anyone watched after 9/11 the response of our government with a critical eye it was me. I know first hand what the President, Vice President and the entire administration did to keep us safe from further attacks and to bring those responsible to justice. I am so proud to have served during this time with patriots so focused in doing the right things for the right reasons. We can second the actions taken by the Bush Administration but one thing is for sure, those who served acted with the best of intentions and were singularly focused in preventing further harm to our citizens. The proof of their efforts is without question, we have not experienced further attacks at home and abroad since 9/11 and it is principally because of the actions taken by the Bush Administration and Congress including but not limited to the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, the Patriot Act, FISA, the reorganization of our intelligence services, the creation of a Intelligence Czar, and yes the legal Interrogation of our enemies.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
Feinstein's intervention by penning a letter to the FDIC while a bid was pending to benefit her husband’s business with the FDIC was inappropriate at best. After her husband’s company “won” the bid, Sen. Feinstein introduced a 25 billion dollar bill further bailing out the agency that awarded the contract to her husband’s company, CB Richard Ellis Group. Sen. Feinstein’s husband’s company is charging outrageous fees in the sale of foreclosed properties. When brokers around the country are slashing their fees to get work, Mr. Feinstein’s firm charges for “setting up the sale”, “managing the property” and a 6 percent commission on the sale. In a volume contract that involves millions of properties, you would think the commission rate would be reduced and other fees waived. Well, in with Sen. Feinstein’s hubby who incidentally goes by the name Richard Blum, is gouging the U.S. Tax payer the very people the good Senator is suppose to be protecting. Why did a Senator who is not a member of a committee which overseas the FDIC write a letter to them while her husband’s contract bid was pending? Why after the contract award to her husband’s firm, did Sen. Feinstein sponsor a 25 Billion Dollar Bill aiding the very entity that awarded that contract? This stinks and it all should be investigated ASAP.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
Earth to the Speaker: We could be the cleanest most responsible Earth friendly nation on Earth and it will all be for naught, if the rest of the World doesn’t join us in our efforts. If Speaker Pelosi could get Russia, China and India to be as responsible as we are, then you have something. For every expert that says humans are the cause of “climate change” there are 10 more who say we aren’t. “Climate Change,” is the favorite topic of the left and the Hollywood Hipsters and left elitists. It makes them feel good as they ride around in their limos and party behind the walls of their mega-mansions. We should strive to be a clean and energy efficient nation because it just makes good sense and not because it is the “in thing” to do.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
The President announced a most aggressive agenda when he took over. In January, he said he wants to make the economy. energy, socialized health care and education reform his top priorities his first year. Then just last week he added immigration reform to his list of first year accomplishments. The American People spoke very loudly last year with regard to immigration and in light of the current problems that we are seeing on the border they were correct. We need to secure the borders of our country from illegal immigration, drug smuggling and narco terrorists, before we take on any other immigration reforms. Comprehensive immigration reform is not realistic without securing our borders first. There is no way a mortal president will be able to come close to the aggressive agenda this president has set forth. Even in the best of times, something unforeseen will develop and derail one or more of his agenda items. In spite of the Democrats control of both houses of Congress with high majorities, the President will have a hard time getting through a first year legislative agenda with so many hot button, difficult and divisive issues.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
Questions: When should a President not shake the hand of the Head of State or of Government?

The answer is a simple one. The President of the United States should never shake the hand of a brutal dictator from a country we do not have formal diplomatic relations with. There is a difference in being polite and being a Statesman. It was impolite at its kindness, for Chavez to have played our President like a pawn for his own political advantage and it was wrong for our President to have taken the bait. President Obama should have politely gestured Chavez back to his seat and not gotten up from his and not accepted a book that was also intended with a political message. The book Chavez gave the President of the United States was written by a well known leftist Eduardo Galeano and it is a anti-imperialist manifesto entitles “Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent”. Would Roosevelt have shaken the hand of Hitler? No. Would Roosevelt have accepted Hitler’s book “Mein Kampf” in a spirit of “friendship”? No. When I attended the Earth Summit in Rio with President George H. W. Bush, Castro did not have the kehones to shake his hand when they were together at the Class Photo, nor was Bush present in the room for his rant against the U.S. at the Summit Session. Chavez, Ortega, the Castro brothers, and other despots, know this President is desperate to be liked and will do anything to advance a U.S. appeasement and concession strategy. They are watching him very careful dismantle everything “Bush” and it was many of those policies that kept these dictators in check. No sooner did the handshake occur, than Chavez had it up on his website and the New York Times had it above the fold on its front page. That was “the” story of the entire Summit. It overtook all the good that could have come from it and all because our President wants to be liked. He has brought great embarrassment on our Nation.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
American consumer credit worthiness relies on the opinion of basically three national credit-reporting agencies, (Experian, Trans Union and Equifax). These private entities gather information on individuals and unilaterally come up with a credit score for Americans without any input whatsoever from the consumers they are affecting.
Many creditors routinely provide all these companies with false, misleading or inaccurate information that becomes parroted by all three agencies in their reports and credit scores. Many times this incorrect information is provided intentionally or negligently.
Information providers have virtually no liability for their factually inaccurate data and act with impunity.
Creditors are given carte blanche to report whatever they want and their word is taken as gospel by the agencies. Never do these reporting agencies advise the consumer of potential harmful or derogatory information prior to reporting out their credit score. Never do these companies give the consumer the opportunity to correct such negative information before reporting out their credit scores. Rarely if ever, do credit agencies advise the consumer when their credit has been checked and who has checked it prior to the release of credit information.
Erroneous information contained in credit reports cost consumers hundreds of millions of dollars in higher interest rates and punitive charges.
Yes, consumers are entitled by law to receive a free copy of their credit report once a year from the big three credit agencies. Good luck though, trying to get a straight answer from any one of the credit agencies for alleged contested information. The consumer is treated as guilty until proven innocent. The review process for contested information is as secretive, as the process by which they come up with a credit score to begin with.
Computers programs run the entire credit process, from the gathering of credit information, to selecting a credit score, to the reporting of information, and to the correcting of information. It is next to impossible to talk to a human being to answer any question a consumer may have unless, the consumer is willing to pay a fee and subscribe to the services of the credit agencies they wish to talk with.
The credit agencies are in the pockets of the banks, and lending companies. The burden is put on the consumer to catch them if they can.
It is about time that consumers rise up against such shoddy treatment. If the credit agencies refuse to become more transparent and consumer friendly, then the legislature should enact rules and regulations that make the process more fair and balanced.
The big 3 credit agencies have created a cottage industry of charging for services that consumers should be entitled to as a matter of right.
Like a kid in a candy store, The Obama couldn't wait to prance across the floor to shake hands with the U.S. hating socialist leader of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez.  One can only wonder what The Obama's response would have been if Castro was there.   Obama says we should move away from "stale" debates on Cuba.  Mr. Obama, is it stale to stand up for freedom and liberty?  Is it stale to defend GOD given human rights? Is it stale to expect Cuba's tyrannical dictator to allow the Cuban people freedom of speech, assembly and religious worship? Mr. Obama you have now officially joined your comrades in arms, the anti-U.S. socialist/communist crowd.  You words don't mean didly when your actions show you lust for these fools.  You want to take us down the socialist path of destruction, reinforced by your Saul Alinsky community organizing, neighborhood compliance committees and civilian security force. Sit back and have a cup of tea.  The American people will not give up without a fight.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
It served no purpose for the White House and DOJ to make public Bush Era Memos on interrogation when, the Obama Administration already had decided NOT to investigate or bring charges against any former member of the Bush Administration or employee of the government with regard to interrogations that followed the rules in place at that time. A simple statement by either the Attorney General or the White House would have been sufficient. The Obama Administration has decided to change the rules on their watch with regard to interrogation. I disagree with that decision. I believe their actions will make us weaker in gathering and obtaining information that could fend off further harm to us and our allies. The Bottom-line is that after 9/11 there was no further attacks to our Homeland precisely because of the the actions taken by the Bush Administration, including but not limited to a reorganization of our intelligence services and the interrogation techniques practiced. The release of these memos is fodder for our enemies who see our President as weak. Our enemies behead their captives after brutal interrogations. We put “caterpillars” in their cells to scare them, and make them listen to Madonna. Big difference. Our enemies do not follow any international law with regard to imprisonment or interrogation. We on the other hand, dumb down our own laws and international law in an effort to show our humanity at the expense of our safety. It will take another attack before we realize that playing nice does not make us safer, it makes us more vulnerable.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
The inmates are running the asylum at Homeland Security. When Secretary Napolitano took over at Homeland what was her first order of business? She gave the edict, with the blessing of the Administration, that no longer would the government use the term, “war on terror” or “terrorism”. Instead the new lingo will be “man-made disasters”. The fact that Homeland sees fit to publish a report that can only be intended to further polarize an already polarized population is nuts. The country is divided in philosophy. Such a division does not make those in opposition right wing extremists, it makes them practitioners of democracy. There is not one scintilla of back-up for the outrageous conclusions contained in the Homeland report. The only “extremism” that exists in our country, can be found in those who serve a new government hell bent on governing by threat and raw power. They railroad Bills through without any opportunity for those called to vote on it to even read it. They state very matter of factly to the opposition that, “we won, therefore we rule”, yet they claim to seek bipartisanship. The Democrats have been out of power so long that they feel the need for speed in governing. There exists a tremendous sense of entitlement on their part. Either you are with them or against them, and if you oppose them you are labeled a “right wing extremist”. I would say that is pretty extreme.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
On Tax Day it is appropriate to discuss what should be done to change our current tax structure. I have some ideas..........
We need to scrap the 60,000 page Tax Code. A simple two tier simplified individual tax, the rates to be decided. The deductions should be limited to home mortgage deduction, and charitable deductions. The corporate tax would be fixed at 25 percent. Capital Gains should be graduated down, (starting at 10 percent), so the longer you own an asset, the less tax you pay when you sell it. I would also eliminate the Death Tax.

With Regard to the Tea Party’s all across America today:

Taxation with over representation is as bad as taxation without it. Growing government at a time of financial crisis is lunacy. Those who are in the majority in power, believe in themselves more than the people who put them there. They believe government is the cure all, and it is the government's responsibility to make up for the lost productivity of the private sector. They actually believe that it is patriotic to grow government in tough times. Well I say no! Return power to the people. Reduce the burden of over taxation, unleash the power of creativity, incentivize  the ingenuity of our citizens,  and America will prosper again. My message to those in power is a simple one. Get out of our way! We don' t want your socialized medicine, we don't believe in your Robin hood theory of economics, and we condone the mortgaging our future and those of generations to come, because your reckless taxing and spending and borrowing. Mr President, you can tell your socialist buddies at home and abroad, tyranny in 2009 shall not prevail in America. Like 1773,  it is Tea Time in America!
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
The Administration like the Democratic Leadership in Congress are drunk with power and in a rush to either reverse past administration policy or make their own as fast as they can. They are acting as if they only have 100 days in office rather than 4 years. With regard to Cuba, the President and the State Department obviously gave their blessing to members of the Congressional Black Caucus to visit Cuba last week and meet with the dictator brothers Castro. The Castro's put on a show, and the Members of Congress were bit players. They were taken in by Fidel and Raul and their propaganda, as was the President. We should not be rewarding Cuba with unilateral concessions. They have retarded generations of their own people with their brutal regime and they are no friend of the United States. The President’s policy of apology and concession will not work in Europe,  the Middle East or in our own Hemisphere.

My advice to the President with regard to the Summit of the Americas is this, democracy and free trade is what made us the greatest Nation on earth and it is those same principles that will make the Americas prosper as well. We need the Columbia Free Trade Agreement. We need to promote democracy and make the people of the Americas feel that they are just as important to us as is Europe, the Middle East and Asia.
During the 5 day Somali pirate attempted takeover of a U.S. flagged ship and taking of the captain as a hostage, The Obama kept quiet.  No forceful statement of condemnation or support for our military's capability to respond was uttered by his blame-America-first lips. Perhaps it was so his administration could blame our military for failure, if that had occurred. News reports crediting The Obama for giving orders to shoot the pirates are laughable knowing the military has standing orders to take action if that action will save the hostages life.  The hostage, Captain Phillips, had an AK47 pointing at him when the pirates were in position to be taken out.  Once again our military has proven to be the best. Unfortunately, The Obama administration's few budget reductions are in our defensive capabilities. So much for leadership.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
With regard to African Pirates: A bad story that has one chapter that ends well is still a bad story. Thank God the Captain of our U.S. Merchant Ship was rescued. Now that the Worlds attention has been shone on African Pirating, maybe the international community will finally act to stop it once and for all. It is unacceptable for rag tag criminals to rule the seas with impunity. Isn’t it about time that the United Nations did what they were chartered to do.? Shouldn’t they be the ones to rally the World to stop this scourge? Commercial ships must be allowed to defend themselves. Ships should be allowed to travel with trained armed onboard security. The rules of engagement must me retooled to allow a ships crew to deal with threats themselves if they can. This law enforcement operation by the U.S. Navy was avoidable. The millions of dollars this cost the U.S. Tax Payer should not have been necessary. This is not nor should it be a U.S. Problem alone to solve.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
Arizona State University is way out of line for having disrespected the President of the United States. They invite to President to speak at their Commencement and he graciously accepts, then, gratuitously they announce that he will not be receiving an Honorary Degree.  How crass can you get? The Administration, Faculty and Student Body of Arizona State should be ashamed of themselves. Their behavior is a black eye for the University and the entire  Nation. President Obama without question “qualifies” for the awarding of a Honorary Degree based on any reasonable standard of achievement and certainly in light of the other past honorees of the university including but not limited to the Vice Minister of Education of the Peoples Republic of China. If the President were vindictive he would send The Vice President in his stead, that would teach them.
This Easter and beyond, don’t get discouraged with the disappointments of ‘yes we can!'  Remember instead - 'yes He did'.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
The President was apologetic and weak in his words, deeds and demeanor on his first debut at a international summit and tour of Europe. He went hat in hand to Europe, and as a result let the Europeans and others off the hook on their financial and security obligations around the world. It is disgraceful that the President was only able to get 20 Summit nations to commit to One Trillion Dollars in financial stimulus when our country is ponying up Trillions, some of which by the way, has already gone to prop up European banks. President Obama failed to get the Europeans, the Germans and French in particular, to commit troops on the ground to Afghanistan. While America is sending 30,000 additional troops to Afghanistan the French are sending 300. The French troops will not be joining us on the battlefield though, they will be used for training purposes only. The President was weak in dealing with China, when he did not demand China take more responsibility for North Korea’s violation of international law, when during the Summit North Korea fired a long range missile over Japan. The President showed weakness when he bowed before the King of Saudi Arabia in a clear gesture that will be seen by the Muslim World as subservience to a Muslim ruler. The President believes that if “we” were only nicer and more conciliatory, the U.S. Would be beloved all around the world. I respectfully remind the President of what our great American President Teddy Roosevelt once said, “speak softly and carry a big stick”. There is a difference in speaking softly and speaking weakly. You will never be respected by being weak at a time when our allies and our enemies already perceive us as being weakened both economically and militarily. We know this to be true by what the President was not able to accomplish on his Europe trip. The President defiantly has the soft speak down, now he just needs someone to hand him his stick.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
On another note: I am sickened by the love fest that occurred between the Dictator Brothers, Raul and Fidel Castro and members of the Congressional Black Caucus who just returned from Cuba. They were taken in by these despots and sung their praises in Cuba and on their return to America. They are nothing but dupes, who were played like a fiddle by a regime who is brutal to their people. Their visit is nothing but a propaganda bonanza for Cuba’s internal and external uses. I assume they are planning their next tax payer paid junket to visit Chavez of Venezuela and Kin Jong il of North Korea.
Thankfully The Obama whirlwind-I'm-not-George-Bush-and-America-has-been-bad tour is over! In Turkey The Obama stated that America is not a Christian, Muslim or Jewish country.  We're just a group of people with shared principles and ideals.  He said we're no different than other people in other countries.  In flesh and blood we agree, in the broader sense we strongly disagree.  The exceptionalism of the United States of America based on a Judeo Christian foundation and rooted in our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution sets us apart.  The freedoms and liberty enshrined in our founding documents guarantees our Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness.  This liberty to excel has made our economic infrastructure the backbone of the worlds' economy.  We are overwhelmingly a Christian nation.  One that welcomes people from all nations, all religions and also those that chose not to believe.  We do not look down or condemn those that are different than us.  We do disapprove of those that want to take our liberty and freedoms because we don't conform to theirs.  An individual can go to Spain and become a Spanish citizen, but he will never be a Spaniard, he can go to Russia and become a Russian citizen, but he'll never be Russian.  Anyone that comes to the United States of America legally and becomes a U.S. citizen, is an AMERICAN.  We are an exceptional people with an exceptional history, Mr. Obama, stop talking us down!  In GOD We Trust.
During the presidential campaign last year, The Obama was photographed with a book in his hand, the title of which was, "The Post American World".  Along with his socialist buddies in control of congress and the liberal blame-America-first crowd, they are well on their way to make that a reality.  Telling the European's that we look to them for leadership, reaching out to our enemies while sabotaging our allies, all with his narcissistic smile does not a leader make!
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
It’s time for the sun to set on Summers. The Press is reporting that the President’s chief economic advisor Larry Summers was himself a greedy pig who just this past year was paid by his fellow wall street buds more than 5 Million Dollars in compensation. While these executives were looting their companies and running them into the ground, Mr. Summers did not miss the opportunity to partake from their feedbag. All the economic advisors, treasury secretaries and the like have one thing in common, a incestuous relationship with Wall Street. It is where they came from, it is where they made their riches before coming to government and it is where they go back to, to make more. They “oversee” and “regulate” their friends. There is no arms length relationship. The President talks about aspiring to have the most transparent and ethical administration this country has ever seen and it has been to date everything but. He rails on Wall Street greed and he hires as his chief economic advisor the poster boy for it. He shames corporate executives for taking millions from companies who are going down the tubes and are taking US Bailout Dollars yet, the head person of his economic team is a pig himself. Mr. President you saw fit to fire the CEO of GM and you saw fit to call out Wall Street Execs who paid themselves millions in bonus money, will you fire Larry Summers for the same type of behavior you admonish others for? You can’t make this stuff up, Our Treasury Secretary is a tax cheat, the President’s chief economic advisor is guilty of the same type of greed that he now is charged to stop, the OMB Director this week was on the John Stewart Comedy Show yucking it up on how bad the economy is, Geithner cannot find anyone to work with, and the list goes on. Folks, we are in deep trouble.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:

The President and the Democrats in Congress have exploited the financial crisis to advance their socialist big government tax, spend and borrow agenda. But for the excuse that, “emergency spending is necessary to starve off a total financial melt down”, they would never have had the “opportunity” to pass such life changing legislation. The President’s intrusion into the Corporate Board Room is more than a little disturbing. The fact that the President of the United States announced the firing of a CEO of America’s most iconic corporations is the most troubling. The Democrats have the perfect storm to make generational changes to our society. They have a President, a Senate, the House, and the power to reshape the Judiciary, and most importantly, they have the cover of a global financial crisis not seen since the Great Depression to blame all their deeds on. When the storm is over, the wreckage left behind by the Democrats will make Katrina look like a summer sun shower. The American People will then come to realize the need for “change” and will return the Republicans to power. The bad news is, we all must suffer through a very, very bad storm.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
On the G-20: President Obama should be listening to the other World Leaders but, he should not be a wallflower. The World perceives America as being weakened by the financial crisis and that perception becomes more of a reality if our President is weak in his participation at these meetings. America should never miss an opportunity to lead.

Ted Stevens: I commend Attorney General Holder for having the guts to right the wrong of a Justice Department gone bad with regard to the prosecution of former Senator Ted Stevens. The wrong may be corrected by the Court, with the dismissal of the charges, but, that should not be the end the story. The Justice Department should go after the rogue prosecutors to the fullest extent of the law. For the government to suppress exculpatory evidence and  for prosecutors to be held in contempt for doing so by a Judge, is beyond the pale and amounts to a direct assault on a individuals fundamental constitutional rights.

GOP Budget: The GOP budget although an exercise in futility because we do not have the votes to enact it, is nonetheless important because, it shows the weaknesses of the Democrats budget and educates the American People. There are fundamental differences between the Republicans and the Democrats on  solving the financial crisis. Republicans believe that our way out is to empower people by giving them the ability and the tools necessary to grow our way back to financial health through tax cuts, incentives, cutting/freezing of discretionary government spending, affordable non-government run health care, etc. The Democrats believe in bad times we need to grow government to make up for the loss of private sector growth. They believe in taxing in bad times. They want to form a massive socialized medicine program to provide substandard health care for all and they want to coddle illegal aliens that are in our country by providing them and their families with some of the same rights a legal citizens. Democrats want to redistribute wealth and reinstitute the welfare state of the 1960’s we fought so hard to crush. The Republicans way back to the majority is to fight the Democrats every step of the way pointing out to the American People the deficiencies of their policies and to offer real alternatives.
At the G20 summit we should be leading other members with the same American economic ingenuity and optimism that has been the envy of the world.  Capitalism and small government made our economy the strongest in the world.  Why is the U.S. dollar the worlds currency? You know the answer! Instead, The Obama and his crew are asking others to join in a global governmental spending spree that will cripple economies and enslave their people with socialism for many generations to come.  Even the Communist Chinese are counseling against this incredible spending.  They have a stake in our economic future and they understand that The Obama's spending and government growth will jeopardize that investment.
Cuba's economic and political misery is a shining example of the failures of socialism/communism.  The Castro two-headed monster continues to blame their failures on the U.S. embargo, (what they call blockade), but the true cause of these failures are the  dictators and their tyrannical system.  The Benedi Doctrine clearly points out the institutional violation of human rights in the communist system.  The communist in Cuba have been able to trade with the rest of the world all along.  They've received six billion dollars a year from the former Soviet Union to prop up their failed system.  When the Soviet Union collapsed, the Chinese stepped in with support.  The Obama's congressional accomplices are now on the path to increase support for the communist system which enslaves and murders it's citizens.  We should be standing with the Cuban people in their struggle for their God given freedom.  Shame on our leaders for preparing the way to make a deal with the Devil!
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.  Those words form the basis and foundation on which our great country was founded.  The bedrock on which our freedoms, liberty and prosperity became the envy of the world.  Today we have a socialist administration, socialist leaning congress and liberal justice system.  They together disavow the sanctity of Life, without which no other rights matter.  If someone kills a pregnant woman, that person is charged with a double murder, if she take her own child's life, no questions asked.  This government is constantly encroaching on our Liberty to achieve our full potential by penalizing that achievement.  This government also believes in our Pursuit of Happiness, but only as long as we are "equally" happy, in other words, "equally" miserable!
Neil Turner, Captain, US Army Aviation (1957-1964):
Hear Ye! Hear Ye! 
America’s first 21st Century Citizen’s COMMON-LAW Grand Jury held today (3-28-2009) in the State of Georgia.  Following is the announcement by the ‘sworn to secrecy’ foreman of this Jury:
At approx. 4:15 pm EDT on March 28th, 2009, in the city of Stockbridge, Ga., the people of Georgia returned an ‘Indictment/Presentment’ against Barack Hussein Obama!!!!!!
25 Jurists, duly sworn in, heard testimony and in a unanimous vote, Indicted the Usurper!!!
Here is the website – – where you can follow up on the details of this momentous event.  It is the start of a new dawning for our Constitutional Republic.
Rise up for America
The Obama talks-the-talk while leading his lemmings straight over a cliff!  With their ever increasing power grab and capitulation to our enemies, this is very difficult to accept.  The Obama's army is all about "feelings", how about this, we "FEEL" we are being "scr___d" and it's being done intentionally.  The destruction of our way of life and economy is what will give The Obama's crew the "opportunity" for their "change".  "Change" to their preferred socialist "Paradise"!  History repeating itself, we can "FEEL" it in our bones.
Today we could talk about Geithner's causing a drop in the value of our dollar by insinuating that he was open to the Chinese suggestion of replacing the U.S. Dollar as the worlds reserve currency.  Instead we were reminded of the bravery of Navy Petty Officer Mike Monsoor.  In our day-to-day battle of ideas, political philosophy and the attempt to save our form of government and economic system, let's not loose sight of the bravery of our armed forces and the sacrifices they make.  We awake in the morning to face another day in our own personal struggles, they wake up not knowing if this is their last day.  Read "Seal's Honor" on our articles page and say a prayer for those who are defending our liberty, may God Bless our troops.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
The President has it all wrong. He was wrong on his comments on AIG, when on the Leno Show he made excuses for AIG’s behavior, saying that although shameful, was legal. He was wrong on his Press Conference when he said the following in response to MSNBC Chuck Todd’s question on Consumer overspending, “....once the economy stabilizes and people are less fearful, then I think that we’re going to have to start thinking about how do we operate more prudently, because there is no such thing as a free lunch.” Mr. President people are fearful of the government’s ability to understand and solve our problems. They are fearful as well of governments out of control government spending, borrowing and taxing. Mr. President, now is the time to act prudently. Now is the time to show the American People that their government can be as responsible as you hope they would be. The long term health of our Country depends on how prudently we act as a government and a people. The President is right when he says, “there is no such thing as a free lunch”, however, his words do not match his actions or intent. He is not giving out free lunches he is giving out ten course meal’s, creating a whole new class of government dependents with his plans. The old saying by Loa Tzu, “Give a man a fish, feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”, is the only way out of our crisis. We need to create jobs and opportunity. We do not create prosperity through Robin hood economics of taking from the rich and giving it to everyone else. We create prosperity by being responsible and prudent NOW! Reduce government spending, reduce taxes, incentives business’ to hire or retain employees, and invest in energy and selective infrastructure projects and we will be well “fed” for a very long time.
When listening to The Obama we are reminded of the old saying, "Don't do as I do, do as I say", the difference is that with The Obama you need to "Watch what he does, not what he says!" He talks about the huge deficit he inherited and the need to cut it,  but then proposes to more than triple it in his budget. The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that with the spending spree and budget the national debt will increase by 9.3 trillion dollars in the next decade.  The Obama  continues to iterate that the government will give us the growth we need.  What he fails to acknowledge is that government is NOT the engine of prosperity and growth, the American private enterprise capitalist system is and always has been the greatest engine of growth the world has ever seen.  His type of government growth can only happen at the expense of the private sector and will only grow the government.  Whenever that socialist method has been tried in the world, it has failed.  Lets not copy failure!
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
This is Deja Vu all over again. The President holds a Press Conference and announces that Secretary Geithner will announce an important “economic plan” that will set our minds at ease and reassure us all that he is indeed the right guy at the right time. Then the Secretary makes his long awaited pronouncement and the markets crash and the People run to put more money in their mattresses. Well, it did not work a few weeks ago, but perhaps it will this week.

On Bailouts: The President was wrong to assert on Jay Leno’s Tonight Show that the practices of the banks and other financial institutions, that got us in this mess although wrong was in fact “legal”. What he should have said was, that he is instructing the Attorney General to look into those practices and determine if there is any criminal or civil liability, and if there is, vow to go after all those culpable. We should use every effort available to re-coup bonus’ that were paid wrongfully. We also may have remedies available to us, since after all, we own a majority interest in the companies whose employees received these shameful bonus’. Let’s use our clout as Shareholders to protect our interests within the framework of the state laws of incorporation of the companies we own as well as applicable federal law.
Since America hating, racist Rev. Wright has been thrown under the bus, The Obama has been seeking and receiving "spiritual" advice from Rev. Jim Wallis, founder of the Sojourners organization.  History repeats itself, The Obama continually seeks out and befriends America bashing, capitalism hating racists.  Jim Wallis called the U.S. “the great power, the great seducer, the great captor and destroyer of human life, the great master of humanity and history in its totalitarian claims and designs.”  The difference between Wright and Wallis is that Wallis is more subtle.  The underlying hate is the same.
President Bush appealed to the Iranian people shortly after talking office in 2001.  He spoke of freedom and liberty from a position of strength.  The Obama appealed to the Iranian Mullahs from a position of capitulation.  Sounding weak and willing to compromise with the enemy after defeating them, in our opinion is surrender. Iran was at the root of the insurgency and weapons flow into Iraq.  Grabbing defeat from the jaws of victory is fine for our socialist/communist leader. "Change" you can believe in!
While we're side tracked on the many issues that The Obama has placed before us, the house approved a plan to set up a new 'volunteer corps'. Last year during the campaign The Obama gave a speech indicating that he wanted a 'Civilian Security Force' as powerful and well funded as the military.  This force or 'volunteer corps' would wear uniforms and most likely be indoctrinated in the ways of good Marxists, for the good of the 'people'.  Along with Rep. Hastings proposing to set up civilian holding areas on military bases this is a very dangerous scenario.  It's hard to believe that this is really happening and the 'drive-by media', as Rush puts it, are going along with it.  Soon the 'silent' majority will be heard!
The Obama and Dodd have been caught in their web-of-deceit.  Their game plan of class warfare and populist anti-corporate propaganda will backfire.  The American people are starting to see through their madness.  We believe that The Obama and Dodd, the two top recipients of AIG contributions by far, should return those contributions.  After all, they didn't have an existing contract to receive them!  Beware, as Thomas Jefferson once said, "A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."
How can The Obama do so many things at the same time?  What happened to that "Spendulus" bill that was supposed to help the economy?  If it was going to fix the problems, then why are they now trying to address the "problems"?  Could it be they were taking advantage of the situation to "institute" their socialist agenda?  After all, they stated that they shouldn't let this opportunity pass.  Then we had AIG bashing by The Obama and his cronies, it was revealed today that the two top recipients of AIG political contributions where Sen. Chris "I didn't do it" Dodd and Barack Hussein "Dumbo" Obama.  Oh what a surprise!  How about a misdirect while we accomplish the destruction of the United States of America!!!
While trashing corporate America The Obama and his cronies are gearing up to give us the largest deficit in our history by far.  They continue to complain about the deficit that they inherited, a deficit that was in part due to the War on Terrorism and Katrina.  A deficit that would have been much greater if a democrat would have been in the White House.  Complaining about a large deficit on one hand while proposing to more than triple it takes some nerve.  Moving towards a socialist national health care system that would cover illegal aliens while considering to make U.S. Veterans pay for they own health insurance is outrageous!
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:

Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered. AIG was saved from extinction by the American People. In these trying economic times countless contracts are being re-negotiated to save companies. Employees are taking less to save their jobs and help their companies survive. Individuals are tightening their belts and making tough choices in their households. The greed of AIG and others is without bounds. They feel a sense of entitlement instead of appreciation. The American People are sick and tired of corporate greed and arrogance. Congress needs to step up and bring AIG and others to task. Let's face facts, without the help of the American People there would be no AIG. There would be no employment contracts to enforce, no bonus' to be had. AIG and Corporations like them are Hogs.
The Obama has been busy lately trying to talk up the economy.  You can track the downturn in the economy from the takeover of congress by the Democrats in 2006 and the constant trashing of the economy by the Democrats and The Obama.  Gaining political power is more important to them than our economy, security and liberty.  Even after The Obama's constant drumbeat of doom-n-gloom in order to pass his socialist transformation of our country, he had the "Audacity" to say the following to an gathering of CEO's last week:
"I believe that jobs are best created not by government, but by businesses and entrepreneurs like you who are willing to take risks on a good idea. And I believe that our role as lawmakers is not to disparage wealth, but to expand its reach; not to stifle the market, but to strengthen its ability to unleash the creativity and innovation that still makes this nation the envy of the world."
Does the word LIAR ring a bell? He's not going to get away with this massive fraud and sooner or later he will have to answer for it!
Clear your mind for a few minutes and take the time to read today's message from Dr. Orly Taitz.  This courageous lady immigrated from the former Soviet Union, became a lawyer in the United States and is raising her family here.  She could just sit back and watch what is happening to our country and "hope" for the best.  But that's not her style.  She has seen tyranny, she experienced what most Americans can't even imagine.  Yesterday a liberal judge in liberal California following the lead of a liberal Attorney General (Jerry Brown) threw out Allan Keye's case challenging "The Obama's" qualification to be president of the United States under article 2 of our constitution.  The ruling was simply that only the congress can challenge that eligibility.  Clear your mind, take a look at the big picture, do you see what's happening to our country?  Even clerks at the Supreme Court are withholding evidence from the justices.  We need to wake up before it's to late.  Take the time to read what Dr. Orly Taitz has to say.  Click here to view her message.
From the White House web site in the "agenda-defense" section they have the following statement:

"Integrate Military and Civilian Efforts: The Obama-Biden Administration will build up the capacity of each non-Pentagon agency to deploy personnel and area experts where they are needed, to help move soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines out of civilian roles."
This taken along with The Obama's campaign proposal for a "Civilian Security Force as  powerful and well funded as the military" and their renewed attack on the second amendment (Holder announces to bring back the ban on semi-auto guns), should give us reason to question their intentions.
Like a kid in a candy store thinking he can steal the candy before anyone notices, "The Obama" keeps trying to get away with it.  Promising to eliminate "earmarks" yet signing a bill with nearly 9,000 earmarks in private shows his hand.  He says that from now on we will require "transparency".  He keeps kicking the can down the road and hopes no one notices until it's to late.  The Stupid Frogs will fall in line and before they know it, it will be too late.  The tide is going to turn!  Americans are not as easily duped as we were this past election and sooner or later we will stop this nonsense.  This is  not Europe, we freed Europe and will not fall for the European trap!
Senators Menendez of New Jersey and Nelson of Florida, along with others, caved in on an amendment to the "Runaway-Bus" bill.  The amendment eases trade restrictions with Communist Cuba and  opens the door to normalization.  A back-handed way of bypassing the approval process on such a critical geo-strategic issue as this.  Along with the letter to the Russian president to sell out our east European allies in exchange for assistance with Iran, we now have more evidence of the incompetence of this administration and their allies.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
The Chinese Government is again testing the metal of a new US Administration within its first 100 days. If you recall in April of 2001, the Chinese Government sent a fighter plane to harass a US Navy EP-3 plane operating in international air space off the coast of China. The Chinese eventually forced the US Plane it to land in China. They seized the plane and held the crew. The Bush Administration responded swiftly and forcefully and the matter was cleared up in very short order, the crew and the plane were returned to the US and the Chinese Government was rebuked. Now the Chinese are at it again. Just yesterday, the Chinese Government sent 5 ships to harass a US Navy Ship operating in international waters off China. The provocation is meant as a test. The Chinese want to see what the reaction of the new Administration will be. Although these actions may be seen as minor, but, I can assure you it is not. The Chinese have ways of sizing up a new administration, they do it economically, socially and militarily. The Obama Administration must react swiftly and forcefully. The message they send now will be very important in dealing with the Chinese for years to come.
Ambassador Korologos correctly states that Obama keeps blaming issues on others.  We teach our children to take responsibility for your actions and your words.  Or are his "just words"?  Perhaps the disaster facing our country today is more deeply seeded than a recession or even a depression.  Perhaps we are dealing with a far more sinister strategy than we could have believed possible?  Gramsci ring a bell?
Tom Korologos, Former ambassador, consultant and Republican strategist:
I'm getting a little tired of Obama and the Ds blaming Bush for every little new pothole and economic downturn, yet whenever they make a pronouncement of any kind the market takes yet another dive.  I don't have any master plan but how's about the President start by vetoing the $410 (b) billion omnibus appropriations bill which is filled with pork much of it from former Congressional members currently in his administration; call a private, no announcement, meeting in the situation room ask Rs, Ds, economists from all stripes and agree on something to help the banks and housing get back on their feet and, just like Bush ram it through and see what happens. Nothing else seems to work.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:
The greatness of America rests not in our government, it rests in our people. We should not be growing government in trying times; we should be unleashing the creativity and entrepreneurial spirit of our businessmen and women, our scientists, our students, and our inventors.

Growing government, to some how make up for the lost productivity of the private sector makes no sense. At this time, government should be cutting costs and reducing spending. Our lawmakers should be cutting taxes and providing incentives to the marketplace for investment and ingenuity.

Businesses that have been mismanaged should fail. Businesses that need to reorganize under bankruptcy laws, should do so. Government bailouts are not the answer. Our laws are for everyone, the corporation and the individual, the big, the tall and the small.

Our government should not be in the business of picking winners and losers by providing taxpayer funds to finance greedy, corrupt or incompetent businesses and practices.

People and corporations must be held accountable for their behavior, including but not limited to their business decisions. There must be more than a sense of responsibility it must be real and it must be accounted for.

There must be consequences. For those who have violated the public trust, they should be brought to justice and for those who have acted incompetently, they should be removed.

The marketplace is resilient. We will come back stronger economically, if Wall Street and Main Street operate on the same rules and principles.

Now is the time for sacrifice, but out of sacrifice we will be a stronger nation. We have all lost something of value in this past year, but there is nothing more valuable than our collective spirit and that is still in tact and unwavering.

The American People can solve any problem and over come any diversity. My message to my government is simple, 'Let my People go'! Get out of our way and lighten our load and we will come back stronger than ever.
On the road to destroying our country as we know it, Obama likes to be compared to one of our greatest presidents, Abraham Lincoln. The following is our comparison:
Abraham Lincoln said: "You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich."
Obama thinks: The rich have exploited the poor, let's take what they have.
Abraham Lincoln said: "You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong."
Obama thinks: Why are they strong? It's not fair.
Abraham Lincoln said: "You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down."
Obama thinks: The wage payer needs to pay more taxes to pay for our welfare programs.
Abraham Lincoln said: "You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred."
Obama thinks: Class hatred will help us get elected and achieve our socialist goals.
Abraham Lincoln said: "You cannot build character and courage by taking away men's initiative and independence."
Obama thinks: They'll always need us if they're dependent!

Abraham Lincoln said: "You cannot help men permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves."
Obama thinks: Why not?
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:

The Vice President was locked behind closed doors getting his marching orders from the Executive Council of the AFL-CIO at their retreat at the posh Fontainebleau Hotel and Spa on Miami Beach. The Administration rails on U.S. Corporations for having meetings and conventions in similar settings, yet, when organized labor does it, they not not only get a pass, they get the Vice President of the United States to show up. The Obama Administration was to be the most transparent in history. Why then was the Press locked out of any coverage of this Union Event? What was so secretive that no press coverage was allowed? The 10 year Spending Bill that was just passed by Congress and signed by the President is a boon to Unions. It contains everything they could have ever hoped for. There is no doubt that Unions were instrumental in the victories the Democrats experienced this past November. This gives new meaning to the adage, "to the victor goes the spoils". For the Vice President of the United States to participate in a closed door Union "commission" meeting is a scene right out of "The Godfather".
Rush Limbaugh is being attack by the liberal press with marching orders from this liberal administration.  The reason we listen and look up to Rush is that he espouses the conservative principles that we believe in better than anyone else.  He pokes fun at the lunacy of liberal ideas in a way that's entertaining.  Because of that, he is referred to as an "entertainer".  When you pick a fight with Rush you are picking a fight with all of us that believe in him and our shared conservative ideals. Bring it on!
While we're busy watching the socialist economic disaster that Obama is bringing on America, he's busy dismantling our defense capabilities.  Not only does this administration refuse to use the phrase, "War on Terror", they're also weakening our policies. Planning on closing Gitmo, releasing terrorist prisoners, dropping charges for the Cole bomber and now selling out our allies in Poland and Czechoslovakia.  He has sent a letter to the Russian president implying discarding our missile defense commitments to Poland and Czechoslovakia in exchange for Russia helping us limit Iran's nuclear ambitions.
It's been over one month now and the evidence of the markets lack of confidence in this administration's socialists policies is evident. Every time they bring out a new plan or "Spendulus" package the markets tank. The publics confidence can't get much lower.  Before long, the only "change" we'll have is the "change" in our pockets!
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:

Rush Limbaugh says what many think. First and foremost, Limbaugh is an entertainer and political philosopher. Through is humor though, is truth and candor. He is not a substitute for the leadership of our party but he does compliment it. His first “address to the nation” I deemed a home run on Fox News immediately following. He reminded Conservatives that we have nothing to be ashamed of. Our values are worth fighting for and we should never surrender our principles because we are not the majority party in power. Now is the time to re-double our efforts and hold Democrats accountable. Now is the time to fight back against policies that will do great harm to our Country.  America is a right of center nation, regardless of what Democrats would like us to believe. They have over-reached in the governance already and their attitude that “we won, therefore, we rule”, will come back to haunt them. We need to get out act together, cultivate dynamic candidates and take them on in 2012. By then, the American People would have had quite enough of their Socialist policies and out of control government spending and intervention.
Dick Morris

The draconian tax increases on the segment of the population that pays most of the taxes, generates most of the jobs, employs most of the workforce, and accounts for much of the consumer spending will chill whatever small warmth the stimulus package can generate. How can Obama pretend that he wants to encourage confidence among bankers and consumers while he regulates them, taxes them, and vilifies them? His tax increases make it clear that he is less interested in solving the recession and the financial crisis than he is in vindicating his political agenda of redistribution of wealth and income. The price of this policy will be lost growth and lost jobs.
Seems like everyday brings a new round of spending beyond belief.  Obama criticizes spending during the Bush administration years even though he voted for every one and even others that weren't approved.  He criticizes the annual deficit during the Bush years yet his first budget would more than triple that deficit!  He promises to cut the deficit in half during his term while bringing about the largest growth in federal spending ever, by far.  Obama says with a straight face that he's against earmarks while pushing nothing but earmarks.  His socialist/Marxist dreams are coming true at the expense of the American people and our future.
Here we go again.  So much for bi-partisanship, the house today approved $410 Billion more of new spending.  The vote went along party lines with little Republican participation allowed.  The bill has NINE-THOUSAND EARMARKS (that's PORK for those that are not paying attention).  If it looks like a pig, walks like a pig and smells like a pig, you can bet it's a pig! Obama is a modern day Pinocchio, pretty soon his nose will have to be carried in on an Amtrak train.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:

The President is right in his diagnosis of our problems, however, he is wrong in the cure for what ails us. We as Americans have become "momentarians". We live for today, instead of providing for today, and planning for our future. Democrats believe that we can tax and spend our way to prosperity. Republicans believe we should cut taxes and spending and grow our way to financial health. We believe in more stimulus and less investment with public funds. There was nothing new in this Address. It is the same ole same ole Democratic rhetoric. The difference being that this time they have the votes to make it reality. They really believe that, "we won, therefore, we rule". It is the responsibility of the minority party to support the majority when we can and challenge them when we must. We will never surrender our principles nor should we. The President puts the horse before the cart. He spends first and then talks about the "scalpel" he will use to cut spending. The biggest spender in the history of the world cannot be trusted to cut spending. There was nothing new in this speech, just a different venue. The Address should have been focused singularly on the problem at hand, the economy, and not every other policy issue under the sun. This was a State of the Union speech not a Joint Address on the most critical problem facing us.
After trashing the economy for over a year, Obama will attempt tonight to "change" perceptions.  His scare tactics worked to help pass the socialist takeover of our country, now faced with the reality of having to resurrect what they destroyed, he's attempting to pull the wool over our eyes again.  The tide is turning and more Americans are now realizing that this path of "change" is heading right into a chasm of socialism that will be hard to recover from.
Rep. Clyburn, Democrat from South Carolina is insinuating racism from the Republican Governors that are refusing federal government money.  He says that the majority of people that would be affected are from the, "black belt", is that in Karate?  We didn't know there was a "black belt". The reason they are refusing it is because of the strings attached.  One of these strings is an extension of unemployment benefits that would be paid by the feds for 2 years.  The bailout calls for the states that accept this money to make this change "permanently", even though fed funding wouldn't be. Before bankrupting their states, these brave governors are standing up to socialism being forced upon their citizens.  They should be applauded!
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal has refused government bailout money because of the strings attached. We should all learn from his lead and follow suit. The big government handouts of our own "borrowed" money will only lead to socialism and the collapse of our economic system.

New article posted today from WND about Alan Keyes and Obama's eligibility is a must read.  Check the "Articles" link.  A video clip is imbedded.
The president unveiled his home mortgage assistance program today.  Basically it calls for "rules-of-the-road" for banks to follow and keep people in their homes.  Defaulting to the same type of rules that got us in this mess to begin with. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, with the assistance from corrupt groups such as Acorn and their Democrat buddies in Congress, helped lead to sub-prime failure.  Forcing banks to make loans to people that didn't have the means to pay them back, all in the name of the Community Reinvestment Act and social engineering gone wild.  So to fix this mess, let's force them to do it again.  Don't worry, the American people will pick up the tab.  Let's penalize the hard working American family that sacrifices to pay their mortgage by rewarding failure by the "defaulters".
The "Spendulus" bill is now the "Spendulus" law. But wait, there's more.  Sounds like a $19.95 commercial.  The "spendulus Sequel" is just around the corner.  Hold on to your wallets America!  Before long we'll hear the continued woes of the economy coming from this administration and their liberal/progressive/socialist accomplices asking for another one.  If we keep rewarding failure by bailing out those involved in it, we will continue to get more of it.  When you are in a hole, you do not keep digging in order to get out!
Through control of the legislature, an adoring manipulated media, socialist policies to maintain the publics dependence on big government, and "asking" those workers that are dependent to come out in support for you, it's not difficult to see how this could lead to tyranny. Use the above stated resources to change the constitution in order to stay in power and you have dictatorship.  A socialist/communist dictatorship from which it is very difficult to recover.  This scenario is playing out today in Chavez's Venezuela. Could never happen here?
Now that the "Bi-Partisan" "Spendulus" bill has passed and we're well on our way towards socialism, censorship is next.  Although the vast majority of the media is very liberal in their reporting and choice-reporting of the news and political events, the one place where conservatives are the majority, talk radio, is soon to be targeted. The so called "Fairness Doctrine" which is really a "Censorship Doctrine", aims only to curtail conservative talk radio programming.  None of the other forms of communication like newspapers or network TV would be affected.  Let's hope that some Democrats see this for what it is, an attack on the first amendment, and help defeat it.
Neil Turner

Dear Friends of the Truth and the Constitution;
We obviously cannot wait 4 years to save our Constitutional Republic from the Marxist-Socialist plans of the illegal and unconstitutional administration of the usurper, Mr. Obama/Soetoro. We can survive 4 years of any President, but we cannot survive without our Constitution.
Read Dr. Orly Taitz open letter to Senator Charles Grassley concerning the eligibility issue:  Click here
Bi-Partisan to Democrats in the House and Senate means, Republicans need not show up.  That's if they were invited to begin with.  The Democrats in the House and Senate have the gall to say they reached an agreement in conference for the "Spendulus" bill.  Let's see if we can get this straight, they agreed with themselves?  That's very reassuring.  OK, now that they have this "agreement", it's time to rush the vote. Oh, didn't we tell you, you can't see what's in the bill until after you vote for it. The more light that was shined on the Senate bill the more people turned against it.  That makes sense, "don't let anyone see it, then maybe they'll take our word for it".  This massive "Spendulus" / Socialist bill is the largest transfer of power from the private sector to the government in our history.  Socializing health care is just one part of it. While other governments in the world are moving towards our capitalist system, this administration and congress is moving towards the failed policy's of their systems.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:

Secretary Geithner blew it big time.
The President at his Press Conference
Monday evening announced that Secretary Geithner in a few days would make an
important announcement as to the mechanics of going forward with a
comprehensive plan to deal with our economic crisis beyond the 840 billion
Recovery Bill that is working its way through Congress. The American People,
Wall Street, and the World awaited this great announcement, this
comprehensive and detailed plan. Yesterday, the moment everyone was waiting
for came, Secretary Geithner appeared and delivered a TelePrompTer speech
looking like a deer in the headlights. He exuded zero confidence and his
words were hollow. There was no detailed plan, instead, he spoke of doom and
gloom and sacrifice and the failure to act. He talked in generalities and
additional costs of money and financial guarantees of the government to the
tune of over 2.5 trillion dollars. Wall Street responded to his speech with
one of the largest one day declines in recent memory. Geithner was billed as
the “financial whiz kid”, and the “only one who knows what to do and how to
get it done”. Well, based on what we all saw and heard yesterday this guy is
more like the Wizard of Oz than the Einstein of economics. The 64 Trillion
Dollar question is, what do we do now?

We have a new President that has high approval ratings but
doesn’t have the equally high caliber of people surrounding him that seem
capable of solving or communicating with confidence the solutions to our
financial woes. One thing is for sure, they all are good at painting a
picture of despair and catastrophe. The President needs to regroup fast. He
doesn’t have much time before the catastrophe of which he speaks becomes a
reality because of what he has done or not done to our economy.
Obama says; "The time for talking is over". Why is he still talking? The "Spendulus" bill is in conference between the House and Senate.  Missing from this conference are Republicans.  They were not welcome, so much for "Change" and bipartisanship. Even the weak-link-RINO's were not invited to the conference party they helped create.  Democrats are trying to snow (no pun intended) the public by taking a controversial program out with one hand and replacing it with another, like a magician pulls a rabbit out of his hat.
As expected, the Senate passed the "Spendulus" bill, thanks in part, to the 3 RINO's. Collins and Snowe from Maine and soon to be ex-Senator Specter from PA. The Senate is supposed to be the place where legislation slows down and is debated to ensure that the public's best interest is upheld.  Why was this bill rushed through?  Why when light was shined on sections of this massive "Spendulus" bill that are wasteful and not "stimulus" where senators surprised? Shouldn't they have known what's in the bill they voted on?  When money for the indicted group Acorn was pointed out, oops, "we don't know how it got in there", they said.  When a section that would socialize our health care system was pointed out, oops, "we don't know how it got in there", they said. We could go on and on but, you get the point.  Obama says we'll be building bridges and roads and put people back to work.  I don't know about you but I don't know many bridge builders.  This president is definitely NOT a bridge builder, if he was, he wouldn't be trashing his predecessor for spending which he voted for every step of the way.  His party IS the tax and spend party! Their Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae socialism experiment is partially to blame for the sub-prime mess that helped get us here. Their trashing the economy, after the Iraq war turned around, helped create this situation (A turn around that wouldn't have happened if Obama was president, but that's a story for another day).  Consumer confidence is a major part of our economy, you can't expect to keep putting our economy down, scaring us and expect us to react in a positive manner.
Bradley A. Blakeman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United  States, George W. Bush:

President Teleprompter was at it again. I cannot recall the last time, if ever, a President used a Teleprompter at a Press Conference. The President must learn to be less scripted. He even scripted the people and the news organizations he would call on. His first answer on the Economy from the AP reporter’s question, was rambling and hard to follow. He did not do a good job of explaining his plan and why it would be best for America. He said there would be an announcement tomorrow by the Treasury Secretary about the allocation of further TARP but gave no indication as to what he will say or announce. On Iran, he is hell bent on engaging with them directly without condition. This is rewarding bad actors without getting anything favorable to the US for our “change” of position. Making good on a bad campaign promise appears to be more important that doing the right thing. The President claimed that their are no earmark amendments in the Recovery Bill, if he read the Bill, he would have realized that the entire bill is made up of earmarks, thus there is not need to earmark an earmark. Apparently, we learned in the Press Conference that the President’s only main criteria for the Recovery Bill is that Congress promised that the Bill will create 4 million jobs. He doesn’t seem to care much about the nitty gritty. The Bill should have been his Bill not Congress’ in the first place. The President claims that confidence is important for the markets, yet he continues to be Dr. Doom when he talks about economic catastrophe will be fall us, unless we do exactly what he wants done. The President actually had to admit that Iraq is getting better politically and had tacit praise for the successful elections that took place last week. Had he been President in 2008 there would not have been a Surge and Iraq would be hopelessly lost. If The Press Conference was meant to sell the Recovery Plan, then, I think it was a failure. He would have done a much better job in a devoted nationally televised speech where he could walk the American People through it thoughtfully. The President ended the Press Conference in a very Statesmanlike manner when he said. “Thank you guys!”, waved and walked off. As an aside, I was shocked that Helen Thomas asked a coherent question on whether the President was aware of any Middle East Countries that possess Nuclear Weapons. A question the President would not answer.
Tom Korologos, Former ambassador, consultant and Republican strategist:

He should say “The only thing to fear is fear itself…” (Forgive me, but I suggested that to FDR some years ago and as I recall it’s already been used). The point is he should lay off the total negative gloom-and-doom-and-disaster-and-awful-and-it’s-getting worse-by-the-hour talk. He’s just adding to the mess. I’m not saying we want happy talk but why can’t he be positive and say “America’s best days are still ahead… Americans constantly bounce back from adversity… that’s the American way.” Also, lay off this corporate bashing. It wouldn’t hurt if there were at least ONE corporate executive—my gosh, I’ll accept a bar tender or a grocery store manager—who should be at the table Administration table who actually knows how business works. One of the problems with this Administration is there are too many former members of Congress in it and Congresses do two things best: Nothing and Overreact.
Obama travels to get support for stimulus Bill
President Barack Hussein Obama traveled to Indiana today  where he warned the audience the "Doing nothing is not an option," to which my reply would be, let's not do something that is not well thought out or better yet, ill-conceived. 
More importantly, Mr. Obama went on to say that "Our nation will sink into a crisis that at some point we may be unable to reverse."   This is not leadership, it is blatant fear mongering!  He went there specifically to grand stand in an area of the country which is truly hurting from past Democratic legislation affecting the recreational vehicle industry.  He should have stayed in DC, rolled up his sleeves, a la recent Oval Office pictures, and at least made the appearance of trying to be the bipartisan he requests of everyone else.
Tonight he will go on TV at 8:00 for the debut of the soon to be regular  "Barack Obama Hour" ,  a comedy or "Errors" no doubt.  Someone needs to tell Mr. Obama that the campaign is over, (he's only been off the campaign trail for 4 months now, out of 30 months) and remind him he's already The President of the United States, and now he actually has to work or better yet, how about some Leadership.
In another power grab by this administration, under pressure from minority groups that they're beholden to, they've decided to have the director of the Census Bureau report directly to the White House.  The dangers of potential  manipulation for political gains is obvious.  This is just another reason why the "Spendulus" bill needs to be defeated. 
Looks like a few RINO's in the Senate have joined forces with the Democrats to try and ram the "Spendulus" bill down our throats.  They call it a; "compromise bill", we call it; " A Pig with a Haircut".  Not much hair on a pig to begin with!  Note to the Socialists in the Congress and the White House: The American people are not normally as easily fooled as they were during this past election.  Back-off your strong armed tactics and scare mongering before you do irreparable damage to our economy.  Off course this doesn't fit your socialist agenda, we were just hoping for a "change" that you would put your country first.
Senate Republicans should follow the House lead and vote against the "Stimulus-a-mongus-spend-our-grandchildrens-money-democrat-protection-because-we-care-for-everyone-and-love-change" bill.  Economic stability and growth comes from the private sector through the ingenuity and freedom of the American people.  Government intervention and scare tactics serve only to prolong the recovery.  A major part of the publics spending comes from confidence in their future and that of our economy.  Mr. President STOP trashing OUR economy!!!
Our fearless and hopeful president keeps pumping fear into the economy.  Hoping to blackmail the public into supporting his socialist power grab.  At a time when optimistic leadership is needed, he continues to scare the dickens out of the public.  His accomplices in the congress and media should be ashamed of themselves.  Of course they won't be, this fits right into their plans.  "Take advantage of the economic problems to advance their socialist agenda."
We've had many recessions before and will have them in the future.  Our capitalist economy is the envy of the world and will self correct if the government gets out of the way.  The more they interfere, the worse the outcome will be, and the longer recovery will take, if we ever recover from their meddling!